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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1372
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Chapter 1372 Gilbert and Marigold (47)

Marigold felt that she was about to lose her mind. He was deliberately seducing her,

wasn't he? He clearly knew she liked him, yet he seduced her like that!

She bit her lips and felt she should teach him a lesson.

In the next second, she immediately took charge. She reached out her hand and held

Gilbert's chin. "What do you want me to do?"

Gilbert chuckled softly. This was truly extremely interesting. He said nothing, but he didn't

stop moving either. He slowly got closer to Marigold, so much so that he was almost

touching her lips. "Am I the one who wants it, or are you?"

"Damn it!" Marigold swore inwardly. She was blushing so hard that her earlobes were red.

She was shy and a little nervous. She was even a little excited.

Marigold felt that she should just do it. Since he had thrown himself at her, she would be

wasting this opportunity if she did nothing.

Right when she was about to kiss Gilbert, their car was violently hit. Fortunately, Gilbert

hugged her in time. Otherwise, the impact would have thrown her to the front seat.

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"What's going on?" Marigold looked a little terrified when she regained her senses.

Gilbert's gaze turned cold. Looking through the windshield, he saw a car blocking their car.

It looked like it was not an accident.

"Mr. Hawthorn..." The driver was also dazed. That car was still driving next to them earlier.

Why would it suddenly come crashing into them?

Gilbert hugged Marigold and glanced out the car window. "Reverse and go around the


He knew they were coming at him, and he wasn't afraid of trouble. However, Marigold was

still in the car. He had to first ensure that she was safe.

The driver started the engine again as soon as he heard Gilbert's words. However, the

other party didn't plan to let them leave. There was another impact. It was another car.

They blocked their way, giving them no chance to drive away.

Gilbert's expression turned grim. Then, he made a decision very quickly." Abandon the car.

Let's go!"

Upon saying that, he opened the car door and brought Marigold into an alley before the

other party could get down from their cars.

Fortunately, the night had fallen at that moment, so the men would not be able to find

Marigold and Gilbert so soon. However, Gilbert also knew that this was not a solution.

Gilbert heard a loud bang-a gunshot. He had no choice but to be cautious. These people

actually had guns on them.

Marigold also knew how serious the matter was. She was by Gilbert's side and said, "I've

already notified Jenny. They should be arriving very soon."

Gilbert frowned. He was a little worried. He knew at a glance that these people were not

easy to mess with. Jenny would be in danger if she were to come over.

"Alec is with her. He will definitely keep her safe," Marigold added. It was as if she could

tell what he was worried about.

Gilbert responded with a hum and made no other comments. Then, he said, "Follow me


Both of them hid in an alley quietly. However, they kept hearing footsteps, both near and

far, coming from behind them. They occasionally also heard shots being fired. They had no

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way to keep their minds at ease.

"We cant keep staying here. I'll go lure them away. You find a place to hide. Leave only

after they have left." Gilbert was certain that these people were coming at him. Therefore,

once he showed his face, they certainly would leave with him.

He wanted to leave, but Marigold didn't allow it. "No! Together!"

"Stop fooling around!" Gilbert looked at her seriously. He didn't want Marigold to get into

trouble with him.

However, Marigold was very firm. "I'm not fooling around."

She was right. She was not fooling around. She had never been this serious before. If they

were not in an inappropriate place at that moment, Gilbert probably would not be able to

hold himself back and hug her.

He didn't force her. He just protected her even more.

"Watch out!"

A shot was fired, then Marigold could be heard shouting. She rushed forward and stood in

front of Gilbert.

Another loud bang came-another shot!

At that moment, Gilbert felt the world turned black and white, and his heart was pounding

like mad. It was as if he was about to lose something important.