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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1332
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Chapter 1332 Gilbert and Marigold (7)

When Marigold arrived at the hospital, Jenny was there to greet her and personally

accompany her for her health examination. After reviewing the results and confirming that

there were no major issues at the moment, Jenny was visibly relieved.

Marigold saw everything Jenny did for her, n.ovëlx.o and a complicated emotion arose in

her heart.

'Thank you." The two of them stood at the entrance of the hospital.

Marigold didn't know what else to say to Jenny besides her gratitude. If Jenny hadn’t

persuaded Gilbert to take care of the child and convinced him to let her stay at his villa,

Marigold couldn't imagine how she would have ended up.

She would be raising the child alone, n.ovëlx.o carrying her child with her while going to

the hospital for her treatments. Although she would have the money that Gilbert gave her

and wouldn't live a life that was too miserable or pathetic, it definitely wouldn't compare

to her current life.

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She felt nothing but gratitude toward Jenny.

’I'm sorry!’ Before Jenny could say anything, Marigold apologized to her in earnest.

Jenny was surprised. 'What are you apologizing for all of a sudden?"

’I just want to say sorry for what happened in the past." Marigold felt ashamed to look into

Jenny's eyes. In fact, she'd owed Jenny this apology for far too long. She didn't even know

whether it was too late for her to ask for forgiveness.

Jenny smiled at her sincere words. With that, novëlx.o their past grievances were resolved

and gone with the wind. "I forgive you."

She didn't say there was no need to apologize, but rather that she forgave her.

Marigold looked up, met Jenny's gaze, and confirmed she'd been truly forgiven. At that

moment, the heavy boulder that had been pressing on her heart was finally lifted. She

could finally see Jenny for who she was and recognize her benevolence.

’Let's go. We still have to register for your baby's Social Security number," n.ove.lx.o Jenny


After getting into Jenny's car, Marigold said, "His name is Caleb Hawthorn, and his

nickname is Cal."

Jenny paused for a moment and then grinned. 'Cal? That's quite nice."

’Yes." Marigold also thought it had a good ring.

With Jenny's help, the Social Security registration for little Caleb was swiftly taken care of.

When they arrived at Gilbert's villa, Jenny asked, ’ What about holding a naming ceremony

for the baby? Things like these won't cross Gilbert's mind. As his mother, you should make

these plans yourself."

’I-I wasn't planning to do anything.' Marigold bit her lip, xo feeling somewhat contrite

after saying it out loud.

Jenny frowned. 'Why not?"

Marigold didn't say anything, but Jenny quickly realized her concern and felt indignant.

"Even though you're not married to Gilbert, what does that have anything to do with the

child? You shouldn't hesitate to give him anything he deserves, do you understand?"

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’The naming ceremony must be held, and it must be grand! Everyone must know that Cal

is your child with Gilbert. Even if you're not married, he's still your child and deserves all

the love and adoration," Jenny said in a serious tone.

She didn't think not being married was a valid reason for Marigold not to hold the naming

ceremony. If they could skip such a meaningful event this time because they weren't

married, what about next time? Would they deny what the child deserved again because

they were unmarried? If the child was bullied in the future, would they have to cower and

be unable to fend for themselves because their parents weren't legally wedded?

Although Horace took care of Jenny when she was young, xo some classmates still

teased her for not having parents. She was young then and didn't understand things well,

but she was particularly sensitive to such matters.

If Horace hadn't comforted her later and explained things to her patiently, .xo she

might have gone astray.

Therefore, she didn’t want Cal to go through the same thing. She wanted everyone,

including Marigold and Gilbert, to acknowledge that he was their child, and regardless of

whether his parents were married or not, he would receive all the love and care he
