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The ultimate husband

Chapter 4040
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Chapter 4040

As he finished his sentence, Archfiend Antigonus raised his hands slowly. His deep, robust voice rang through the

whole Sealed Fiend Mountain.

"My great warriors of the fiend race. Rise."

The bloody fog enveloping the surroundings of the blood formation seemed to gain sentience, sinking to the

ground and condensing immediately before disappearing beneath the blood formation altogether.

Oh, no!

Master Magaera's face changed. His body trembled in outrage.

It was no wonder Archfiend Antigonus had been so calm even after he had lost so much of his energy.

It was because his fiend army was about to be revived any moment then.

Next to him, Grunt's face had also paled to a ghostly white.

Just as Master Magaera and Grunt were frozen in shock, a series of strange noises could

be heard from below the ground. It was closely followed by the appearance of countless

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figures springing from the earth.

The figures were of countless blue skeletons. Their hollowed eye sockets shone with a

sinister bloody glow, sending a chill down one's spine.

There were hundreds of thousands of those skeletons. It was a blood-curdling sight.

Master Magaera and the rest of the soldiers trembled in fear.

They were suddenly aware of a crisis they had never encountered before.

Archfiend Antigonus had succeeded in reviving hundreds of thousands of fiends. There

was no escaping the tragedy that was about to occur.

While the soldiers were busy gathering their spirits, they saw many bloodied veins creep

up from beneath the ground. They crawled up the skeletons, condensing into blood-red

helmets on their heads.

Right after that, the hundreds of thousands of fiend soldiers bowed in unison to Archfiend


Archfiend Antigonus was overwhelmed with emotion. It was finally time to reclaim his

glory after so many years.

At that thought, Archfiend Antigonus stopped smiling. He cried out with a solemn face.

"Fellow warriors of the fiend race! I'm sure you've all been waiting for this day for a long,

long time."

"Let all the rage and resentment you have harbored over the years be taken out on these

men in front of you. Take every single one of them down, and leave no survivors!"

The hundreds of thousands of fiends let out a series of howls, loud enough to pierce

through the heavens. They charged toward the soldiers around them like starved beasts.


The soldiers were still frozen in shock. In the face of the sudden attack of the fiends, they

barely had time to act. Many of them fell to the floor upon being impaled, blood spraying

from their mouths as they collapsed.

"Why you—"

Master Magaera clenched his fists, rage coursing through his veins.

Archfiend Antigonus could hardly contain his glee. He called out to Master Magaera with a laugh. "Weren't you so

confident just a second ago, Master Magaera? Where's that bravado now?"

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"You thought bringing a few hundred thousand soldiers would gain you an advantage in the situation? Listen up.

They're all going to die here today, every last one of them!"

Master Magaera's eyes were positively bloodshot with rage. "Don't look so smug. You don't know who will win the

war today yet!"

Master Magaera let out a deafening roar and charged toward his opponents.

At the same time, he called out to the soldiers around him. "Listen up! This war will change the fate and

wellbeing of the Godly Region. Now is not the time to back down. We shall defeat every last one of them, even if

it takes our last breaths to do so."


Master Magaera's cries of fierce encouragement snapped many soldiers back into their senses. Channeling their

internal energy, they rushed forward into battle with the fiends.

The Sealed Fiend Mountain rang with the clashes of weapons and battle cries. The atmosphere, already sinister

before, only grew more ominous.

Both sides were equal in strength and manpower, and it was hard to tell a clear winner at first.

Yet slowly, the Godly Region's strength began to wane. A series of bottomless holes started to appear in the

blood formation. Those were the holes from which more fiends would appear, trapping soldiers to fall into them

as they materialized.