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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 982
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Chapter 982

After crossing God knew how many mountains, the sky gradually turned dark. We had yet to find a resting place

for the night, so Shannon suggested a little worriedly, "Why don’t we continue forward? There were many human

traces along the way earlier, so there must be a village somewhere. If we can find someone, then we'll be able to

call for help."

Nina agreed. "If we can find villagers nearby, then we can finally go home. | agree to continue on our journey.”

Everyone else nodded to agree. Fueled by hope and motivation, we were able to move much quicker than


When we went over another mountain and saw the lights in the distance, Nina cried tears of joy. "When | get

home, I'm going to buy that bag I've had my eyes o n for so long yet never got around to buying. Then, I'm going

to confess my love for my crush."

Holly also said while crying, "You should all cto my place first. I'll treat you to our famous loyal skewers."

"Or you should all cto my place and have hotpot instead. | don't think I'll get sick of it even if | eat it for a

week consecutively," Shannon said with a smile.

She was a very beautiful girl who looked exceptionally stunning when she smiled.

Dazaray stopped praying and looked at us, saying, " The reason you survived is that God protected you. You

should all start repenting for your sins."

Those words spoiled everyone's mood and left all of us speechless. We merely gave her a glance, having no

intention to entertain her.

Shannon looked atand asked with a smile, "What d o you want to do most when you go home?"

What did | want to do most when | go home?

| fell silent for a very long tbefore saying, "I might go and see someone I really miss. I'll hug him and tell him

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

that I'm sorry." 2

She was a little stunned, then asked with a gossipy expression, "He's not your lover, is he?"

| pursed my lips and smiled slightly, saying no more.

When we got to the village, the sky had completely turned dark. In the remote mountains, not many lived here

due to the inconvenient transportation and road conditions. There seemed to be only a dozen families 0 r so.

"Let's find a random household and ask them to help us."

Having said that, Shannon walked down the never-ending steps and cto a house. She then knocked 0

n the door.

The sound of barking dogs cfrom inside the door. Nina and Holly were scared of dogs, so they hid behind

Shannon and me.

Not long after that, the door was opened from the inside. The tenant was a middle-aged man who looked quite


He said a few words but none of us could understand him.

Thaddea was more experienced, so after realizing what was going on, she said to us, "He's speaking a foreign

language. Looks like we've already crossed the border.”

As soon as she said that, the rest of us were completely stunned. We did not expect to cross the border at all.

What should we do now?

As the village was shut off from the rest of the world all year round, the villagers here were extremely wary of

outsiders. When the man realized that he did not understand a thing we were saying, he started driving us away.

Just as we were at a loss, a little girl of about ten years old crunning out from inside.

She tugged at the man's sleeve, and after saying something to him, he relaxed and started gesturing at us.

Thaddea tried to communicate with him by gesturing back. None of us knew what they were trying to tell each

other, but the man eventually allowed us to enter.

As this was a poverty-stricken village, the man owned only an earth-sheltered house with incandescent lamps

used in rural areas back in the 90s. The wattage was very low and was not very bright. The furniture also

consisted of only two beds and a closet.

The man went out to the kitchen built underneath a tent and brought three plates of food.

He gestured to us a few times, asking us to eat.

We had not eaten in days, so when we finally had the chance to eat, we did not care whether the food tasted

good or bad. After thanking him, we started gobbling u p the food.

After eating, we noticed the father and the daughter squatting on one side. They stared at us with fear and worry

in their eyes.

Shannon gestured at us a few times, asking to borrow their phone. However, they merely stared blankly at her,

seemingly not knowing what a phone was.

With that, we could only wait until tomorrow to ask the other villagers.

We stayed here for the night. Even though the place was rudimentary, it was still better than being in the


When we woke up the next day, the man was picking grapes from the shelves in the yard.

The little girl was holding a basket standing beside him. The man put the grapes in the basket. Both father and

daughter would exchange glances from tto twith smiles on their faces, looking very content.

"Being rich or poor isn’t an indicator of a person’s contentment level.” Shannon sighed.

| raised my eyebrows. "Did you recall something that made you unhappy?"

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Shannon chuckled. "I was just lamenting. I've figured out many things after this incident. Enjoy the best that you

can when you're still alive. If my current life makesunhappy, then I'll go after the life that will make me


"Everything in life is fated. Nothing is up to us. There are a lot of things which you have no control over.” Dazaray


Shannon looked at her with a face full of helplessness. "Has anyone ever told you that you're very annoying?"

Dazaray acted as though she did not hear her and walked straight to the little girl's side, helping her to pick up

the grapes that had fallen to the ground.

With the urge to go hsooner, Shannon tookwith her to search for families in the village who owned a


We thought that it was impossible for the whole village to not have a single handphone in this era, but after

asking around, we realized that it was truly the case.

We huddled together in disappointment. Holly said, "If there's no other choice, then let's just keep moving.

Perhaps we'll find a phone when we get to a city or perhaps even meet our fellow countrymen."

"We don't have a map. It’s too dangerous to walk aimlessly. Besides, we'll be captured if the police see u's," Nina

said with a sigh.

"What's wrong with being taken away by the police?" Holly said, "We'll stand a chance to go hif the police

take us away.”

"That's right!" Shannon's eyes lit up as she said a little excitedly, "We'll tell them what happened and we can

then go home.”

With hopes of going home, everyone was overjoyed.

We had no idea where the police station was, nor did w e know how the villagers could contact the police.

With the language barrier, we were worried that the villagers would panic if we asked them to call the police for «

us. Hence, we had to think of a way to get them to call the police of their own accord.