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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 655
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Chapter 654 I smiled and picked him up as I stood up. "I can always meet the people I want to see in my dreams." He did not understand what I was implying and after thinking about it for a long time, he looked at Fred and asked, "Uncle Fred, did you say a prayer?" Fred rubbed his head. "I prayed that you and Tina will be able to grow up happily." Of course, the greatest wish of a parent was for their child to grow up safely and happily.

The temperature change was drastic during summer. When we went up the hill, it was sunny, but the weather beccloudy on our way down with the wind blowing over with a cool breeze.

I was afraid that this would happen, so I brought two jackets for the kids when we left home. I took the two jackets out of my backpack and put them on the kids. I said, "Let's hurry up and start our descent. I didn't bring an umbrella. It'll be bad if it rains." Fred took off his jacket and handed it to me. "You should put on slayers so you don't catch a cold too." I did not take it from him. "It's okay, I'm not cold. It'll be warmer when we get down to the car." He furrowed his eyebrows and draped the jacket over my shoulders.

It was a kind gesture and I could not refuse it any further, so I just thanked him softly.

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Munchkin grabbed Tina's hand and leaned over to her ear as he asked in a whisper, "Pumpkin, does your daddy like my mommy?" Tina tilted her head to look at Fred and shook her head. "I don't know." That was how little children spoke, always so straightforward.

Fred and I both heard it and felt a little awkward at that moment.

The setting sun shone on the clothes on my shoulders. It was normal between friends to be worried about each other and it was not always because it was a crush.

Probably tired from the hike and the fact that the car was heated, the two children fell asleep in the car on the way back.

When we arrived home, Fred got out of the car and was about to carry Munchkin up.

I graciously declined. "It's getting late. You should take Tina back and rest. I can carry Munchkin up myself." He froze slightly and nodded. 40-year-old men had a different style when dealing with things compared to young men in their 20s.

A woman's polite refusal was something to be respectful of.

I carried Munchkin and watched them leave.

When the car was out of sight, I turned around and went into the building.

At that moment, my phone rang and I retrieved it. It was an unknown number. I picked it up and asked suspiciously, "Hello, may I know who's speaking?" It s me.

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Two simple words. I certainly would not have been able to tell who it was if it were not for his familiar voice. "Would you feel that I'm intruding if I showed up right now?" The man's voice was low, magnetic, and sexy.

I turned to look outside the building.

A man in a black suit stood under the lightin dim streetlights With the light shining down from above his head, he looked like a vampire on this dark night. He looked atwith deep eyes, and his emotions were mixed.

Compared to three years ago, he seemed much more stable now an top of his handsomeness and dignified air, he was starting to get more and more attractive.

When I realized that I had been too staring at him for too long, tlooked away and spoke faintly, "Would you like to cup for a drink?"