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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 521
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Chapter 521

| figured | was strong enough to handle whatever the news was, that | would be able to take it no matter how

bad it was. She could just tellwhat she found.

Heidi looked atand said after a very long time, "M r. Grant is calling you again, Miss Wanda. Do you want to

pick it up first? He seems pretty worried about you."

| looked down at my phone screen and the n'Theo Grant’ entered my vision, which madeeven more


He must be hopping mad now because | had not replied to any of the texts he sentearlier nor returned his

calls after many missed calls. | was certain that an argument would break out if | picked u p the call at this


1 did not have the tor energy to argue with him, so | mercilessly rejected his call.

"Do you stay very far away from here?" | looked up at Heidi.

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"Quite far." Heidi leaned back in her seat. "I'm going back to my house to celebrate New Year's and will leave in a

few days. The Schumans are holding a family banquet in the next few days, so you need to return to Whaldorf

City before then. Therefore, you need to quickly finish up your affairs over here. I'll drive you to a place tomorrow

and you can decide your next course of action."

I nodded.

Later, Heidi sentto Regal Villa. This place had been vacant for a very long twith only two servants

cleaning the place all year round.

When the servants saw me, they quickly entered the bedroom to clean it.

When they were done cleaning, | planned to go back to my room to take a shower and get srest. Heidi

would cvery early the next morning to picku P-

After coming out of the bathroom, | picked up my phone and Theo happened to be calling me.

| hesitated for a few seconds before answering it.

"Where are you, Wanda?” It was Zedd's voice.

| pursed my lips. "What's wrong?"

"Cto The Imperial and take Theo home. He has had too much to drink."

| sighed. "I can’t go over there right now."

"No way, you must cover. Theo won't listen and keeps drinking."

Zedd sounded quite anxious. | knew he was serious about it but | was in Salt City now, so there was no way |

could pick Theo up even if | wanted to!

"| really can’t go over." | held my throbbing forehead." He's drunk now and isn't that strong anyway. Why don't

you get someone to carry him home?"

Zedd said, "Theo is much stronger when he drinks. Why don't you cover right now? If you don't cover,

then | won't be responsible if anything happens t o him from over drinking."

F*ck, was | supposed to fly over?

| sat on the bed and pulled at my hair irritably. "You don’t have to be responsible for anything. Let him drink.

That's his body anyway. If he won't appreciate i t, then no one will."

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"Wanda Lane!” A familiar voice entered my ears.

Theo snatched the phone from Zedd's hands. "How can a wife not care about her husband?"

"Theo Grant, do you think you're a three-year-old?" | refused to indulge him and spoke my mind, "What are you

doing getting drunk out there instead of sleeping a t night? Don't you feel ashamed to say that to me?"

Zedd probably heard what | said and whistled as though things were not serious enough.

Later, | heard a grunt and figured Theo must have punched him.

"Alright now." | did not want to entertain him further and said in a cold voice, "Go hif you're fine. | have

things to do in the next two days. Don’t callif it isn't important.”

I mercilessly hung up after saying that, not giving him the chance to speak.

Afraid that he would callagain and make my life hell, | switched off my phone. | quickly did sunpacking

before lying on the bed to sleep.

The next morning, | woke up with a headache and quickly took scold medicine because | was afraid that |

had caught a cold.
