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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87
Joenlyn muttered up all her courage, her hand poised to knock on the door, when a voice from behind called out her name.
She turned and gaw Willow striding toward her dressed to the nines in designer chic
1 thought my eyes were playing tacks on me. It really is you.” Willow took off her sunglasses, her cheeks flushed with health and
eyes sparkling with life. You’re not here to see Melvin, are you?”
Ast laying eyes on Willow made Jocelyn struggle to keep her emotions in check, but she remembered why she was here and
knew that picking a figh, now wouldn’t do her any favors.
All she wanted was to get through this encounter and go home
Cut the act, you’re over. Stop parading around him to make a statement Willow said, eyeing Jocelyn’s modest attire that still
couldn’t hide het natural grace.
Truth be told. Willow was green with envy over Jocelyn’s look.
“I need to talk to him, Jocelyn replied coolly
“What could you possibly need to talk about?” Willow scoffed with disdain. “Don’t you know that a good ex should be like the
dead, and not pop up now and then like some ghoul?”
Jocelyn took a deep breath meeting Willows superior sneer with an indifferent gaze “I remember Willow was Melvin’s first love,
right? So. are you the ghoul you’re talking about?”
“You “Willows face tumed a shade of stormy gray as she glared. “You’ve got quite the sharp tongue!”
“I could take all the things you’ve done to me on the chin. But let’s be frank, I grew bored of Melvin a long time ago. Your little
drama only shows how desperate you are to cling to his coattails. You should be grateful for my leaving. If you want to deal with
such a high-maintenance man, he’s all yours, Jocelyn didn’t want to settle scores with Willow, but she had been suffocating
under that grudge for too long.
Willow, infuriated clenched her fists, teeth gritted, “Hmph, sounds like sour grapes to me.”

“You’re wrong I’ve had my fill, so it doesn’t bother me. Jocelyn watched her get worked up with a touch of pleasure. “What you
have now is just my leftovers”
“Is that so?” The door behind them suddenly swung open A cool, deep male voice cut through the tension.
Jocelyn’s body tensed in an instant, realizing all too well how inappropriate her words were for this place, yet she had said them

She admitted to herself she was deliberate
She had never feared Melvin overhearing her, but now that she actually heard his voice, her heart skipped a beat.
Willow moved to Melvin’s side, grabbing his arm. Her eyes instantly welled up with tears.
“I can’t believe she could talk about you like that after everything you two had,” Willow’s voice trembled. “Even if you broke up,
you could still be friends How can she refer to you as if you’re some kind of disposable trash, tossed away without a second
Jocelyn had to admire Willows act. She’s not a trained actress, but her performance was convincing
She tumed, her heart racing to face Melvin.
Seeing him once more made her heart pound uncontrollably. She had gravely underestimated her feelings for him.
She still had feelings for him, which were not something she could just pluck out on a whim:
Melvin looked at Jocelyn with a kind of hatred in his eyes, the kind that wanted to lay her alive.
Jocelyn felt a chill run down her spine, her anxiety peaking
“Come in,’ said Melvin, coldly brushing Willow’s hand aside.
Willow hesitated, “And you?”
“She just pointed at my nose and cursed me. What do you think?” There was no warmth, only an abyss in Melvin’s eyes.
Willow was also started by Melvin’s demeanor. She felt Jocelyn was doomed.

Crossing Melvin was a mistake. No good could come from it
“Don’t get too upset. And remember, Jocelyn is Preston’s teacher. You need to consider that.” Willow said, playing the role of the
voice of
subtly manipulating Melvin.
vin’s icy psze fired on Jocelyn, his aura as chilling as ice in the dead of winter
angry, Willow decided not to stick around and quickly went inside
cyn cotched her purse tightly, swallowing hard, her lips pursed as she took a deep breath, “I’m here today in the hope that you’ll
consider the proposal of sponsoring our school. If you could lend a hand, I’m sure the students who graduate will be eternally
grateful, and your legacy will live on forever”
Melvin narrowed his eyes, his dangerous aura slowly enveloping Jocelyn.
“Always the eloquent literature teacher, aren’t you?” he mocked. “I dare not dream of gratitude. After all, I’ve experienced
firsthand the tale of the Farmer and the Snake. And it was Jocelyn herself who provided such a memorable lesson!
Jocelyn’s nerves were frayed, and she desperately wanted to flee.

A moment of satisfaction now could mean a lifetime of regret later.
His oppressive presence left her in disarray. She knew she wasn’t at fault, yet she couldn’t meet his eyes, “Mr. Martinez, I won’t
take up more of your time.”
“How so? I haven’t given my answer yet. Then how should you report back to the principal?” Melvin’s voice, dripping with
sarcasm, trapped Jocelyn’s attempt to leave.
Jocelyn took a deep breath, “Whether you agree or not is up to you. No one can force you into this act of charity”
*If Mr. Fletcher knew you approached me with such an attitude, would he think you’re too casual in your dealings?” Melvin’s eyes
bore into her. “Don’t you want to climb me, this big tree’ to pave a way for your educational pursuits?”
Jocelyn knew he was taking up Willow’s causeFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You know I’m a difficult man to deal with If you tried a little harder, I might be persuaded If I’m in a good mood, who knows, I
might just say yes,” Melvin spoke crudely, not with the air of a rogue but with the intent to humiliate her.
So, he had heard every word she said to Willow.
But he never once mentioned how Willow had pulled one over on her, nor did he acknowledge her complaint about being tricked
It was a selective sort of snub
Put simply, Willow was his first crush. How could he bear to utter a single bad word against her? It was the kind of first love that
stirred up both envy and jealousy in others.
And her first love happened to be someone else’s darling.
Jocelyn clenched her jaw against the twinge of pain in her heart, feigning composure as she said, “You and Willow are a match
made in heaven You’re almost at the altar, and I’m not looking to tarnish my reputation.”
Melvin scoffed with a smirk. “How virtuous of you. After all, you’ve reunited with your latest beau. You’d naturally play the
blushing bride-to-be. Tell me, does he know about our little history? If it bothers him, I can clear the air for you.”
Jocelyns mind raced, wondering what kind of twisted fate had them cross paths. She had just met Harrison for lunch, and Melvin
had somehow caught wind of it.
She pinched herself discreetly, replying coolly. “No need to trouble you on my behalf.”
Melvin’s eyes scanned her face, and he let out a derisive laugh, “You’re looking a bit pale these days. Is he not... up to the task?”
Jocelyn felt a tightness in her chest. She truly didn’t understand him. Why did he insist on making these acidic remarks to
humiliate her?
After all, it was he who had grown tired of her first, he who hadn’t trusted her, leading to their split.
But now here he was, spewing these sour words to torment her.
What was he really after?.