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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 216
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About means of childbirth, Jocelyn had heard bits and pieces from friends and had even done sGoogling on the topic.

"Natural birth." She figured there was no way to verify that, but with a C-section, the evidence would be obvious.

Yasmine was amazed. "Wow, you're so brave! Choosing to go all-natural.”

Jocelyn chuckled nervously.

"How long did the pain last before the baby was out?"

Jocelyn felt like the questions just kept coming and got more and more tricky. After a moment's thought, she said, "Around an


"My goodness, you're like skind of superhero." Yasmine suddenly felt a wave of sympathy for Jocelyn. "How did you manage to

endure it? One hour's pain, that's just unimaginable."

Yasmine shook her head in admiration, looking at Jocelyn as if she had conquered Everest.

It made Jocelyn slightly uneasy, and she knew she needed to change the subject before Yasmine could ask anything else. She was

worried she couldn't handle much more.

"Yasmine, I'll take Euston to the play mat," Jocelyn said, eager to escape.

"Sure, go ahead," Yasmine replied. "The kitchen's getting smoky with the roast in the oven. Keep little Euston a bit further away."

Jocelyn left the kitchen, feeling like she could finally breathe again.

She quickly Googled sgeneral questions related to childbirth.

Soon after, Jocelyn's phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number.

She answered.

"Jocelyn." It was Castiel's voice.

Jocelyn was shocked and immediately lowered her voice, "Castiel? You finally decided to call me? | thought you were dead or


She turned her back to Euston as she spoke.

Yasmine overheard her conversations.

Jocelyn glanced back, afraid her words might affect the child. She stood up and walked a bit further away, but still kept an eye on


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"When are you coming back? If you don't cback soon, your son won't even recognize you." Jocelyn saw Yasmine watching her,

smiled awkwardly and walked further away, "Did you find Hermia?"

"Yes. But we can't cback yet," Castiel's voice was low, as if he couldn't speak freely.

"Why not? Are you in skind of trouble?" Jocelyn couldn't help but worry.

The SouthMyst region was no place for the faint-hearted. You never knew if you'd make it back.

"It's a long story, and | can't contact you often. By the way, don't call this number," Castiel added. "Please take care of Euston for

us. | owe you big tfor this and I'll make it up to you when we return."

Jocelyn didn't know what kind of trouble he was in, but to reassure him, she promised, "Don't worry, he'll be well tended. Just make

sure you stay safe."

"Yeah. Got to hang up now." Castiel ended the call quickly.

This call left Jocelyn feeling all scattered inside.

She was genuinely worried about Castiel. The SouthMyst region was dangerous.

Yasmine was stewing a pot roast and wiped her hands before approaching Jocelyn. "What's wrong? Is it something to do with

Euston's dad?"

"I'm not sure," Jocelyn admitted she was concerned.

In Yasmine's eyes, Jocelyn was a wife worried about her husband's safety while he was away.

She couldn't help but want to scold Melvin for not being around. Wouldn't their hbe better if he were Jocelyn’s husband?

"Do you need help?" Yasmine asked. "I heard he went to the SouthMyst region. It's quite complicated there."

Of course Jocelyn wished someone could lend Castiel a hand, but without knowing the details, she wasn't sure what help to offer.

"We'll wait until he asks for it," Jocelyn said. If Castiel wasn't asking for help, it meant he was still safe.

Yasmine nodded, "Just tellif you need anything. We're friends, right?"

Touched by Yasmine's sincerity, Jocelyn expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Yasmine."

"Don't mention it, silly girl," Yasmine patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, he'll cback safe and sound."


After dinner, Jocelyn and Yasmine said goodnight to each other and returned to their own rooms.

Euston slept in the sroom as Jocelyn.

Behind closed doors, Yasmine called Melvin, "Her husband must have called her. Something might have happened. She's quite

worried. Maybe you could think of a way to help him out."

Melvin's blood boiled at the mention of "her husband".

Holding back his irritation, he retorted, "Hey, are you my sister or his? Why ctoif her husband's in trouble? Do | look like

I'm that generous? Not wishing him dead is already the extent of my mercy."

Yasmine, not taking his words seriously, teased him, "You must be hurting inside not to becher husband yourself. Whose fault

is that? Serves you right!"

Melvin was on the verge of smashing his phone.

"Keep that fire to yourself. You're a man. Can't you be a little more magnanimous? Wouldn't it be nice if someone remembered you

fondly?" Yasmine softened her voice, "She's a woman alone with a child. Do you think she can handle it if her man is in trouble?"

Melvin was infuriated enough to consider leaping off a building, "You really know how to twist the knife, don't you?"

"Then suit yourself. If you don't want to help, forget what I've said," Yasmine commented, ready to hang up.

"Why don't you go find Zachary directly if you're so concerned about her?" Melvin knew how to provoke his sister as well.

He wasn't about to be the only one uncomfortable.

Yasmine's temper flared, "I've told you never to mention his nin front of me."

"You women always jump to conclusions and get angry easily. You never give anyone a chance, no wonder Zachary divorced you."

Melvin finally felt a sense of satisfaction.

"You..." Yasmine was livid, "No wonder Jocelyn doesn't want you!"

Melvin was speechless.

Neither sibling was particularly gentle, especially when their tempers flared. It was as though they wanted nothing more than to rip

each other's heads off.

Yasmine hung up first, absolutely furious.

Melvin scowled as he chucked his phone onto the couch.

The moment Yannick walked in, he was met with Melvin's furious gaze, so fierce it could've cut steel. He couldn't help but wonder

who could've riled Melvin up like this, all alone.

"What's eating you?" Yannick closed the door behind him, took a seat opposite Melvin and handed back his phone.

Melvin set his phone aside and poured himself a drink. "You solo tonight?"

"Yep." Yannick shrugged off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and poured himself a glass too.

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"Weren't they setting you up with sgirl? How cshe's not with you?" Melvin's words were laced with a sharpness that only

frustration could hone.

Yannick was the picture of composure, his face a mask that seldom betrayed any emotion.

"Bring her over to meet you?" Yannick shot him a glance.

"If it's for real, I'll meet her sooner or later." Melvin leaned back, crossing his legs. "Zephyr's been run ragged too, the family's

thrown a lineup of dates at him, and he's been nitpicking everyone."

Yannick sipped his drink, just grunting in response.

Melvin scoffed. "You're a lot steadier than he is. With the way Zephyr's going, wouldn't be surprised if his parents have to drag him

to the altar. And then they'll be on his case about having kids."

"Kids are nice. Jocelyn's got a little boy. If Zephyr starts early, he could inherit little Euston’s hand-me-downs."

Melvin nearly had a coronary.

Yannick was unfazed, not seeing anything off about his comment.

Melvin was starting to think stepping out tonight was a mistake. He was all daggers now.

"Ha," Melvin let out a hollow laugh. "You guys are a real piece of work, ganging up on me?"

Yannick looked at him, swirling his drink. "We're all taken. It's just you flying solo, can't help but worry a bit for you."

Melvin slammed his glass down, rolled up his sleeves and motioned Yannick over with a cold glare. "You just looking to throw down?

Bring it!"

Yannick, ever the sport, set his glass aside and stood up. He loosened up his limbs. "Where at?"





