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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 302
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 302 ~SCARLETT~

Jenna knew now that I was falling for Carter. I knew it was time for me to get rid of these feelings. However, it was

easier said than done. If I could turn my feelings off, I would happily do it.

Life was a lot simpler when I wasn’t looking for the affection of the most popular player in our Academy.

“You look like you didn’t get any sleep last night.” Clara points out.

That’s because I didn’t. I couldn’t sleep because of Carter. I couldn’t get the image of him kissing a random girl in

front of so many spectators. The last time that had happened, I was the girl he had kissed in front of everyone.

I hated that I had enjoyed it. At that time, I also hated that I was there. Everything was so different now. It was

crazy how quickly my feelings for him had grown.

I knew I had no right to get jealous. He was my sister’s ex-boyfriend. He was also an asshole, and we were not in a

relationship. He could kiss whoever he wanted to.

I don’t know how Clara was ever okay with him openly kissing other girls after each of his games while she was

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standing right there in the middle of the stadium. If I were his girlfriend, I would never be okay with something like

that. I wasn’t even his girlfriend, and it bothered me to the point that I could not sleep.

That wasn’t the only reason I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about Clara and how badly I was betraying her. Even if I

stopped now, it wouldn’t change anything; I had already betrayed her.

The first time I lied to her about Carter was only just the beginning. At first, I lied because I thought I was protecting

her. Now, it was different; I was lying to hide the fact that I liked Carter.


I look at my sister. It was hard even to look her in the eye.

What would happen if I chose to tell her the truth today? Would she hate me?

I didn’t want her to hate me. I didn’t want to hurt her either.

“I don’t know why I had trouble sleeping last night.” I lie. “But you also look like something is bothering you.”

Her cheeks turn red at my words. Was she also hiding something from me?

“I had trouble sleeping, thinking about ways to get Carter to fall in love with you.” She tells me.

Somehow, I felt like that was also a lie. But why would she lie about that?

“What new ways did you come up with?” I ask her, genuinely curious. “And do you think that we are getting

anywhere? I don’t think he’s falling for me.”

She sighs, “I’m not sure, Scarlett. I thought we were getting somewhere. I noticed that he was giving you more of

his attention, but I also was hoping he wouldn’t kiss anyone at the game last night. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Nothing and no one will ever stop Carter from kissing random girls at that game.”

I tried not to let her words bother me, but I failed miserably.

Why did he have to kiss her? Why couldn’t he have just said no and made my life easier?

Carter didn’t like me. He was only messing around with me. He was not falling in love with me. I was the one

catching feelings for him instead. My sister’s plan was backfiring. She was setting herself up to get hurt. We would

both get hurt by the time her revenge ends.

. . . . .

We were at the academy, and the last person I wanted to see today was Carter. I was still hurt that he’d kissed

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someone. A part of me hoped that the kiss in his truck meant something to him. Part of me was sure that he felt

something like I had.

I had too many drinks that night. It’s the only reason I was being this delusional. At least now my eyes were open

again. I was no longer getting blinded by his charm. His kisses and touches made me into one of those foolish girls

who all believed they had a chance with him.

“I’ll see you after my class,” Clara tells me as we separate.

I always hated having separate classes from her. Jenna walks up to me, and it still feels weird now that she knows

about Carter and me.

“I should warn you that he’s right behind us.” She tells me.

I already knew who she was talking about.


It’s my name in his mouth; he’s saying my name.

Jenna stops, but I grab her hand and keep on walking. I had nothing to say to him anymore. I don’t care if Clara

gets upset with me for throwing away this opportunity. She wasn’t here, and she also didn’t know how messed up

my mind was because of him.

I wouldn’t let Carter get to me again. I had to bury my feelings for him.