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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 260
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 260

Book 3 Chapter 95


“Is this where he said Willow would be?” I demand. “She’s nowhere around.”

What was the maniac planning now?

“He said somewhere around here.” Atticus reminds me. “It’s the forest. She can be anywhere.”

“Willow?” I call. “Willow, can you hear me?”

Staying sane at a time like this was a task by itself. Before we knew it, we were all shouting her name.

“We must have gotten something wrong,” I whisper.

Where the hell was she?

“Maybe we’re looking the wrong way,” Damon suggests. “Let’s go back to where we started and turn


I nod and let him lead this time.

“If that asshole asks for Autumn and Clarissa, I will kill him.” Atticus growls.

“I don’t think it will be that easy brother.” Griffin points out. “It’s the first time we will be dealing with a

sorcerer. You saw how powerful Clarissa and Autumn are, and they are new to all of this. He has

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experience and is extremely dangerous. He is also just as evil as he is powerful. We should all think

twice before attacking with no solid plans.”

I stopped moving, and so did my brothers. I could see her. I could see my wife, and she was alive.

I couldn’t contain my excitement and relief. She was here. I wasn’t hallucinating.

She was tied to a tree in front of me. She looked tired and scared. That f*****g asshole did this to her.

“Willow,” I say under my breath, and she seems to hear me. Her gaze flashes to mine, and I can see

the happiness mixed with panic in her pretty eyes. She was worried for our safety. Of course, she

would be. She was perfect—my perfect bride.

Before I could move toward her, a figure next to us caught my attention. I was too distracted by Willow

to notice her sooner.

Time stops moving when the person comes into my view.

Oh, hell no.

This couldn’t be true.

I had to be hallucinating. Maybe the thought of losing Willow had finally driven me to insanity.

I blinked once, then twice. She was still the same. Nothing had changed.


What the f**k?

Why was she standing in front of me?

“Is anyone else seeing what I’m seeing?” Griffin asks in disbelief.

“I sure as hell am,” Damon mutters in surprise.

“This isn’t f*****g happening!” Atticus exclaims. “s**t!”

They were all just as stunned as I was. It meant that I wasn’t going completely insane. She was truly

standing in front of me.

But that was impossible. Anya had to be dead. We were all there, we all saw her die.

“Dante,” she gasps.

My chest squeezed tightly at hearing her voice after so long. This couldn’t be real. Someone had to be

f*****g messing with me.

“Don’t come near us,” Damon growls when she takes a step forward.

Her eyes aren’t on anyone else but me. She’s staring directly into my eyes.

“I’m so sorry for everything.” She cries. “I was wrong for never loving you. I messed up the only good

thing in my life, and I greatly regret it. I wish that you could give me another chance, Dante. I hope that

you’ll let me love you this time. I promise never to hurt you again.”

“How the hell are you standing in front of me?” I ask in horror. “You were supposed to be dead. How

are you here?”

Her gaze wavers a little, “That isn’t important right now, Dante. I’ll tell you after you admit that you still

love me. I’m sorry for forcing you to marry Willow. I thought that’s what I wanted. I thought that would

be the best thing for her. I was wrong. You could never love her, and because of that, she got hurt. You

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both did. I’m here to fix all of the mistakes that I made. I’m sorry to you and your family. Please tell me

you love me, and let’s fix this. We can all be happy, Dante. All you need to tell me is that you love me.”

“Don’t f*****g believe a word she says.” Atticus growls. “Anya was never capable of being nice to

anyone. I don’t know what the hell is happening here. I don’t know if she’s f*****g alive or dead, but

either way, she was never good to us. Don’t let her get into your head. This could be that asshole’s

tricks. He’s messing with our heads.”

He was right. This could be a f*****g spell to mess with us. But it was also possible she was standing

before me right now. Sorcerers as powerful as Cassius should have resurrection spells, but it always

came with a deadly price.

“Tell my sister that you love me.” She begs. “Tell Willow to give up on you. Let her live her life

peacefully. The only way she will ever let you go is if you admit I’m the only woman in your heart. Tell

her the truth, Dante. Tell her that you only love me. Tell her!”

“I c-can’t.”I stammer.

“Of course, you can,” she whispers. “You love me. Don’t you?”

I can’t answer her. I’m lost for words.

“Cassius did this for me. He brought me back, but the only way for me to stay alive is for Willow to die.

You must push a sword into her heart and kill her. Once she’s dead, I will return to you for good. I

promise that I love you, Dante—only you. I’ll never hurt you again. End her life and give me my life

back. We can be happy again Dante. You just have to kill her and end her misery.”