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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 289 Refining Of Energy-promoting Elixirs
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After killing five Wolf Generals of the Blood Wolf Team, Austin went back to the hotel.

He took out the rag he had bought with over a million vital energy crystals at the auction and began to examine it carefully.

There seemed to be a map on the rag. Although sof the details on the map had started to fade, they were still distinguishable.

On the map, Austin saw rolling mountains with a river on each side. The highest mountain peak was marked with a circle.

‘Does this circle indicate the location of the Dark Bone Gloomy Fire? But there are dozens of these mountains there, so trying to find the Dark Bone Gloomy Fire by just using this map will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack!" Austin thought in frustration.

He continued to stare at the map for a while before putting it away. The only way | can find the Dark Bone Gloomy Fire is if | happen upon it by chance. There's a very slim possibility offinding it with this map.

It seems that | spent over a million vital energy crystals on it for nothing.’ He was very disappointed.

There were about ten days left for Austin to retrieve the medicinal materials for cultivating stage three of the Overlord Body- refining Formula from the elixir shop.

During this period, Austin planned to spend most of his ton elixir refining.

Although he had just begun to study this skill, he was already fascinated by it.

Next, Austin spent about six hours on practicing the Golden Sun Scripture formula.

Vital energy cultivation was the foundation for a cultivator, so Austin took stto cultivate Golden Sun Scripture every day.

However, ever since he had made a breakthrough by reaching the premium stage of Earth Realm, he felt like he had hit a plateau in vital energy cultivation base.

There was no sign of another breakthrough for him.

Austin knew that his progress in vital energy cultivation had been very fast. It had taken him less than a year to advance from grade two of Energy Gathering Realm to the premium stage of Earth Realm.

No one would believe that he had progressed at such a high speed.

Normally, it would take an ordinary cultivator's whole life to make a breakthrough to the premium stage of Earth Realm. In the Sun Sect, many stewards and cultivators at the premium stage of Earth Realm were already forty or fifty years old, and sof them were even about sixty years old.

Austin knew that a cultivator shouldn't only focus on the speed of his progress, but on the stability of the realm and quality of the vital energy as well.

If he pursued the speed of progress alone and neglected the strengthening of the realm he had reached, his cultivation base would be affected.

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His capacity and skill wouldn't be on par with the cultivators who had consolidated the cultivation realms they had made a breakthrough to.

So, Austin wasn't eager to just make a breakthrough. He wanted to keep strengthening his vital energy foundation every day.

After practicing the Golden Sun Scripture for several Circulations of Vital Energy, Austin took out the herbal pot and the medicinal materials he had bought for Energy-promoting Elixir refining. With the quantity of materials he had, he'd be able to make ten Energy-promoting Elixirs.

For cultivators who were under level five of Energy Gathering Realm, Energy-promoting Elixirs could be very useful for their vital energy cultivation.

Moreover, for cultivators at levels one and two of Energy Gathering Realm, taking Energy-promoting Elixirs would help them increase the speed and amount of vital energy absorbed by the meridians in their bodies.

For Energy Gathering Realm cultivators, the most useful elixirs were Energy-promoting Elixirs and Energy-boosting Elixirs.

The former was a little inferior to the latter in medicinal effect.

For cultivators who had the scultivation base as Austin, elixirs like the Energy-promoting Elixirs weren't that important, but for those who hadn't reached level five of Energy Gathering Realm, Energy-promoting Elixirs were precious.

For outer disciples in the Sun Sect, only those who had higher cultivation base would have the opportunity to get Energy- promoting Elixirs from the sect.

Before being attacked three years ago, Austin had been given such Energy-promoting Elixirs from tto tdue to his excellent performance.

Those elixirs had been very helpful for him in cultivation, especially when he hadn't reached level five of Energy Gathering Realm yet.

On the other hand, for grunt disciples, Energy-promoting Elixirs were extremely precious but they never had the opportunity to see them, let alone use them.

Normally, an Energy-boosting Elixir cost five to six hundred vital energy crystals while an Energy-promoting Elixir cost three to four hundred vital energy crystals.

This time, Austin decided to refine Energy-promoting Elixirs.

As Energy-promoting Elixirs were common and popular, the formula to make them could be found in Elixir Foundation.

After setting the herbal pot down, Austin laid down the medicinal materials for refining ten Energy-promoting Elixirs next to the pot.

He sat in front of them with his legs crossed and then extended his palm. Soon, the golden flin his belly traveled along his arm to his palm.

With a crack, it appeared in his palm. As it swayed, it gave off extremely high heat, causing the temperature in the room to immediately increase by several degrees.

The tiny flcontained a raw and menacing vital energy force that made it seem like it was a small wild beast that was going to fight tooth and nail.

Austin put his hand under the fire intake port and summoned his vital energy force. Golden flames immediately rose and transformed into different shapes.

Watching the flclusters, Austin smiled with satisfaction. After practicing for a while, he had a lot more control over the fire.

He didn't know how he had managed to master the skill so easily. Maybe he was talented in controlling the fire in the herbal pot.

Austin guessed that his powerful spiritual sense had helped him a lot.

Above the herbal pot, there was an ice mirror. The rising flames blocked his vision and there were splaces he couldn't see in the herbal pot. But it wasn't a big deal for him as he was able to sense every inch of the herbal pot by using his spiritual sense power.

When the flames in the herbal pot becstable, Austin picked up a cyan leaf lotus and glanced at it briefly before throwing it into the fire.

The moment the lotus entered the herbal pot, it was surrounded by golden flames. After a short while, it turned into a black mass of liquid which rolled slowly in the golden flames with a faint sheen.

Now that the flames were burning even hotter, Austin began to focus his spiritual sense power on the changes in the herbal pot.

He kept the fltemperature to the optimum by adjusting his vital energy input. If the temperature was too high, the black liquid would turn into steam and disappear into the air, but if the temperature was too low, it couldn't be refined further.

After maintaining the fltemperature within a certain range, Austin saw a few yellow impurities appear in that mass of black liquid.

He knew that he had to remove the impurities from the cyan leaf lotus liquid. Otherwise, the refined elixir wouldn't be pure enough.

Under the control of his spiritual sense power, the fltemperature was maintained within the suitable range, so the yellow impurities finally evaporated.

Once these yellow impurities were removed, another batch of small yellowish impurities appeared.

Austin removed all of them in the smanner.

After constantly being heated by the golden flames, the mass of black liquid had shrunk from the size of a fist to the size of a thumb.

It rolled in the golden flames slowly like a mysterious black pearl.

After the cyan leaf lotus had shrunk to the size of a thumb, Austin stopped heating it. He then put another four cyan leaf lotuses into the fire and refined them into the spure black liquid.

After being heated in the golden flames for quite a while, the five liquid masses began to merge and increase in size. But this didn't last long. After a short moment, they shrank to their former size.

The black liquid masses had been refined in the fire for such a long tthat even they appeared to contain a flicker of flame.

Knowing that the essence of the cyan leaf lotuses had been successfully extracted, Austin heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he picked up the snake-shaped fruits beside the herbal pot and quickly put them into the pot.

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The moment the snake-shaped fruits hit the flames, they turned into a mass of green liquid with a trace of chill. Austin eliminated the impurities in this liquid and finished extracting the essence of the second medicinal material.

Now, it was tto extract the essence of the third medicinal material, bodhi flower.

Austin threw three bodhi flowers into the herbal pot. After a short while, they were transformed into a drop of light violet liquid.

Now, the essence of all the three medicinal materials for Energy-promoting Elixir cultivation had been extracted successfully.

For the second step of elixir cultivation, Austin needed to mix the essences of the different medicinal materials.

Under his control, the liquid masses in the pot began to blend with one another, creating a series of sizzling sounds.

An hour later, the prototype of an elixir with a rough surface formed in the flames.

"Wow! It's so easy!" Austin thought to himself.

This was the first tAustin was trying to refine Energy-promoting Elixir. He was a little surprised that the first two steps had gone so well.

The third step was to solidify the elixir.

It was a critical step and would need a lot more vital energy than what Austin had used in the first two steps.

He took a deep breath. After several hours of refining, he had consumed about fifty percent of his vital energy to maintain the temperature of the flames in the herbal pot.

He summoned the vital energy stone that was in his belly and a large amount of vital energy gushed from it.

Soon, Austin felt the vital energy in his energy meridians reach its peak again.

He realized that the vital energy stored in the vital energy stone wasn't sufficient for his current vital energy cultivation base.

"lt seems | should replenish the vital energy in the vital energy stone, ' he thought.

He transferred a stream of vital energy into the herbal pot and the flinside it immediately intensified.

Under the control of his spiritual sense power, a cluster of boiling flames quickly covered the Energy-promoting Elixir prototype.

Under the pressure of the flames, the elixir began to solidify.

However, after a few seconds, Austin heard a fizzing sound coming from the herbal pot. A cloud of heavy smoke rose from the Energy-promoting Elixir prototype.

‘Damn it! The flis too strong!" Austin was disappointed by the result.

He had spent so many hours on elixir refining only for it to fail in the end.

Elixir refining was such a tedious job! It seemed that it wouldn't be easy to stick to it if he didn't have enough patience and stress tolerance.