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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 64.


‘The kiss was a little much don’t you think?’ I chuckle as I run back up the stairs, I couldn’t

help my little flirtation. I woke up in a fantastic mood, I actually didn’t hate joking Sally so

early, I’ve been humming and happily baking since I got up.

“Did they enjoy the waffles?” I smile at Sally as I enter the kitchen, it seems to have

gotten a little busier since I left, more Pack members are at the table eating their


“I think I interrupted something important.” I tell the older woman as I move back around

the breakfast bar, I cast my eye around the kitchen but I can’t see Sophie. “Did Sophie eat

her breakfast?” The poor girl reminds me so much of myself, she came into the kitchen

and muttered something about Beta ordering her here. Me and Sally both jumped into

action and started shoving food at the skinny girl, she yawned while she was waiting and I

swear I saw her ribs when her top lifted.

“Left a few minutes ago, you’re welcome to go and check on her if you want?” I look over

at Sally as she pulls the final tray of muffins out of the oven and smiles at me. She has this

warming smile that you can’t help but give back, it lights up her whole face.

“I’ll go and ask Cas.” I learnt my lesson yesterday and after my run in the trees, no more

running off without Cas’s say so.

“Ask me what?” Turning away from Sally I see Cas walking into the kitchen with an empty

plate and still sipping his coffee, Rowan heads straight over to the breakfast table and

starts grabbing more waffles.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 6-4.

288 Vouchers

“Sophie left, I wanted to go and check on her.” I don’t know why but I suddenly feel

nervous, with him standing here in the kitchen smiling at me I can’t help but remember all

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

the whispered words from last night.

“Alright, I’ll come with you, I want to see this house for myself.” He looks over at Rowan as

he puts his cup and dish on the side, “you staying here?” Rowan’s mouth is full so he just

nods his head and keeps shoving more food in.

“Be careful you don’t choke, can’t have you dying on my waffles.” I take my apron off as I

walk around the kitchen island to meet Cas at the door. I don’t even think twice as I take

his outstretched hand.

“You seem happy,” I smile at Cas as we walk along the street. I don’t know why he’s

surprised, unless last night wasn’t as good for him as it was for me. “What just

happened?” Cas lets go of my hand forcing me to stop moving, he places a hand on either

side of my head and just stares at me intently.

“Nothing, it’s nothing.” I try to pull my head from his grip as he holds onto me a little

tighter before leaning in to claim my lips. My eyes close on their own accord as he s lants

his mouth over mine, I don’t want for his teasing tongue instead I go straight in and

deepen the kiss. Moaning into his mouth I start to really get into it just as he pulls back,

opening my eyes I see his warm chocolate eyes gazing down at me.

“That’s better, now tell me what just went through your head.” I bite my lip as his tone

leaves no room for me to lie, he will get the truth from me one way or another.

“You know that’s playing dirty right? You can’t just kiss me to make me do what you

want.” I pout at him and he just chuckles before letting go of my head and retaking my

hand, “I was wondering if last night was as good for you as it was for me.” I can’t help how

small my


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 64.

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voice comes out, I guess we all have our insecurities and this is my big


“The only thing I would change was you being there with Francis, otherwise, it was

perfect.” His voice drops to a sultry seductive tone as he lifts my hand up to his mouth

and places a kiss on it, “this is the Murray house.”

The smile that was on my face falls as we stop in front of a really run down house, there is

no way you could call this place a home. The grass is patchy and light brown from not

being taken care of, the bushes along the fence are wilted and drooping. The house itself

is a mess as well, the paint is peeling from the doors and wooden structure, it also looks

like someone has used old newspaper to block the windows.

“I’d hate to see the inside.” I mutter as Cas opens the brown gate, he holds it open for me

and I walk down the overrun garden path. “She really living here on her own?” I ask Cas as

we both head for the door.

“Rowan said Lisa ran off with her two younger pups about a week or so ago. So I guess

she’s just been hiding away, she should have come to me.” I can hear the annoyance in

his voice as he reaches out a big hand and knocks on the door. We don’t wait long before

the skinny red haired girl from breakfast opens the door, she doesn’t open it fully, almost

like she’s trying to hide the inside from view. However, just the door opening has given me

an idea of the state of the house, the smell. of dust and grime is lingering in the air.

“Sophic, you ran off and we were worried.” I poke my head out from behind Cas and smile

at the teenager, she doesn’t smile back, she seems too focused on Cas.

“I’m sorry Alpha, I didn’t mean to leave without paying my way. I cant come back and do

my chores.” Panic is written all over her face, clearly


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 64.

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she thinks we are here to punish her.

“You’re not in trouble, can me and Eva come in?” Although Cas is asking a question his

tone is firm enough to make it sound like an order, clearly he hasn’t spent much time

around scared teenagers. I’m only a few years older than Sophie so I think that’s why she

looks at me and opens the door fully when I nod my head.

“I’m sorry about the mess,” her embarrassment is clear as her pale skin grows red. I

understand why she’s embarrassed when I see the lounge, she’s obviously tried to clean

up but it looks like the place could use a good dust and vacuum. Not to mention someone

seriously needs to clean out the tobacco smell which seems to have soaked into the walls.

“Don’t worry, I’ve seen worse.” I tell her as she leads me further into the lounge, I look

back to see Cas standing in the doorway looking around the room with a look of disgust.

“Where is your mother’s room Sophie?” Clearly used to her Alpha asking for things Sophie

doesn’t hesitate at point to the stairs.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Second door on the left, momma doesn’t like anyone in there though.” Cas just nods his

head as he closes the front door and jogs up the stairs. Alone with Sophie I spin in a circle

and try to think of a place to start, cleaning this place up is not going to be a one

afternoon job.

“How about I help you get some cleaning up done and you can tell me about living in a

Pack, it’s all so new to me.” I try to make it sound like. she will be doing me a favour

rather than accepting charity, she might not be homeless but she has that vibe about her.

“I can do that, we have some cleaning stuff in the kitchen but momma always said not to

touch it.” I follow Sophie to a surprisingly clean. kitchen, sure the trash is overflowing and

the floor needs a good clean but the dishes have been done and the surfaces are kind of

clean. She’s obviously been trying to clean the home but at sixteen she’s just

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become overwhelmed.

“These are perfect,” I say triumphantly, spotting the black bags in the cupboard, I grab

them and wave them at Sophie, “let’s start with these.”

The whole time we walk around the lounge talking and piling old papers and magazines

into the black bag I can hear Cas rummaging around upstairs.

“You going to be alright if I go and check on Cas?” Sophie just nods as she dives back

under the sofa looking for more papers. I pop the black sack on the chair and jog up the

stairs. Up here is just as dirty and gross as downstairs, I try not to touch anything as I

follow the sound of Cas closing and opening drawers. Walking into the bedroom, the first

thing I notice is the stripped double bed and the pile of white baggies upon it.

“Don’t touch them Angel.” I look over at Cas as he pulls two more out of a chest of


“Drugs?” I ask him, I try to get a closer look but he pulls me back, I’m not sure what he

thinks will happen if I get close to them.

“Yeah, Rowan is on his way over now. Seems Lisa might be a user, it could explain her

running off.” I just look down at the stash as Cas goes quite, I assume he’s contacting


“Why would she leave it all here? If she was using it then she would have used it or taken

it with her right?” I don’t know much about addiction but I can’t see a drug addict leaving

twelve little baggies behind.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!