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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 65
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More pain to come.
I’m beyond exhausted, like sitting in the grass and falling asleep within a second, kind of exhausted. I tried to sleep but with
everything I had learned last night and then Faye ambushing me in my bedroom, it was just too much in my brain. From the
second my head hit Fractions chest I just laid there and listened to his heart beat. It dawned on me just as the sun was rising that
my nights with Fraction were very limited. Shortly after that I realised there was no way I’d be able to take Thomas with me if I
was kicked out of the pack.
Sure I could fight them to keep him with me, but where would we go? I have no family outside of the pack, no friends or allies.
The truth is I can’t live in the woods with a toddler. I hoped Momma Beth would be here to at least watch over Thomas but with
her leaving for an unknown amount of time I need to come up with another plan.
By the time I get to the training clearing I’ve talked myself back up into pure rage. The rage is made worse when I see Faye in
her tiny denim shorts chatting to Patrick.
“One mate isn’t enough you have to try and steal another now?” I seethe at her.
“Anna?” Patrick asks me in confusion.
“What are you doing here Faye?” I demand.
“Actually considering you asked so nicely, I Faye, challenge you Anna, for the spot as Luna and the Alpha’s mate.” The Wight of
her words. seem to crip ple me, Winter howls in my mind and my knees buckle so I’m slammed into the floor.

“What the hell?” Patrick demands rushing over to me, “have you lost your mind?” It’s right there that I realise Patrick has no idea
why he’s been training me.
“I, Anna, accept your challenge. Now leave!” I shout at her, I watch as she smiles this weirdly sweet smile and then turns away
running across the clearing.
As soon as Faye is out of earshot Patrick grabs me by the top of my arm. It hurts, his girl is meant to be punishing, “what the hell
Anna? Why did you just accept that challenge? Why is she challenging you anyway? Start talking!” He’s gotten extremely close
to my face as he

“She’s Fraction’s new mate.” I say plainly, I watch as Patrick’s face goes from anger to confusion and then settling back into
“That’s ridiculous, you’re his mate. There is no way an Omegas Alpha has a second mate, it’s just not possible.” He lets go of my
arm during his rant and I start rubbing at it, “oh did that hurt? She’s going to do much worse A nna!” He points after Fyae as he

screams at me.
“What’s going on? Why are you screaming at Anna?” Eliza asks as she joins us on the field.
“Faye just challenged Anna for her Luna spot and for Fraction. And Anna, being the idiot she is, accepted it.” He looks at me and
then. spins around away from me, he walks a few steps and then comes back. He does this over and over again, “so? Why did
you accept?”
“I didn’t have a choice!” I yell back at him, “I won’t share Fraction. I’m told it’s because of my Omega side but hell this Omega
thing is sh it.” Patrick stands still next to Eliza as I rant, “as an Omega I’m meant to feel everything you all do. So guess what...I
felt it all when he was with her. I can’t share my mate so now I have to have my as s handed to me and pray to all that is holy
that she doesn’t kill me. Oh and yeah
because I’m Omega I have no one outside of this pack so when I get kicked out I have to lose not only my mate but my son as
well. So please Patrick, tell me what an Omega is supposed to have because right now it seems like we just get beaten down
until we can’t breathe!” I expect to be crying after finally letting loose but instead I just feel exhausted.
“A nna...I’m sure he didn’t do anything with her.” Patrick says to me while pulling me into a hug.
“He told me all of it. He did it.” I look over Patrick’s shoulder and see Eliza staring at anything but us. That’s when it hits me, “you
knew.” I push Patrick from me so quickly he actually stumbles. “You knew all about this and you didn’t tell me! You were meant to
be my friend! We rescued you, we gave you a home, a mate, a family and you lied to me!” Eliza can’t even look me in the eye as
I declare what I know to be .

“Anna, I’m so sorry.” She whispers.
“No! You made me think I was losing my mind and being paranoid and you knew all along. What? He have you keep his dirty
little secret while he f ucked his second mate?” I’m seething with anger and I can feel Winter getting ready to let loose.
“Anna please. He asked me not to, I couldn’t betray my Alpha. And Go d, I didn’t want it to be true.” Eliza has her hands out in
front of her pleading with me, she looks to Patrick who is standing next to me in stunned silence.
“That’s why all the cryptic questions last night...” Patrick says under his breath.
“So let me get this straight, I’m going to lose my mate, my son, my family and my pack. And now to top it all off I don’t even have
my best. friend in my corner!” I proclaim as if trying to get all my ducks in a

“Anna, I’m still here. I will help as best as I can.” Eliza says grabbing my hands, I yank them from her grip and let Winter take
“Just stay away from us.” Winter seethe and she pushes me to the back. of mind and snaps her b*dy out of my own.
Winter has fully taken over by the time we reach the tree line. I can hear Patrick shouting after me but Winter doesn’t look back
as she prints us through the trees. We aren’t running, we both just need some time alone to process everything that has
happened in the last twenty four hours.
I should have let Winter take over weeks ago, as she weaves through the trees and dashes over boulders I feel more relaxed
than I have in a long time. It isn’t until I catch a scent of Eliza and Patrick that I realise Winter has taken me to their little wooden
cabin home.
‘Why here?’ I ask Winter.
‘I wanted to see Thomas, we need to make as many memories as possible. Look,’ she tells me as she crouches down in the

bushes just beyond their home. I look to where she directs me and I see Leo laid in the grass and Thomas running around and
jumping onto him. Leo seems to just lay there and happily let our son have his fun, he knows I’ m here. I see the moment his
nose picks up our scent but he doesn’t make a move to get to us or tell Thomas we are here.
‘He’s letting us have this, he knows what it means to us.’ Winter tells me as I watch Thomas climb up Leo’s rump and then cheer
like he just climbed the world’s biggest mountain.
‘I’m going to miss them so much.’ I tell Winter with a lump in my
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‘Don’t worry I’m capturing all the moments I can. When it feels like things are too much I will show them to you. We won’t forget
either of them, not even for a minute.’ Winter tells me softly.
‘How will I ever leave him here? There is no one to watch over him.’ I ask Winter.
“Fraction wont let any harm come to him,’ I scoff at this. ‘Anna
something’s not right here and Leo knows it, although things might not look good now and they may even get worse. We will fix
this.’ I doubt her and she knows it.
Once I thought being an Omega could be cool, I was different from others and I had a purpose within the Pack. More so than any
other average Luna, I thought that maybe everything I went through when I was younger was some kind of test to get me to a
point where me and Fraction could be together. But now this on top of everything else that has happened to me.
I can’t help but let the depressive feeling come over me as I watch Thomas pull on Leo’s ears. I watch every small action he
does, every smile and every wrinkle of his eyes as he laughs. I take it all in knowing that a night will come soon when I will need
them to keep me