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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 63
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The long night keeps going.
I have heard enough for one night, walking from the office I try not to show how much the whiskey has affected me. I don’t know
how Fraction drinks that stuff, I was drinking it to keep myself from beating him into the floor. I was trying to keep my hands busy.
I normally don’t drink so I’m not exactly shocked when my legs wobble walking up the stairs, once I get to our bedroom I want
nothing more than to face plant the bed. Instead I head straight to the bathroom, I’m not sure if it’s the whiskey or all that Fraction
has told me but I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. Dropping to my knees in front of the toilet I unload my stomach until I’m just
dry heaving.
‘Let me claw his face off.’ Winter starts in at me again, to say she’s mad at him would be like telling a blind person the sky is
blue. It just doesn’t do it justice, it doesn’t fully explain the magnitude of what’s in front of you.
‘You will regret it.’ I tell her flushing the toilet and dropping to the floor, the tiles feel very cooling on my forehead.
‘I never thought Leo was capable of this. I thought we had a better understanding of each other. I’m sorry Anna, I was obviously
wrong. He can’t possibly be our mate,’ I wish I could agree with her but I know. in my heart that Fraction is our mate.
‘We have to help him, something is very wrong. There is no way that Fraction was mated with an Omega and then got given a
second mate. It just can’t be possible,’ I tell her yawning loudly.
‘You need sleep, we aren’t going to figure this out on no sleep and an
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empty stomach,’ she seems rather disgusted by my vomiting, heaven forbid I feel nauseated by what my mate did to me...or the
‘It wasn’t the whiskey,’ Winter tells me while stretching her paws. ‘If we aren’t going to sleep can we go and kill Faye while she
sleeps.’ I laugh out loud at this, Winter is one wannabe badas s bi tch.
Pushing myself off the floor I look in the mirror to see my hair is all on end, the bags under my eyes make me look like I’ve aged

ten years in the last few hours. My once plain face now shows a patchwork of pain. and stress. Washing my hands I notice that
they are all chipped and bitten, I didn’t realise I had taken my worries out on my nails. No wonder he’s drawn to another female,
I’ve really let myself go these days.

“I see you finally got off the floor,” I jump nearly a foot in the air when I hear the voice from behind me. Spinning around I see
Faye standing against the wall just outside the bathroom door. She is wearing a pair of tiny jean shorts and a top that barely
contains her breasts and stops just above her belly button.
“Why are you in my bedroom?” I ask her through clenched teeth, “get out!” I actually point to the door but she doesn’t move, she
just stands there looking at me.
“I take it from the attitude that Fraction let you in on our relationship.” She smiles at me, a big toothy wolf got the deer kind of
smile. She’s actually happy that I know.
“You don’t have a relationship, it was a one time thing. A mistake, he’s a da mn mor on but he made a mistake.” I don’t feel like
telling her that I don’t know if I can forgive him, I know she will see it as a sign of weakness and Winter is screaming at me not to
show this to her.
“It wasn’t a mistake, we are true mates and you are a fraud who will be
cast aside. Once I’m done there won’t be a single person in this Pack who will say your name, I will make sure your name is
dragged through the mud. Your kind should have been killed out long ago!” She takes a step towards me so I step backwards, I
need distance from her.
“I’m not going anywhere, this is my home, my pack and my mate!” I clench my fists at my sides, I feel my short nails digging into
my palm. It does very little to squash my rage.
“I guess we’ll see won’t we,” she stops walking towards me as the door to the bedroom suddenly bursts open.
Fraction comes flying through the door like a man on a mission, he storms straight over to Faye and grabs her by her hair. I
watch with wide eyes as he literally drags her across the floor, she’s screaming loud enough to wake the whole pack yet I don’t.

hear anyone coming to their aid. I slowly follow behind them as he drags her through the hall and down the stairs, he does this
all the way to the front door where he opens it with one hand. Fraction looks at me for a second just before he picks Faye up and
actually throws her out of the house.
“You come near my mate again and you will not see the morning.” Fraction isn’t yelling but the rage coming off him has my
knees. buckling. I hit the floor as I watch Faye try to right herself, his aura is keeping her pinned to the floor though.
“She’s not your mate!” She screams from her spot on the lawn.
“I will find out what you have done to make this happen but trust me Faye, you and me...we will never be together!” He slams the

door shut in her face so hard the glass in the door actually shakes.
“Anna...” Fractions’ voice sounds so far away, I can still feel his aura pushing down on me. I actually whimper as he comes
closer to me, “sh it, sorry little wolf.” I feel his aura pull back from me like a
weighted blanket being pulled off me.
“I just wanted to go to sleep.” I s ob looking down at the floor. “I just wanted to sleep and then I got sick. I went into the bedroom
and she was just there and ... and ...” my words won’t come out, i can actually feel the words getting stuck in my throat. I feel
Fraction surrounding me and then I’m suddenly floating through the air.
“Shush little wolf, let’s get you to bed,” he whispers into the top of my head. For just a second I let myself close my eyes and
push my face into his chest, I let myself pretend that right now we aren’t fighting, that he didn’t cheat on me and that all he wants
to do is hold me and soothe me after a very long and hard day.
It isn’t until we are back in the bedroom and I can smell Faye’s perfume that the world comes crashing down around me again.
There is no pretending that this is not happening to me, to us. Fraction lays me down in the bed and pulls the comforter over me,
I watch as he walks over to the window and opens it a cra ck before going and turning off the lights. I’m thankful that I’m already
wearing thin joggers and a t- shirt because I really don’t want to get up to change. It takes me longer than it should to realise that
the shower has turned on in the bathroom, laying there looking into the blackness I listen to Fraction take a speedy shower. He
isn’t in the bathroom long before he’s opening the door and letting the bathroom light spill into the bedroom.
He is wearing just a towel again and my over emotional brain can’t help but notice how lickble his chest looks with little water
drops running down it. I don’t think he realises I’m awake because he doesn’t even look at the bed as he walks to the bedroom
door holding a bundle of clothes. I presume these are the clothes he has just taken off, I can’t believe he’s not actually leaving
them on the floor. I expect him to walk. out of the bedroom but instead he opens the door and chucks the clothes on the hall floor
before coming back into the room and gently closing the door behind him. I watch open mouthed as he walks over to

the bed, drops his towel and climbs in next to me completely n*ked.
“Erm...Fraction.” I say on a croak, I do a little cough to try and clear my throat, “what are you doing?”
“I’m tired and I need to make sure you’re safe. And I need to be close to you, please don’t make me leave.” He sounds so sad
that for a second I actually feel sorry for him. The man has been put in an impossible situation, sure he’s dealt with it like an idiot
but he’s my idiot. Sighing, I roll over and place my head on his chest, for a few hours I’m going to steal what comfort he can give.
I get the feeling I’m going to need it in the coming weeks. I feel myself drifting off to sleep as he plays with. my hair and hums in
his throat. If he wasn’t a wolf I’d swear he was purring.
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