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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 154
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Ten, Nine, Eight...
For the last few days we have been packed into this room like sardines. in a tin, it’s literally shifter on top of shifter. I’ve heard a
few different languages floating around so I don’t think they are all American, some of the older shifters are just sitting against
the wall looking like this is all an old game. Meals have come sporadically and they only give us so much so it’s been survival of
the fittest when it comes to who eats and who doesn’t. Me and Bellamy have shared all of our meals, if this room has taught me
anything it’s that Bellamy is one hell of a fighter. I assumed I was the stronger of the two of us because I’m Beta but I wouldn’t be
surprised if Bellamy has some Alpha buried deep within. Sarah flits by every now and again but otherwise she seems to stick
with the other females at the far side of the room, many of them are Omega, one of them is a stick thin pale skinned thing. She
can’t be anymore than sixteen, I had to do a double take when I saw her. I could swear I’ve seen her with the Grey Pack before
but according to Sarah she’s been here forever.
The door at the end of the room has me rising, I’ve been listening to Bellamy’s stomach growl for a while now so I need to get
him some food.
“No food.” Bellamy says from his spot on the floor, I just nod my head. Usually the smell of food is instant but this time there isn’t
anything. but people coming through the door.
“Get up Bell, something’s happening.” I hold my hand out to Bellamy to help him off the floor just as a guard walks past us
carrying an assault rifle.

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“You will file out in an orderly fashion, try to run and you will be shot.” The guard yells as he walks through the crowd, “do
something other than walk to where you are told, you will be shot.”
“Breath in the wrong way and you will be shot.” A sarcastic voice sounds from the elderly man on the floor next to my feet, the
guard acts instantly. One second he’s walking through the crowd the next he’s raising his weapon and an overwhelmingly loud
shot sounds around the room. A woman screams as warm blood splatters up my naked leg, looking down I see the elderly man
slumped forward with a bullet hole directly between his eyes.
“Do anything I don’t like, you will be shot. Now move!” The guard roars from behind his headgear.
“Bellamy.” I say holding out my hand to him. .

“Yup, already moving.” his hand is sweating in mine which is the only thing that betrays the nervousness he’s feeling.
It takes a while but soon we are stepping outside, I can see people being herded into cattle vans as if they are the animals they
hold inside.
‘James?’ I turn my head to the left at the sound in my head, it sounded like Rick. ‘Get ready.’ I don’t answer, with a trigger happy
guard around I need to keep my focus. I force Bellamy to hang back, I have a feeling we are going to want to be as close to the
doors as possible. The inside of the van stinks to high heaven, the horses they had in here before us, they haven’t bothered to
clean it and I try not to think about what is between my toes.
“Where are we going?” I hear someone in our van ask in a low voice, whoever she is, she sounds on the verge of a breakdown.
“I don’t know, just stay quiet and do as you’re told.” I hear a female
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Ten Nine Eight
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voice say in a soothing tone. I use my hand on the metal wall to steady myself as the van starts to slowly move forward, Bellamy
is pressed. against my front with only one other man in front of us.
“Be ready, Rick is here.” I lean into Bellamy’s ear so I can whisper directly to him, sure I could use the Pack link but why risk
being caught off guard. Bellamy doesn’t ask any questions which makes me think Rick has spoken to him too.
We aren’t moving for long before we are all jolted forward as the van slams to a stop. Suddenly my nose is filled with the scent of
fresh blood and the man in front of us starts complaining about a broken

‘Incoming.’ Rick sing songs through the Pack link, I feel Bellamy tense up which means he heard the same thing.
“We’re stuck Rick.’ I tell Rick so he knows that we don’t have a way
‘Sure because why would you do any of the heavy lifting from here,’ I know he’s taking the pis s but it rubs me the wrong way
after weeks of captivity. ‘As soon as you’re out I need you to run for the trees, Mac is waiting with warriors. He has a knife to cut
the tracker off both of you.’
‘What’s the hold up?’ I ask him, I can feel myself getting antsy and I know it’s because the Pack are so close. I can almost taste
“They have Aurora, we are waiting for Winter to confirm she has her before we move.’ Rick tells me, I gasp aloud and some of
the people in the van turn to look at me, I ignore them all.

‘Rick,’ I put every ounce of Beta into my voice that I can. ‘You don’t touch this van until that pup is clear, not one da mn paw.’
Bellmay nods. his head so I kiss the back of his hair in affection. Honestly, the fact that this man agrees with me makes me know
he’s perfect for me.
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“When we get out of here, I’m going to mate you so hard you’re never going to forget who you belong to.” I whisper into
Bellamy’s ear, I feel him shiver against me.
“Is that a promise?” Any other situation I’d have him flat on his back showing him how much I mean what I said.
‘She’s clear! In ten, nine, eight, seven,’ the link cuts off but I start men tally counting at the same speed as Rick. I’m so focused
on the counting that I don’t realise the doors are opening until Bellamy starts to pull me forward.
The people around us stand stock still, probably afraid it’s the trigger happy guard coming back to do some more shooting. We
use that to our advantage and push through the few in front of us, we fall from the van with very little grace. I hear Bellamy curse
as he lands on his knees but he’s up and running for the trees within a split second, I waste no time in following him. I don’t look
around to see where we are, who is looking or what caused us to stop. I run as fast as I can until I am passing a tree and

someone is grabbing my arm. Just as I am about to start swinging a hand clamps over my mouth and my shoulder is being
feel them into. I roar out in pain but the hand muf fles my scream. I
feel the blood trickling down my chest as I watch someone I don’t
know dig his fingers into my shoulder and pull them out covered in blood but holding a little blinking bullet..
“Clear.” He whispers.
“Clear.” I hear another voice shout from my left, I look over to see Bellamy in much the same state as me with Rick holding his
hand over his mouth.
“Alright, can you shift?” Mac whispers, I dig deep before shaking my head. “Da mn it.” Mac curses just as I hear fabric ripping
and Bellamy’s sandy wolf walks in front of me tilting his head to the side. I dig down. deep and there in the dark is Zeus, he’s
tired and groggy but he nods.
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his head at me as I pull him up and out.
Zeus doesn’t have time to stretch or even greet Ru because there is a door slamming behind us, telling us the vans are going to
start moving again.
“We need to get back to Fraction.” Rick says before shifting into his own wolf and heading North of where we are. I let Ru go first
so I can keep him in my sight, I need to make sure he’s safe, I don’t wait to see if the others follow, I just let Zeus take over and
race through the trees.