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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 125
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On her hands and knees, looking back at me while biting her bottom. lip I think right this second is the most S**y Anna has ever
been to me. Don’t get wrong she is always incredible but right now she’s the cock throbbing, cum about to burst out of me, kind
of S**y. With her on her hands and knees her skirt is rising enough above the swell of her ass that I can see she’s not wearing
much in the way of panties.
“You’ve been wearing this all night?” I ask Anna in a low voice as I move her skirt slightly to show the black g–string currently
nestled between her ass cheeks. Using my finger tip I start at the bottom of her back and follow the trail of the string all the way
down to her sopping wet entrance. I see a shiver work its way through Anna’s b*dy as my touch sets her on fire.
“I asked you a question,” I say as I lay a light slap on bare left ass cheek, it’s not hard but enough to push her forward just
“All night.” Anna tells me as she looks over her shoulder, “I need.”
“You need?” I put my tongue between my teeth as I trace the lace of her garter belt down the back of her thighs, “you’ve been
walking around all night with nothing but a scrap of fabric between everyone and what’s mine.” I sit back on my feet and grip my
hard cock in my fist, squeezing tight. I punish myself to try and keep myself focused on Anna, if I had my way this would be over
in two strokes.
Anna licks her lips as she watches a drop of pre–cum fall from the head of my cock to the floor of the tent. She looks like she is
about to move so I make a ‘tut tut‘ sound and shake my head. I’m enjoying her laid out

like this before me and I’m not ready for it to end.

“I bet all the males could smell you,” I sniff obscenely loud as I take in her scent, my nose is instantly filled with fresh mowed
grass, dark roast coffee and something sweet that I know is Anna’s arousal. “Maybe I should take care of myself and keep you
wanting, teach you a lesson about appropriate underwear.” Anna visibly shakes as she watches me stroke my cock once and
twist my hand as I get to the head. I hiss as I see Anna bite her lower lip hard enough to leave an indent of her teeth. “Show me
how much you want it,” for a second she just watches me and then slowly I see her shift her weight so she’s balanced on one
hand. Looking between her legs I see her hand snake into the triangle of fabric covering her from me. I know the second she
makes contact with her clit because her breathing gets heavy, her scent fills the tent even more and she lets out a long drawn
out moan.
I don’t watch long before I need to see more, letting go of my cock I tangle my fingers into the sides of her g–string and pull, they
give with very little resistance and then the black fabric is pooling under her. Anna gasps as she feels the snap against her skin,
as she looks back at me I see her face is flushed and her pupils are blown, she’s loving every second of this.
“Keep going. little wolf.” There’s not much room in the tent but I manage to lay myself on my stomach and hold myself up on my
forearms so I can get an up close look at my final goal. My cock is.. trapped between me and the ground, the pressure hurts but
in a good way, it’ll help me keep from slamming deep within her and making this end all too soon.
“I’ll cum,” Anna gasps as her finger dips into the pool of wetness and she draws it back up to her clit.
“No you won’t.” I know Anna, she would always prefer coming on my cock or tongue than her own finger.

“Please,” Anna starts to rock her hips as she slips two fingers into
herself, watching her fuck her own fingers while shaking her ass at me has to be one of the most erotic things I have ever
ver seen.
“Stop.” I tell her in a firm voice as I see her start to clench up, she shakes as she takes her fingers out and just holds them before
her entrance. Leaning all the way down I draw her fingers into my mouth getting my first taste of the night. I moan around her
digits, her taste bursts across my tongue and I instantly want more.
Opening my mouth she pulls her fingers from me and places her hand back on the ground to support herself. I use my hands on
her hips to pull her closer as I latch my lips onto her clit and suck, hard. She cums instantly, I know she’s muffling

herself.somehow because the sound ist muted but I know from the way her thighs clench around my head and her whole b*dy
shakes. Her juices start to flow freely down my chin and I listen to them drip onto the plastic tent floor below us.
“Too much,” Anna gasps and I suck even harder trying to draw her clit even further into my mouth, using my tongue I press down
hard and I feel her shiver again. Easing back slightly I use my tongue to trace every inch of her pussy, I purposely avoid her clit
until she starts to rock back on my face. Finding her pool of wetness I dip my tongue inside and then thrust it in as far as I can
go, I start tongue fucking her as she brings her hand back and starts to strum a finger over her clit. As her second orgasm hits
I’ve reached my limit, I drop my hands from her hips and scramble up to my knees.
“You ready little wolf?” I don’t even know why I bother to ask, I might have let her go but she’s still going crazy on her clit. I watch
for a second as she rocks her hips back and forth trying to find another release, lining my cock up with her entrance. I place a
hand on her back and push her down until she’s got her head and shoulders on the floor and her ass is raised even higher in the
air. I don’t give her any warning as I slam my cock into her in one thrust, she doesn’t have time

to adjust to me as her b*dy is wracked with her third orgasm of the night. It must have crept up on her because she doesn’t
muffle herself, she screams into the night as she clenches my cock so hard I think it might snap off.
I hold myself still, deep within her waiting for to subside.
her wasm so I can begin my ride.
“Hold tight,” that’s all the warning I give her as I use my hands on her hips to hold her still and I draw myself out until only my
cock head ist in her. Snapping my hips I slam into her and draw back out, I pull her onto me as quickly as I thrust into her. Anna
is gasping and moaning as I slam in and out over and over again. I angle my hips slightly down and I find her magic spot, I start
thrusting into her hitting the spot over and over again.
“Fraction!” Anna starts to grab at the floor under her, I can hear her nails digging into the plastic covering of the tent as I shift her
whole b*dy forward with each thrust.
“Come for me, little wolf,” I gasp as I feel myself getting close. I throw my head back as I feel her clench me even tighter as her
fourth orgasm hits, holding myself deep I spill into her. I feel my cock kick within her over and over again, I can barely catch my
breath by the time I’m done.
I fall forward and catch myself on my hands just before I crush Anna, I leave k*sses along her sweaty back as I try to calm my
heart beat. With a final push into her I grab Anna by her waist and roll us so we are laid on our sides, Anna’s back pressed
against my front I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of her warmth as I slowly shrink and fall from her.
“Love you little wolf,” I whisper into her neck, Anna doesn’t say anything but she sighs contentedly as her eyes start to close.
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