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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 115
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Luna interrupted.
I wait patiently outside of Thoma s’s bedroom door as Anna reads him a bedtime story, it’s been a while since she’s had the
chance to do it so I figure I’ll wait until she’s done. There are only so many bedtimes left before they demand they are too old.
She’s only been gone for a short time but it will seem like an age to Thomas. I’ve tried to keep a video log of the stuff I thought
she should see so then she doesn’t feel so left. out. I haven’t really had a chance to see Anna to show her the videos, since the
whole thing in the forest and with an Elder running around Patrick insisted I stay away from the Pack house, he finally gave me
the all clear about an hour ago.
As Anna backs out of the bedroom closing the door softly I scrunch my nose up against the scents coming off her. She’s wearing
a simple white shift dress, it’s one of those you can just drop the shoulders and it pools around your feet. Perfect for the run after
the ceremony.
“He either pis sed on you or you have been having some hot make up S**.” I say plainly to Anna, she just shakes her head and
holds her finger up to her lips. I follow her into her and Fraction’s room, she doesn’t speak until the door is firmly closed.
“I ache in places I never knew existed,” I just laugh at her as she leans. against the fanning her face.
“That doesn’t explain the scent of James,” I say sniffing a little. “Or do the Alpha and Beta like to share more than cake?” I wiggle
my eyebrows at her as she leans forward to swat at me.
“It’s not like that and you know it,” Anna walks over to the wall
“Nervous?” I ask her while taking a seat at the end of her bed.
“Not as much as last time, then I didn’t even know if I could do it. Now I’m more concerned about the run afterwards, Winter has
been unpredictable lately.” I scan over her and notice the fresh mate mark and the angry red mark on her bare arm.
“She do that?” I ask, nodding towards the mark.
“Yeah,” Anna lifts her arm to inspect it. “I didn’t even feel it at the time, it’s healing quickly so she must be well but she’s not

speaking to me.”

“Surely she’s not mad about the mating? You are fated after all.” Anna’ s face is filled with worry lines.
“No it’s not that, she feels guilty about everything she made me do. At the time I didnt even realise it was her, we sort of just
melted together and I started making all these choices that were me but not me at the same time.” Anna shakes her head and
looks away from her reflection, “nevermind. Let’s get going or Fraction will come looking for me.”
“Anna,” she stops walking towards the door and turns back to me. “I don’t know if anyone has said it yet.” I put my hands on her
shoulders and look her in the eyes. “I’m so glad you are home. I missed my best friend and Luna and if you don’t mind, please
take me off the nursery rota.” We both laugh at this, we keep laughing all the way to the kitchen, wiping my eyes I head for the
door when I realise Anna has stopped moving.
“Second thoughts?” Anna just shakes her head.
“Fraction wants me to wait until he calls for me, you go ahead.” I smile at Anna as I quietly open the door and slip through.
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Luna interrupted
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Taking my place on the porch I stand next to Patrick, his hand snakes into mine as I notice all of the wolves who have come to
witness the ceremony. Every member of the Pack must be here, I even see the ba tty old lady who used to live next door to Leon
and the kids, well until she forced the move.
“Swiftmane Pack.” Fraction holds his hands up and waits for silence to fall, he doesn’t shout. There’s no need, his Alpha voice
carries where it’s needed, “tonight we are joined by Alpha darryl of Swiftmane Pack,” Fraction gestures to the side where I see
Darryl standing with a rather bruised dark haired male. “And by Elder Thomas.” Fraction gestures behind him where an elderly
man dressed in a black robe stands, he has a hood over his face so I can’t see his face. “You might wonder why they are here
although I think some of you might have already gathered by the link snapping a few nights ago.” Fraction pauses for a second
before he looks behind him, he quickly looks back to the crowd. “Luna Faye is dead, she was killed in self defence as she tried to.

murder my fated mate, Anna.” There is uproar at this, people start yelling and shouting but none of them sound unhappy. They
all seem glad Faye is gone and that means Anna will come home where she belongs. I zero in on Leon’s old neighbour, she
looks really sour faced and doesn’t seem to be cheering as the others are. I nudge Patrick and nod my head towards her, he

squeezes my hand letting me know he has noticed.
I must have missed part of Fraction’s speech because when I next look at him Anna is standing next to him and he’s moving her
hair to show off her new mate mark.
“Anna is here tonight to reclaim her spot as Luna of this Pack and as my mate,” Fraction turns to smile at Anna as the crowd
starts to whisper and part to let someone through. I crane my head to see who it is but I can’t quite see, da mn being this short.
Patrick squeezes my hand as all four of us wait for the person to make themselves known.
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“She will be Luna of no Pack. She killed my daughter and I challenge you for the place of Alpha in Swiftmane Pack.” The guy
standing forward looks no older than Anna and I swear I’ve seen him before. I stare for a while before I realise it’s one of Faye’s
brothers, he was in the clearing that day of the challenge. I couldn’t tell you his name even if I tried.
“You don’t want to do that, Tray. Your father has sent you here to die, back down now and I will forget this.” Fraction’s voice is
filled with so much force I almost drop to my knees, I see many people in the crowd take their knees with pain on their faces.
Tray just stands there but I see the wobble in his legs, he’s no Alpha. When Tray doesnt fall Fraction takes a step forward and
pushes more of his Aura out, Tray drops to the floor and a whimper leaves his throat.
“Come out and face me Theo,” Fraction roars as he turns in a circle, I look over at Anna and see her eyes are glazed over, she’s
either talking with Fraction over the Pack link or she’s talking to Winter.
‘Fraction says not to move, stay still kitten.’ I hear Patrick’s voice clearly in my head as a n*ked man with a pot belly comes
walking through the crowd. I watch in disgust as he flicks his cigarette next to Tray before kicking the dirt at his feet.
“Waste of perfectly good seed,” Theo spits at the floor.
“You’ve been hiding Theo,” Fraction says calmly, he’s acting as if the whole pack isnt kneeling at his feet watching the whole
event unfold.
“I won’t let you dishonour this Pack by putting that Omega back in power. I challenge you to be the Alpha of Swiftmane!” Theo
roars at Fraction. Fraction looks over at Elder Thomas, then to Darryl and finally to Anna. He gives her a sad smile and a small
nod as he turns. back to Theo.
“I accept your challenge.” I hear the Pack gasp as Anna so bs out in
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Luna interrupted
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pain, she falls to her knees as Darryl runs down to stand next to Fraction. I rush to Anna and rub her back as I watch the Alpha’s

and Theo whisper to one another. There is a quick handshake and Fraction. is walking back towards us. I quickly move out of the
way as Fraction sweeps Anna up into his arms and carries her into the house.