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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 105
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Lost Omega.
“I take it back, I take it back.” Anna is not seeing me, her eyes are glazed over and she’s covered in a thin sheen of sweat as well
as Faye’s blood. Looking down at Faye’s lifeless b*dy I turn back to the guys standing behind me and raise my eyebrows; I have
no idea what to do here. Anna is a mess and I can’t seem to get through to her, she just killed a Pack Luna which is an extremely
serious crime in any Pack.
“Patrick, get Faye’s b*dy back to the medical centre. James get some warriors and search the surrounding area, only get the
ones who can be trusted without a shadow of a doubt.” I listen to Darryl issue orders as I lean down and look Anna in the eye, it’s
like no one is home. I put a hand on each of her shoulders and it’s like I’m not even here, she looks. right through me. “Fraction,
get Anna to the medical centre. We need to make sure all of that blood is Faye’s.”
“Little wolf, we to move.” I try to use a soothing voice but it’s like talking to a brick wall. “Anna, you hearing me?” I shake her just
a little, her head seems to roll a little as she looks down at Faye’s b*dy.
“I take it back,” she whispers under her breath. I look over at Darryl but he looks as clueless as I feel. As carefully as I can I put
an arm under Anna’s legs and another at her back, she weighs nothing as I lift her into my arms.
“Straight to the medical centre, you need a full log of all her injuries. We will sort the rest,” I nod at Darryl as Patrick walks past
me to collect Faye’s b*dy. Taking one last look at Faye’s lifeless form I feel a small sense of sadness that she’s gone but that is
quickly gone when I feel Anna shaking in my arms. I try to readjust her but my hands are
Lost Omega
2PB Vouchers
sticky with the blood drying on her b*dy, looking away from Faye for the last time I make my way back to the Pack border. The
sooner I get Anna to the medical centre the sooner I can get her cleaned up, maybe when she’s not soaked in Faye’s blood she
will be less shell shocked.
The walk back to the border is slow in the dark, I’m being cautious of every step because I’m afraid I will drop Anna. Just as we
cross the border I notice a smell coming off Anna, it smells like rotting eggs and stale bread. It’s really pungent and making my
eyes water, I try to look her over while holding her in my arms but it’s useless in the dark.
‘She has an infection,’ Leo tells me. ‘We have to get her to the Doctor quickly.’
‘Guide me, I can’t see anything out here.’ I tell Leo as I speed up, with his help we make quick work of the forest and soon I see

the lights of the different houses around the border.

‘Lee I have Anna, open up.’ I send out over the Pack link, no sooner have I spoken than I see the back door to the medical
centre opening.
“What happened?” Doctor Lee says as he hurries me through the door.
“She killed Faye, Leo said she has an infection somewhere.” I follow Doctor Lee to an empty medical room and lay Anna on the
empty bed. I expect her to try to keep hold of me but she just flops out of my armst as if she’s completely unaware of her own
“I take it back,” I look over at Doctor Lee who is rummaging in a
“She keeps saying that she won’t stop.” I watch as Doctor Lee lifts Anna’s arm and inserts a needle.
“She’s in shock, Omega’s aren’t built for murder and Anna is a particularly soft spirit, I can’t imagine this is easy for her.” Lifting
needle from her arm I notice Anna is instantly calmer and she’s no longer repeating herself, “that’s a mild sedative, it will relax
her while I check her over. Take a seat, this will take me sometime.”
“You’re not going to make me wait outside?” I ask him as I take a seat in the chair next to the bed, I notice my hands and see
them covered in dried blood. I start to rub my hands on my jeans to rid myself of the texture but it does nothing to help.
“I doubt you would even if I asked, she was chained up by the looks of it.” Doctor Lee says as he lifts one of Anna’s ankles and
starts swiping at it with cotton swabs. After a while I see the wound as Faye’s blood starts to be cleaned away. “It must not have
been very clean, Leo was right. She has an infection, a course of antibiotics will clean it up.” .

The sun is starting to rise as Doctor Lee pulls a blanket over Anna’s n*ked b*dy and removes his gloves. He nods his head at the
door and I follow him out, I look over my shoulder as I close the door to reassure Anna I’m not going far. I need not have
bothered, I don’t even think she realises we were in the room let alone that we are leaving it.
“How bad?” I ask him as I close the door.
“She has fractured eye socket, her jaw was dislocated but I think Winter fixed that on the shift. It will hurt for a while. Her ankle is
badly infected but otherwise she’s ok,” I sigh in relief when he confirms it’s nothing more serious.
“So nothing to say it was self defence?” I didn’t notice Darryl join us, Doctor Lee just shakes his head at Darryl as he starts to
write on a

“Faye?” I ask Darryl.
“In the back room awaiting the Doctor, you need to address your Pack as soon as possible. They will have felt the loss of their
Luna the same
as you
you did.” I shake my head at him.
“I can’t, Anna needs me right now. She’s a mess, Lee just had to medicate her to keep her calm.” Bringing my hands up to my
beard I start to pull on it but it does nothing to stem the emotions bubbling up. inside of me.
“Don’t matter what Anna needs right now,” I growl at Darryl but he just looks at me like I’m an annoying fly buzzing around his
head. “If you think for a second you will know I’m speaking sense. Anna did not issue a challenge, she attacked the Pack Luna in
the Packhouse and then chased her into the forest. Only to then be found over the mutilated b*dy of the Luna while covered in
blood.” I know what he’s saying is right but I can’t tell the Pack, it will be as good as hanging Anna myself.
“She will be killed, the Elders will have me take her out. I can’t do that Il have me take her out. I can’t do that Darryl.” I lean
against the wall and slump to the floor. “How do I turn my mate over to the Elders for the murder of a woman who did nothing but
ment ally torture her for months? Faye baited her into this, we don’t even know what happened in the forest.” I bring my legs up

to my chest and rest my head on my jeans-covered knees, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down. I feel a hand on
my shoulder and I know it’s Darryl offering me what strength he can.
‘Leon just showed up at the Pack house, he said he can tell us what happened in the forest.’ James says over our mind link.
‘Put him in the cells, I’ll be there when I can,’ I tell James,
“If I can get proof that Anna was baited into this, will that be enough to keep the Elders from demanding her death?” I ask Darryl
as I close the link with James.
“Maybe, I’ll go make some calls.” I lift my head up in time to see Darryl

throw me a sad look before leaving the hallway.
“I’ll have one of the nurses bring a bed into Anna’s room before I go and examine Faye,” Doctor Lee tells me as he finishes
scribbling on his clipboard.
Once I’m alone in the hallway I realise there is a low buzzing coming from somewhere, I turn my head from left to right before I
realise it’s coming from the room behind me. It’s Anna, she’s whimpering in her grief, it’s a low mournful kind of whimpering. I
don’t know if it’s grief for Faye or for the innocence Anna lost in the forest, either way it cuts. through me like a hot blade in