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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 101
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The chase is on.
I’m not sure how long I chase Faye through the woods but I know we passed the Pack border a little while ago. I haven’t seen
her since she ran from the house but I can smell her so I know I’m on the right trail.
‘Let me out, I’ll find the bi tch.’ Winter growls as I stop and spin in a circle, standing still I close my eyes and try to find Faye’s
smell. ‘Anna, let me out. Right now. ‘ Something about Winter’s voice has me popping my eyes open, I am met with the sight of a
massive salt and pepper wolf running towards me.
‘Who is that?’ I ask Winter as I take a step backwards, I am suddenly very aware that I have followed Faye into a part of the
forest that I don’t know.
‘Let me out Anna.’ Winter sounds like she’s ready to pounce any second but I feel locked with fear. All the adrenaline I had
around Faye seems to be fading with every step the wolf gets to me.
The wolf gets close enough to me that I can smell his breath but he just stops and growls at me.
“Met my
father,” I hear Faye say from behind me, “your sense of smell must be sh it. A quick dash into a river and you lost me.”
“I can’t say I follow psychotic women into forests everyday,” I snap at Faye without taking my eyes off the wolf in front of me.
“That’s a good one,” Faye laughs. “Now you’re going to turn around and follow me or dear old father here is going to rip you
apart.” I must
The cha
think about it too long because the wolf snarls at me and takes a step towards me. I throw my hands up in front of me and start
walking backwards, between Faye and the wolf I don’t know which one I should be keeping an eye on but I know which one is
more deadly right now.
“You can turn around, he won’t attack until I tell him too.” I keep walking backwards until I trip over a rock and nearly land on my
as s, I decide it is worth the risk and turn myself to face forward. Least if the wolf attacks I wont see it and it will be over quickly.

“Not going to lie, that was a smart move back in the house, following me into the forest less smart.” Faye calls over her shoulder,
she’s still wearing Fraction’s t-shirt so I just stare daggers into her back. “I admire how you think you’re the shi t but let’s face it

Anna, you’re just a scared little girl who has no idea what she’s doing.”
“And you do?” I ask her.
“My life has been planned out long before I was born.” Faye tells me ast she jumps over a fallen log. I can’t help the laughter that
bursts out of my mouth, Faye turns and stares daggers at me at the same time as the wolf behind me snarls.
“You mean that contract that so stupi d Alpha’s signed hundreds of years ago?” I ask her while she stares at me down, we have
stopped. moving and are just standing staring at each other.
“You know about that?” Faye asks with a tilt to her head, I just nod at her. “Huh, you have been busy. No matter, knowing about
the contract doesn’t affect the outcome of it. It was signed in blood years ago, the Greylones have waited a long time for a
female to be born. For us to take our rightful place at the head of a Pack.”
“You do realise that the contract doesn’t name you right?” I watch as
The chase is on.
Faye eyebrows draw together in confusion, “you haven’t actually seen it have you? Did dear old father tell you that you were
named?” I take a step towards her, “did you think you were special Faye?”
“Shut up!” Faye snarls at me.
“Do you even know why you’re doing all of this?” I ask her as the wolf behind me starts snarling loudly. “Or are you just following
orders like a good little girl? You realise your father has basically pimped you out to an Alpha, assisted you in ripping apart a
happy family and all for what? To be standing here in the forest with me.” Faye takes a deep breath and I watch her eyes flick to
the wolf behind me, “he’s played you so that he can have a say in Pack affairs, he didn’t count on me not just rolling over though
did he?” I turn to look at the wolf and see he’s actually foaming at the mouth now.
“You’re an Omega, you have no fight. You destroy Packs, trick Alphas into thinking they have found their mates. You are a
poison on the shifter world!” Faye doesn’t sound like she quite believes her words, “you should have just left the second you

found out Fraction had another mate!”
“Was that the plan? Tell her that Fraction was her mate for so long that she finally believes it?” I ask the wolf behind me, “she
doesn’t even know how a real mate feels, does she? How you need them close to you, how you feel when they are away from
you.” I turn back to Faye, “when you find that one person you are meant to be with for the rest of your life it’s like every colour in
the world has doubled in brightness, even when you are mad at them you still want to take their side. Their very smell puts the

hairs on the back of your neck on end because you just want to swim in until you drown.”
“That’s not how it is, mates can’t always smell each other.” Faye says in a small whisper.
The chase in
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“Yes they can Faye, every single time. He’s lied to you, Fraction is not your mate, he’s mine. No matter what you do to me he will
never be yours. Have you seen what happens to an Alpha when split from their Omega? I have.” I can see the confusion cross
Faye’s face so I keep talking, maybe if I can make her see what she’s done she will stop. “I got sick once and Fraction was so
hurt from being separated from me that he had to be locked in a cell for the Pack’s safety.

“That hasn’t happened this time though has it? He doesn’t need you anymore.” She’s not wrong, Fraction hasn’t lost it like he did
last time and I don’t know why that is.
“No but we also haven’t had another female come in and try to tear us apart either.” I say in a low voice.
“Enough talking, keep walking. We are almost there.” I don’t ask where we are going. I just start walking as the wolf behind me
snarls and pushes me with his wet nose.
We aren’t walking for much longer before I see a small wooden cabin in between the trees, it looks like an old hunting cabin. It
doesn’t look big enough for someone to actually live in but from the smells around it at least two wolves have been living here. I
stop walking once I see the door open and Leon walks out of it. I am so shocked at seeing Leon out here that I don’t even care
that there is a snarling wolf behind me.
“Faye? What the hell is this?” Leon asks her running down the stairs.
“Plans changed little brother, get her inside the cabin.” Faye says as she walks past him.
“What the hell is this?” I ask Leon as he walks over to me and takes my arm, pulling me towards the cabin.
“I’m so sorry Anna,” Leon whispers as he marches me into the cabin, it smells like sweat and pi ss in here and as soon as I see
the chains on the
wall I start to dig my feet into the ground.
“I’m not going in there “I shake my head as Leon pushes me over the threshold, I fall to my knees and start to s ob Faye planned.

all of this and I fell for it h ook line and sinker I don’t fight as I feel a hand in my hair, I’m so mad at myself that I don’t even fight
as I feel myself dragged across the wooden floor and a cuff slammed around my ankle
“Now how about we continue our little chat?” Fave says once I’m
sitting on my as s and drawn my legs up to my chan I watch as Leon walks into the cabin and closes the door, the chick of the
door closing sounds so loud in the tiny cabin