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The Spare Wife by Nadia Gordon

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295 Unexpected Incident

As the three of them stepped out of the train station’s waiting room, Abigail and Analise debated

whether to have lunch or visit the hospital first.

The train station in Capitalis was bustling with people. One could see people walking to-and-fro,

rushing about like bees,

“Let’s go to the hospital for a check-up and then have lunch at a restaurant near the hospital.” Alfie

decided on their behalf when it became clear that the two women weren’t about to come to a decision

anytime soon.

Abigail looked at Analise, who was about to speak. Before she could say anything, Alfie suddenly

shouted, “Watch out!”

Before they realized what was happening, he had already shoved them aside.

He was quite strong. Plus, he hadn’t held back his strength while pushing them out of harm’s way. So,

his actions made Abigail stagger a few steps backward. When she finally regained her balance, she

immediately helped Analise, who had also taken a stumble.

“Go!” Alfie screamed at them, his voice tinged with pain.

A man was standing before Alfie and had Alfie by the collar. As Abigail was about to speak, the man’s

hand moved, and a bloodstained fruit knife appeared in her field of vision.

“Ah!” Analise was so frightened that she let out a shriek and took a couple of steps back in terror.

“Run!” There was no disguising the agony in Alfie’s tone this time.

The man struggled to push Alfie away. Nonetheless, his gaze remained fixed on Abigail and Analise

while he was doing so. However, he couldn’t harm them because Alfie was tightly gripping. onto his

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Abigail retreated a couple of steps and screamed, “Help!”

Her shout drew the attention of many passersby at the train station.

There was already quite a bit of blood on the ground between Alfie and the man.

“Ah! Help! Someone is trying to kill people!” A woman suddenly screeched, causing chaos in the

train station.

“Let go!” The man’s eyes were bloodshot, and he was trying to push Alfie away. When that didn’t work,

he tried to stab Alfie with the fruit knife again.

Abigail took off her bag and swung it fiercely at the man’s head. Her hands were trembling, but

she couldn’t afford to let her guard down. So, she gave it her all.

The moment the man was struck by her bag, Alfie released him.

The man staggered back as he was hit by her bag. At that moment, a burly middle-aged man

approached from behind and used his arm to lock the man’s neck. Then, he didn’t even hesitate for a

second as he twisted the man’s wrist and forced the assailant to drop the fruit knife to the ground.

Abigail breathed a huge sigh of relief, turned around, and rushed to Alfie’s side.

Alfie lay on the ground while clutching his bleeding abdomen. He was experiencing minor convulsions.

“I’ll take you to the hospital… Grandma, call 911! Quick! Call 911!” Abigail shouted at Analise. Her eyes

were red.

Análise snapped out of her daze and hastily whisked out her phone.

The whole train station was in utter chaos.

Alfie lay on the ground weakly, and Abigail carefully placed his head in her lap. Tears streamed down

her face.

Blood continued to flow from his abdomen as it stained the ground red.

Abigail returned to the emergency room’s entrance and gripped Analise’s hand tightly after washing her

hands in the nearest washroom in the hospital.

Analise was completely out of it as she stared at the emergency room entrance, lost in thought.

Sean had rushed to the hospital the instant he received the news.

When he saw Abigail standing in a daze at the emergency room’s entrance, he quickly approached her

and asked lowly, “How is he doing?”

The news of this incident had already become a trending topic online.

After all, it was an incident that occurred at Capitalis’ train station.

Abigail’s eyes were somewhat swollen. Nevertheless, she struggled to control her emotions as she

answered hoarsely, “I don’t know. He lost a lot of blood. H-He was stabbed deeply in the


Sean’s brows furrowed, and he nodded. Then, he turned to Analise, who was staring at him.


Analise merely nodded at him slightly and remained silent.

She had come to realize that Alfie was one of Sean’s men. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to dwell on

how Abigail had once again become entangled with Sean at the moment.

After all, one of them would be the one receiving treatment in the ER if it weren’t for Alfie.

“Have the both of you eaten?” Sean asked Abigail as waiting here doing nothing wasn’t going to make

the doctors work any faster.

When Alfic found Analise, he had texted Sean, saying he would take them out for a meal. Alas, trouble

ensued before he could follow through.

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“Yes,” Even though Abigail was upset by the turn of events, she had to consider Analise’s health. She

could skip a meal, but Analise wasn’t getting any younger.

“Cameron is downstairs. Why don’t you take him with you as you take a look around the food options

here? I’ll stay here with Grandma,” Sean suggested to Abigail warmly.

“All right.” She had no objections.

Alfie was definitely someone important to Sean. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come in person.

After she left, Sean sat down by Analise’s side.

“Are you here because Abigail was bullied by the new young lady of the Pearsons?”

Sean looked at Analise with his gentle eyes.

She looked at him and opened her mouth. Alas, she couldn’t find the words to say anything.

“Abigail also told me about the incident where she was bullied by that wealthy young lady. I sent Chad

back to Capitalis. So, the matter should have ended when he returned. Why did you come to Capitalis

again?” Sean asked. Now that it involved Alfie’s life, he needed to know why Analise had made this


Because if it weren’t for Alfie’s quick actions, the ones in danger today would be Abigail or Analise.

The moment the other party revealed that they were more than willing to endanger their lives to secure

their interests, it indicated that this was not a simple business matter. Instead, that pretty much

confirms that a much deeper conflict of interests existed, and Analise held the key to unlocking part of

their schemes.

Analise’s eyes became lidded. Yet, she still did not utter a word.

“Grandma, I really don’t mean to press you for answers. It’s just that the other party has already

threatened your safety, and I can’t just sit idly by. The Pearsons are a real powerhouse, and if we’re

going against one of theirs… Only I can do something against them. If you’re going to fight against her

with just Abigail, all your efforts will be in vain without my support,” Sean intoned seriously while holding

Analise’s hand.