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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2494
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2494

While Gerald was communicating with Yusra, the other cultivators were readying themselves to take the headless

general head-on.

Unfortunately for them, all they could do was watch as the headless general swung his longsword, prompting it to

be enveloped within a black glow! With each swipe of the

sword capable of sending explosive energy out, all the experts who had been trying to use the formation to their

advantage were eventually forced to retreat.

Hauk and a few others, however, weren’t going down without a fight.


With that, Hauk roared, “The Golden Dragon Formation! Now’s the time!”

Hearing that, the twelve pre-selected Domiensch Masters who were each holding onto a flag mustered their

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courage and leaped forward! Once they were in position, they immediately began chanting a spell, and shortly

after, a gale began blowing all over the place! As if that wasn’t impressive enough, a black cloud soon materialized

above everyone!

As the headless general “looked’ up, a massive golden dragon poked its head out from the clouds! Following a

mighty roar, the shimmering dragon then charged toward the

headless general! The headless general himself simply raised his longsword and began dueling with the golden


In only a few seconds, however, the twelve who were holding onto the flags were already drenched in sweat.

Sensing that they weren’t going to hold on much longer, Master

Greendrake who had been standing near the formation quickly yelled, “Mr. Crawford! The Heavenly Guard Order..!”

“Please, Mr. Crawford! I can’t hold on much longer.!” added Hauk as he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

“On it!” replied Gerald with a slight frown before tossing the Heavenly Guard Order into the air!

Now that it had the support of the Heavenly Guard Order, the golden dragon instantly grew.

“What on earth are you doing, Greendrake?” exclaimed Yusra in a panicked tone.

While Gerald couldn’t move since he was still busy using the Heavenly Guard Order, even he had noticed that things

had just taken a turn for the worst.

As for Master Greendrake, he simply placed his arms against his back before saying,

“Hmm? And here I thought you were smart, Miss Quarrington! What does it look like I’m doing?”

“You…! Are you trying to get us all killed?!” retorted the furious Yusra as she struck a palm attack toward Master


To her shock, Master Greendrake simply raised his hand and out shot a powerful black light that quickly knocked

Yusra and her bodyguards who were all Domiensch Masters aside! He was so strong that they didn’t even have the

chance to resist.

“W-When did you get this powerful…?!” asked Yusra who couldn’t believe all this was

happening. Even Gerald found himself baffled.

Though he had already been wary of Master Greendrake earlier, the dire situation had disallowed him from paying

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attention to that old man for a bit.

Now, however, Gerald finally came to realize what was really happening.

“Miss Quarrington! That isn’t Master Greendrake! Instead, it’s his master, Sanchez Zon!” yelled Gerald.

“What?! Greendrake’s master?!” exclaimed the surprised Hauk.

Sanchez himself simply laughed aloud before declaring, “I’ve gone great lengths just to gather all of you here

today, my dear juniors! But that aside, you’re correct! I’m none other than Sanchez Zon!” Following that, ‘Master

Greendrake’ transformed into a white haired old man! The fact that his body was all withered and thin and his face

resembled an old tree’s bark made many of the remaining cultivators gasp in shock.

Ignoring them, Sanchez then nodded at Gerald before adding, “Either way, I really hadn’t misjudged you, Gerald!

Unfortunately, while you’re a clever one, you still lack experience. Even so, you’re an uncut diamond for sure!”

Upon hearing that, the puzzled boy furrowed his brow as he replied, “With your capabilities, even a hundred of our

ranks wouldn’t be able to take you on, Sanchez. With that in mind, why exactly did you put in so much effort just to

draw all these expert cultivators into this tomb?”