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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2046
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Chapter 2046

Ayden. It was Ayden. Rosalynn couldn’t wrap her head around it, why would it be Ayden?

When Wayne was born, Ayden had been dead for three to four years.

Throughout his upbringing, the only intersection he had with Ayden was when he accidentally discovered in his

teens that his biological father was indeed Ayden.

Natalie had made a clean sweep of any trace that Ayden ever existed. No one was even allowed to mention him. So

Wayne’s knowledge about him should be minimal.

Why would it be Ayden?c2

“Where are you going?” At this moment, Wayne furrowed his eyebrows and looked towards the entrance.

Rosalynn followed his gaze. Other than Mike, there was no one else. She couldn’t describe her feelings at this

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From Wayne’s perspective, the boy glanced at Rosalynn, “I’ll come back later. She doesn’t seem to be in good


Wayne immediately looked back at Rosalynn. His attention, which had been diverted just now, returned. “Your

neck!” Wayne’s eyebrows were tightly knitted.

Rosalynn was gripping his hand tightly, as if she wanted to crush his hand.

“You don’t remember anything that happened last night at all?” Rosalynn asked.

Wayne shook his head, then said, “He took control of my body, it must be him!

As he spoke, he couldn’t help but tremble all over.

“I can’t let him hurt you…” Wayne said, trying to pull away from Rosalynn’s grip, “Mike, take her away!”

“What are you doing?” Rosalynn asked quickly.

I’m not safe right now, I’m dangerous, don’t you understand? You can’t stay with me, I can’t let him hurt you…


Mike stood there. His face was ashen, but he didn’t move. He was waiting for Rosalynn to speak.

Wayne, calm down!” Rosalynn tried to soothe Wayne. But when she got up, Wayne saw the larger bruise under her

collar. Wayne was struck as if by lightning.

His emotions instantly became more agitated, “I don’t want you Here, go! Go!

Seeing this, Mike quickly stepped forward and pushed Wayne back onto the bed, then pressed the call button.

Felix was just coming from Ableson’s. Hearing the commotion, he barged into the ward.

Wayne was too agitated, even Mike was having trouble restraining him. Felix quickly stepped forward to help. The

two of them held Wayne down on the bed.

Wayne’s eyes were red, like a fish stranded on the shore. He looked at Rosalynn, pleading, “Go… please!”

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The doctor arrived quickly. In this situation, they could only continue to administer sedatives.

Wayne gradually calmed down, looking at Rosalynn with increasing sorrow and quilt. As his eyelids slowly closed,

tears slipped from the corners of his


The ward returned to silence, and it seemed to have become too quiet

“Mrs. Silverman, Mr. Silverman’s current situation…” The doctor tried to choose his words carefully, before sighing,

“It’s best to arrange a trusted psychologist for professional treatment as soon as possible. Sedatives are not a long

term solution.”

“I am already arranging it, Rosalynn nodded.

“I happen to know of a renowned team of mental health researchers in H City. Do you need me to contact them for


Rosalynn paused, then she smiled wanly, “Are you talking about Penn Lange?”

“You know him? Then you should contact Dr. Lange as soon as possible. Despite his young age, Dr. Lange’s

research achievements in this field are very high, he is the top in the industry the attending physician said with
