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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2019
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Chapter 2019

Rosalynn felt a twinge of anxiety, and she had a restless night.

Since Wayne had no commitments in the morning, he took Cory and Ivy to school.

After breakfast, Rosalynn went straight to Penn’s clinic.

This was their third meeting, and Penn looked particularly exhausted today.

“Didn’t sleep well?” Rosalynn asked, settling into the chair opposite him.c2

Penn managed a wry smile, “I should tell you, Miss Madeleine was taken away by her father and brother.”

Rosalynn frowned in confusion, “How irresponsible…

“Probably because Madeleine seemed quite normal lately,” Penn sighed, “Let’s just hope when she returns, her

condition hasn’t worsened”

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Rosalynn felt a wave of annoyance. Madeleine’s illness must be cured because Mary was died because of it. If

Madeleine’s treatment was jeopardized because of the ignorance of her father and brother, they were truly


Don’t worry, I sent someone to follow them. If anything goes wrong, they’ll bring her straight back, Penn seemed to

read Rosalynn’s thoughts. He quickly moved on, handing Rosalynn a printed analysis report, “This is the evaluation I

did for Mr. Silverman yesterday

Rosalynn picked it up and began to read silently

“He likely had a form of bipolar disorder before; Penn said slowly.

Rosalynn was unfamiliar with this. As a secretary, she only helped Wayne with his biannual physical exams. She

wasn’t always with Wayne. Ske wasn’t present when he spent time with his family or went on vacation.

So she wasn’t sure whether Wayne had seen a psychiatrist during those times, But from the moment she met

Wayne, she knew he had severe insomnia She finished the report, her eyes landing on the diagnosis –


“Shouldn’t it be multiple personality disorder? Rosalynn looked at Penn, her voice shaky

“There’s quite a difference between the two, Penn then explained the basic differences to Rosalynn, “Considering

Mr. Silverman’s overall condition. schizophrenia is more fitting. The good news is, though he’s experiencing

hallucinations, he can distinguish that they’re not real.”

Hearing this, Rosalynn felt a weight lift off her chest

“Once a patient can’t distinguish between hallucinations and reality, that’s when the real problem begins,” Penn

looked at Rosalynn, “Ms. Jared, if possible. I’d like you to talk with Mr. Silverman about considering inpatient


Rosalynn was taken aback, looking at Penn in surprise.

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If things were as optimistic as Penn suggested, why the sudden need for hospitalization?

“Why?” Rosalynn asked, “Isn’t regular therapy and medication enough?”

Penn pursed his lips, “To be frank with you, Mr. Silverman has a history of concealing his condition. I’m concerned

he might have been hiding responses during the evaluation. If he’s hospitalized, we can observe him around the


After finishing, Penn sighed, “My father was a renowned psychologist. He once had a patient who severely ill. But in

two weeks, this patient mercilessly murdered his fiancée without warning. My father later found out that he had a

hidden personality.

was cooperative during sessions and didn’t seem to be so cleverly concealed that the patient himself was unaware.

This personality was a hallucination…

Penn looked at Rosalynn with a mournful expression, “When he was under its control, he didn’t even realize that his

beloved fiancée had died by his own hand.”

Rosalynn stared at Penn in shock. “And then?”