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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 916
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The Runaway Groom Chapter 916

Irene was absolutely fuming—how could Stan still be hesitant even now?

“Spit it already,” she snapped. “Don’t leave me hanging, or I might die from a heart attack!”

She was not actually joking—her heart could leap out of throat as she kept watching Stan being hesitant to speak.

He began, “I just saw the news about the plane crash…”

“So?” Zachary pressed, feeling anxious too. “Get to the point!”

“I am getting to the point,” Stan said sternly. “Don’t interrupt, please?”

And with that, the other three turned silent and stared fixedly at him, leaving him a little speechless.

“Remember the captain? I saw him jump out of the plane with us with my own eyes,” Stan replied. “But the news is

saying that he and his co-pilot died the same way. It’s no surprise that the co-pilot was killed after I knocked him

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out, but the captain should have survived after landing safely like me instead of dying like his co-pilot.”

James promptly understood what Stan was getting at, and his expression turned somber. “You mean the captain

was silenced?”

“That’s exactly it.” Stan nodded.

“And we can’t reach Mr. Jefferson,” James murmured. “Doesn’t that mean…”

The hunch James had was exactly what Stan feared—that the saboteurs found the captain and killed him to stop

him from ratting out the mastermind.

Did they find Isaac as well, after he was separated from Stan?

Stan was certainly worried that Isaac had been taken by Hector Vaughn, or they would have been able to reach him

by now!

Irene more or less understood what they were getting at, but she glanced between the three men before her and

said, “We can’t just stay here and wait, can we? Whether Isaac’s been hurt or captured, we must do something!”

“Yeah,” James said and turned to the other two. “Let’s split up. You two will go look for Mr. Jefferson where he was

last seen, while I investigate Hector.”

Stan and Zachary nodded. “Yeah. Let’s do that.”

Irene said, “I’ll help with the search.”

Zachary glanced at her foot instead. “No, you stay home. Your leg is hurt, and we’d have to take care of you if you

come with us.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me—” Irene protested, but Zachary did not let her finish.

He simply took a couple steps back, distancing himself from her. “Walk. Let’s see if you can do it normally.”

Irene did not move, compromising because she did not want them to be delayed because of her. “Fine, I won’t join

you. Just go already!”

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“We’ll send word as soon as we have something.”

And with that, they were gone.

Irene watched as they left, feeling considerably upset that she got herself hurt so easily.

She failed to help and even delayed them because they had to take care of her.

She wobbled up to the fountain nearby and sat by it, staring blankly into thin air.

Over at New Kent, Ricky Spencer acted as an informant, leading the police to Bob, the ringleader.

Once they had Bob’s location, they moved in to make arrests… but things went out of hand.

Bob was sharp and adept at counter-intelligence, and he suspected early on that Ricky was now the police’s mole.

That was why he promptly held Ricky hostage and demanded an escape route for Ricky’s life.

The police had to agree to his demand for Ricky’s safety, but the standoff soon turned into a chase and shots were
