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The Protector Novel

Chapter 1439
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Erudia had a highly effective medication that could have saved Levi’s life when he was injured during the battles. It

was a precious and rare medication that was rationed out judiciously. As such, even the Dragonites did not have

much in hand. When they heard Levi had left his medication to his daughter, wife, and mother before he left for

Mount Drago, they felt it was a regretful decision.

Not long after the battle at Mount Drago, Zoey and Emma each received a parcel. It was the precious medication

that Levi left for them. This reaffirmed their belief that he was not a traitor.

“Please! You have to come back!” Zoey stared into the sky and prayed.

On the other hand, Emma was weeping sorrowfully. It pained her that her son had to endure so many sufferings

since he was young.

However, if one were to ask Levi, he would insist he had no regrets and would willingly undertake the pain and

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sufferings for Erudia. He was born to be an Erudian warrior and proud to be one.

One day, at the Lopez residence, Shaun, together with a few others, went up to Zoey and shared a piece of

shocking news with her.

“Let me tell you a secret, Zoey! There is news from Keerea that Levi was seen there, living in a luxurious mansion!”

Shaun’s words gave Zoey the shudders.

“Haha, that confirms he is a traitor! He is enjoying a good life, after betraying us and escaping from Erudia!”

“Heard the mansion was worth billions, and he had hundreds of helpers!”

“This is not a rumor, Zoey. They had proof and eye-witnesses!”

“To think you are still waiting for him! He won’t be back! I even heard that his legs had recovered too!”

The few of them went on and on, piling criticism and insults on Levi. However, they were not the ones who came up

with the story to smear his name.

As the man in black of the Great Family of Eastford had shared, the authorities in Keerea were indeed informed of

Levi’s appearance. Unfortunately for them, Levi had been brought away before they could locate him.

Keerea had actually forgotten about Levi, but since the news of him appeared, they made use of that opportunity

to smear his name by spreading rumors of him enjoying a good life while hiding in Keerea after betraying Erudia.

When the Dragonites and members of The Calamity heard the rumors, they were puzzled. Unlike most people, they

knew Levi was the Crown King, so they firmly believed it was impossible that he could still be alive. They had

searched and verified a couple of times after the bombing of Mount Drago, positive he had perished there. In the

end, they concluded Keerea had spread the rumor to tarnish the reputation of Levi and Erudia. After all, Keerea,

like Zarain, was scheming and fond of such underhanded tactics.

One party did not know Levi was Crown King; the other did not know Levi was really spotted in Keerea.

With the communication breakdown, they all missed the opportunity to realize Levi was indeed alive.

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Thierry and those at Westford thought the same too.

They did not believe Levi was still alive and had brushed it off as a despicable act of Keerea, who was out to

demoralize the Erudians.

However, Keerea did get the outcome they wanted. The sad incident of the demise of Crown King, followed by the

maddening news of betrayal by their former God of War, was a double whammy to Erudia.

Prince William was pleased with the incident and awarded The Avengers five more islands.

Black Tiger, who had hatched and executed the plan, was given big rewards too.

Zoey wanted very much to explain to everyone that Levi was not a traitor. The fact that he had left her the precious

medication was solid proof of his character.

However, she knew unscrupulous people would be eyeing that prized item, and news of her possession of that

precious medication would bring danger to her and her family.

As such, she could only keep mum and pray for the safe return of Levi.