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The Protector Novel

Chapter 1410
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The butler was sent by Harry to keep an eye on Levi’s manor.

However, he had acted recklessly by making a storm out of a teacup, alarming Thierry needlessly.

The Lopez and Black families expressions darkened.

By panicking in front of Thierry, the butler had disgraced them.

Everyone was quaking in their boots, fearful of Thierry’s anger.

Unexpectedly, Thierry asked, “Do you mean Levi the traitor?”

Given how widespread the controversy was, Thierry and Judy naturally knew about it.

“That’s him! He stole many of the drugs and even sold a portion to someone else. He has betrayed Erudia!”

“I am disgusted by the fact that I know him.”

“Scum like him should be wiped of the face of Earth!”

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Everyone lampooned Levi.

Feeling indignant, Zoey clenched her fists.

“Wait, didn’t he flee overseas? Why is he back?” Melanie wondered aloud.

“That’s true. Why did he come back?”

It suddenly dawned upon everyone.

Shaun and Logan exchanged glances and remarked, “No matter the reason, we have to capture him at once and

hand him to the authorities. A traitor like him shouldn’t be allowed to escape.”

“True! By doing so, the Great Family of Westford will gain credit for it. How dare he hand over such an expensive

drug to foreigners!”

Everyone in the room called for blood.

Despite trying to say her piece, Zoey wasn’t given the opportunity to do so.

Levi would be in danger once he was captured.

Even if he wasn’t a traitor, the crowd would insist on branding him as such given the rancor they felt.

Having been reminded of it, Thierry’s eyes lit up.

Judy whispered to him, “Grandpa, this is a fantastic idea! It’s public knowledge that Levi is a traitor and many are

hunting for him. If we can capture him and present him to our majesty, the glory would be ours.”

Suddenly, Thierry was excited by the notion.

“Quick, send someone to capture Levi. I must hand him over to the Crown King!” Thierry declared eagerly.

When he noticed the surprise on everyone’s faces, Thierry realized his excitement had caused a slip of tongue.

“Thierry, do you know the Crown King?” Cora asked at once.

“Grandpa doesn’t just know him, he has even been tasked by the Crown King to run this mission. In other words, the

Great Family of Westford has the Crown King’s trust!” Judy explained.

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Thierry nodded. “That’s right. The Crown King has ordered me to initiate the operation on his behalf. Anyway, this is

classified. Whoever reveals it will be sentenced to death!”

Everyone nodded in acknowledgment.

The Lopez and Black families were delighted by the repeated surprises they experienced after joining the Great

Family of Westford.

And now, we have the support of the Crown King? Our future is bright indeed…

“The good news just keeps rolling in. This is fantastic!”

Cora was equally ecstatic.

“Sigh, if only the Crown King wasn’t married. Otherwise, I would have loved to betroth Judy to him!”

When he heard the topic being brought up, Thierry was filled with frustration.

“Huh? We heard that the Crown King is only in his twenties and isn’t married yet” someone commented.

“He is! You just don’t know it”

“Let’s not digress. First, we must capture Levi!”

Thierry sent the Six Slaves and Shaun to do it.