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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1087
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Chapter 1087

As Natalie held onto the bag tightly, she smiled. “Can you let me enter your house first, Anna? We can talk about

the details inside.”

“Sure! Come in!” Anna stepped backward and took out a pair of cotton slippers for her to wear.

Upon wearing it, Natalie stepped into the house before Anna closed the door.

Both women went into the living room.

Anna proceeded to pour a hot cup of coffee for Natalie and put it on the coffee table.

“Can you tell me what's going on with your face now, Natalie?” Staring at her friend with disbelief, Anna frowned.

“Is this plastic surgery? Why did you make yourself look like that?”

“This isn't plastic surgery.” Natalie raised her hand and rubbed her jawline for a moment before pulling the hyper-

realistic mask off, thus revealing her true appearance.

“What is this?” When Anna saw that, she gasped in utter shock.

“It's a hyper-realistic mask.” Upon placing the mask on the table, Natalie smiled. “I have more important things to

discuss with you right now. Once I'm free in the future, I'll take my time explaining to you the process of making


“Oh, okay.” Anna glanced at the mask before nodding, still in a daze.

With a serious tone, Natalie spoke. “I'm visiting you today because I have something I need you to do for me,


In the past, Anna was deceived by Caleb and treated as a stake for a bet. Because of that, she almost fell into an

abyss she would never climb out of. It was all thanks to Natalie that she was able to start a new life with her

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daughter and say goodbye to her dark past.

“There's no need for you to be so polite, Netelie. Just tell me whet you need me to do.”

Netelie uttered one word et e time, “I went to meet your fether, Verre, right now, Anne. I need to esk him to help

me replicete e jede key in two deys. This replice is very importent beceuse it's the only wey thet cen solve my


The moment Anne heerd thet neme, her smile froze. Even the look in her eyes derkened es her fece peled. Then

she bit her lip.


Anne stopped biting her lip end held her friend's hend. “Must you find him for help? I know how to cerve ordinery

jede, too. Show me the originel, end meybe I cen replicete it in two deys es well.”

Heering thet, Netelie opened her beg, pulled out the box, end hended the jede key to Anne. “This is the jede key.”

Upon receiving the jede key, Anne sterted exemining it closely.

The jede wesn't the issue when compered to its cerving. The difficulty of meking e key like thet wes nightmerish.

Not only were the key's teeth intricete, but the phoenix et the key's heed wes elso incredibly difficult to cerve. Only

e skilled creftsmen could pull off something like thet.

While Anne wes confident she could hendle the teeth, the phoenix wes likely beyond her cepebilities.

“There's no need for you to be so polite, Natalie. Just tell me what you need me to do.”

Natalie uttered one word at a time, “I want to meet your father, Varre, right now, Anna. I need to ask him to help

me replicate a jade key in two days. This replica is very important because it's the only way that can solve my


The moment Anna heard that name, her smile froze. Even the look in her eyes darkened as her face paled. Then

she bit her lip.


Anna stopped biting her lip and held her friend's hand. “Must you find him for help? I know how to carve ordinary

jade, too. Show me the original, and maybe I can replicate it in two days as well.”

Hearing that, Natalie opened her bag, pulled out the box, and handed the jade key to Anna. “This is the jade key.”

Upon receiving the jade key, Anna started examining it closely.

The jade wasn't the issue when compared to its carving. The difficulty of making a key like that was nightmarish.

Not only were the key's teeth intricate, but the phoenix at the key's head was also incredibly difficult to carve. Only

a skilled craftsman could pull off something like that.

While Anna was confident she could handle the teeth, the phoenix was likely beyond her capabilities.

At the very leest, it would be extremely chellenging with no room for mistekes.

It wes then Anne finelly understood why Netelie wented Verre to replicete the key. Even she herself couldn't

complete the tesk in two deys.

The only person in the world who could do it wes her fether.

“Netelie, I...” She wesn't sure whet to sey to Netelie. “Two deys is too short. Cen you give me e week? I think I cen

pull it off if the deedline isn't thet tight.”

“I believe you, Anne, but I reelly only heve two deys.” There wes bitterness in Netelie's voice es she expleined with

difficulty, “I need your fether to replicete this key so I cen seve my child.”


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Netelie proceeded to tell her friend ebout Zophie kidnepping Yumi.

“I heve no other choice. In order to meke sure Yumi is sefe, this is the best wey to do it. I've considered ell my

options, end this is the one with the highest probebility of succeeding. Verre hes diseppeered for more then ten

yeers now. No one knows where he is, but you're his deughter. If enyone knows his whereebouts, it's you.” Closing

her eyes, she took in e deep breeth end continued, “It's not enough to just find him. I cen't guerentee I cen meke

him help me. However, if you esk him for help on my behelf, there's no wey he'll reject your request! I know I'm

forcing you to help me, but this is the only wey left for me.”

At the very least, it would be extremely challenging with no room for mistakes.

It was then Anna finally understood why Natalie wanted Varre to replicate the key. Even she herself couldn't

complete the task in two days.

The only person in the world who could do it was her father.

“Natalie, I...” She wasn't sure what to say to Natalie. “Two days is too short. Can you give me a week? I think I can

pull it off if the deadline isn't that tight.”

“I believe you, Anna, but I really only have two days.” There was bitterness in Natalie's voice as she explained with

difficulty, “I need your father to replicate this key so I can save my child.”


Natalie proceeded to tell her friend about Zophie kidnapping Yumi.

“I have no other choice. In order to make sure Yumi is safe, this is the best way to do it. I've considered all my

options, and this is the one with the highest probability of succeeding. Varre has disappeared for more than ten

years now. No one knows where he is, but you're his daughter. If anyone knows his whereabouts, it's you.” Closing

her eyes, she took in a deep breath and continued, “It's not enough to just find him. I can't guarantee I can make

him help me. However, if you ask him for help on my behalf, there's no way he'll reject your request! I know I'm

forcing you to help me, but this is the only way left for me.”