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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1435
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Chapter 1435

Bard also took out his phone to issue instructions. "I'm gonna have someone question the restaurant staff. See if there's a mole or

if anyone's been sneaking around the kitchen."

Back in her room, Arabella took out her own phone and instructed, "lI need you to check the black market for a drug. It causes

continuous flatulence after initial ingestion, discomfort in the stomach, inability to expel waste, followed by continuous diarrhea

and hallucinations, with effects lasting approximately twelve hours."

“What kind of sicko comes up with this stuff? It's like they're out to get someone. That's just twisted." Justin's voice crackled

through the phone, barely masking his concern. "Boss, tellno one's trying to pull this number on you!"

“Why so many questions?"

"Someone's actually got the guts to mess with you? Just givea name, and 1'll go chop his head offt"

“We'll talk about it once I've got aname, Arabella replied coolly. "Gotta go, | need to get ssleep."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Meanwhile, the servants occasionally heard strange noises coming from Serena's room. They didn't dare peek, just kept their


Until the next morning, a little past nine.

Serena opened her eyes and suddenly noticed the ceiling was colorful and even damaged.

She couldn't believe it. Sitting up, she saw that all the ceiling lights were busted, the room was trashed, and she felt like she'd

been hit by a truck.

What on earth had happened?

Had there been a burglar in her room?

Had she lost her virginity?

The thought made her glance down, noticing her clothes were in disarray.

And then she saw it—a massive bruise on her stomach. What in the world had happened?

Her mind was a mess, but slowly she recalled something about a Snow Queen kicking her in the belly.

A Snow Queen?

Why was her mind throwing her these bizarre flashbacks?

Frantically, she tried to get out of bed, but her body was weak. She collapsed to the floor and struggled to get back up. Finally

standing, she staggered to the door and pounded weakly on it.

The servants nearby were terrified, huddling together, fearing Serena might unleash more chaos.

When Serena called out normally for someone to open the door, they hesitantly sent Iria, the bravest among them.

“Iria” Serena said as the door swung open, about to ask what had happened, but Iria looked as if she'd seen a ghost and bolted


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Serena was baffled. What was going on with them? One scaredy-cat was one thing, but seven or eight huddled together, looking at

her like she was a monster.

“Thurn,” Serena said directly, “chere!"

Thurn approached, tears welling up in her eyes, clutching her swollen cheek.

"Ms. Serena"

"What happened to you?"

Serena tried to move Thurn's hand to see her face, but Thurn started screaming, "Please, Serena, have mercy! I've already lost a


“What are you talking about?” Serena was confused by Thurn's wailing and quickly grew impatient. "Never mind, just go. Get

someone else here."

Eventually, under the servants’ collective urging, a timid maid named Liz stepped forward.

She didn't want to, but being the newest one, she had to follow the others" lead.