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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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1 32 Ayla

“Don’t pretend I know you are not sleeping anymore” Jason hissed at me, and I wish he

would just let me be.

I was unsure how much he had seen exactly, or how he knew I was not asleep for that

matter. All I did know was that it was unsettling that he knew. It shows me he was

watching my every move, commenting on it without letting David know. It was confusing,

not knowing why he was helping David. And if he really agreed with all that was

happening here. At the moment, he seemed to be helping me. But most of the time it

seemed as if he still hated me. Like I had actually done something to hurt his sister when

it was the Moon Goddess who fated me to David.. In retrospect, I would never choose him

in my mind, she could have him if she wanted him so badly.


“Why are you doing this Jason, you’re awfully loyal to the man who made

You, your fated mate, and your sister’s life miserable. Or did enjoy being rejected, because

of what the Birches told you to do? So I might be pretending to sleep to get a little more

rest. You are supporting the man who is hurting your sister every day. So maybe it is you

pretending you are pretending to love your sister. Because neither of my siblings would

ever let anyone do this to me. Yet here you are waiting on the hand or foot of the man who

uses your sister as his own. personal prostitute. To share with everyone who wants to if it

gives me an advantage. All to mate with the she-wolf he told your sister, she rejected to

be with her.” I scoffed at him, and I knew how vile the things I was saying were.

But I had to, I needed to provoke him. To make him lose control and say things he

shouldn’t have said. Or to at least get a read on him. If he lost control of his emotions then

maybe I could find out more, and find a way to get out of this hellhole.

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1 32 Ayla

1 288 Mouchers

To his credit, Jason did get mad at me, but he managed to keep it in. He was balling his

hands in fists and I expected to see the claws grow from his hand. But none of that

happened. He swallowed harshly and then turned his attention back to me.

“You speak a lot for someone who is so out of touch with what is happening here. But you

have always been, haven’t you, Ayla? The wonderful Ayla Hemming, the untouchable Ice

Queen, does not interact with anyone but her family and two best friends. Who always.

got everything she ever wanted without knowing any struggle in her life. And now that

you are finally struggling, it is still over the backs of others.” He snarled at me, the

growing tension and the voices getting louder woke David up.

Getting into his protective Alpha role that gave me the ick right away. Screaming at Jason

to leave me alone. Like he was protecting his mate. from someone dangerous. And not his

own Beta arguing with his captive a little bit. The situation was ironic and if it wasn’t for

the pain. and hunger, I would have laughed at the stu pidity of the situation.

“I am mad at your mate because she is conspiring against you, just check her pockets


Sh it s hit s hit, Jason must have seen, and my heart plummeted to the soles of my feet

when I heard Jason rat me out. There was no way for me to hide the tied ribbons fast

enough. And not even David was dumb. enough to believe any lie I could come up with as

to why I was wearing so many ribbons with me.

David seemed to snap awake at Jason’s words, jumping out of bed and rushing to me.

Roughly pulling me up, my arm so he could easily access my pockets. Where he found

about fifty ribbons, I spent the entire night making.

“What is this you filthy bi tch do you really think you could hide this from me?? You need

to realize what a man, is and does. A real man



13 2 Ayla

like me and what she-wolves can do. So I will show you” He told met raising his hand to

the sky.

There was a foolish silly part of me left that hoped that Jason would stop David from

hitting me. Hoping he would have enough decency left in his phone to stop David, right in

this moment I couldn’t even bet sure Jason would stop David if tried to rape me again.

I tried staring at Jason but the eye contact got disrupted as David’s fist landed square in

my face. I could feel my nose break under the force of his fist slamming into my face over

and over again. Jason silently witnessed with a facial expression that was somewhere

between guilt. and feeling gratified that I had to go through all of this.

It wouldn’t last long now I could feel it. A feeling that I was getting more and more often. A

tiredness that seemed to settle directly behind my eyes. Sounds, sights, and smells

getting muted. Like I was watching myself inside when I was standing outside, soon now I

would slip back into that darkness where I would have to find the strength to fight my way



But today it didn’t happen because just when I was about to pass out the door creaked

again. David released his hold on my collar causing me to collapse to the floor. Jason

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turned around the door ready to shift. So whoever it was that just walked into the dungeon

with us. They were not expecting them either.

It wasn’t Griffin, I would have sensed and smelled him before the door would even open.

Still, it could be one of his guards it was not like I knew the entire pack by name and or

scent. Jason’s sigh of relief was the first indication that it was not who I had hoped to be.

To all our surprise it was Hannah who stood in the dungeon with us. She rushed to David

and told him to stop beating me half to death.

1 32 Ayla

Then she whirled at her brother with fury in her eyes.

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“And you Jason thank you so much for betraying me like you are doing now, I begged you

and this is what you do.” She yelled at him.

Hannah might have stopped David from beating me to death, and I might have been able

to eat three meals yesterday. He did still punch into me for the longest time. While he

didn’t hold back at all, three filling but unhealthy meals didn’t magically bring my body

back to health. I tried my best to listen to their conversation and to make sense of the fact

that Hannah was here again. The weird thing was that she was wearing one of Gerald’s


I recognized it because Jessa hated that hoodie and had tried to get Gerald to get rid of it

ever since they found out they were mates. But the darkness kept pulling and pulling and I

was losing the fight. Eventually, I had no other choice than to let it pull me under and

close. my eyes as I fell on my makeshift bed. Hoping that I would wake up soon if I would

wake up at all.


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