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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 234
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009 Ayla “Gerald. | am so sorry | need to be here for Ayla now, givea minute okay” Jessa told her mate.

No doubt showing my weakness, driving the point h| am truly unfit as a Luna. More and more | cto the conclusion that David was right. For sweird reason mine and Hannah's matebounds got crossed. | wondered if this meant that Griffin was actually her second chance mate. After all if she lost out on her matebond with David because of that mistake she lost her true mate with out it being her fault. Meaning that she was worthy of a second chance mate atleast in the eyes of the Moon. Goddess. For sreason the idea of her being with Griffin upsetand Willow more than knowing she would soon be the Blood Moon's next Luna if this weekend didn’t work out for her.

Jessa had ledto the bar and found us a somewhat secluded corner to talk. Of course she figured | was happy about finding a second chance. mate. She lovedand because of it she was blind to the fact that if | was unworthy of David, | would be even more unworthy of Griffin. She listened tobut couldn't stop herself from interupting trying to convince| was more than capable of becoming a Luna.

“Well his Beta to be just toldhe didn’t want to have anything to do withbefore. Only when he found out that the Moon Goddess paired. us together. It’s just a waiting gbefore he rejectstoo” | sighed looking into my glass which | had drank far to quickly.

0.00% 12:04 “I'm sorry to interrupt you guys and | never meant to eaves drop but that is not what he meant” The guy who walked up toand Griffin with Dillion had walked up to us.

Up close | could see the beautiful intricate mark baring Dillion’s name. Showing| was right and that this guy was indeed Dillion’s mate. Which he confirmed when introducing himself.

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“I'm Stanley, Dillion’s mate. He has told Prince Griffin a little about you. How he figured you were the perfect chosen mate for him. Prince Griffin did say he was not interested, not in choosing a mate when there was still tleft to find his fated mate. He had not seen, smelled or heard you in that moment. We figured out you were his fated mated seconds. before you started running away. | don’t know what happened before butt Griffin said you were thinking about giving him a chance. If so you atleast need to know the truth okay” With that he left us after giving one last gentle smile.

| was reeling with all the new information. It made it hard forto know what | was feeling. Deep down | knew the easiest thing was to walk up to Griffin and ask him to talk to me. Tell him about all my doubts and asking him to be honest withabout what he was feeling. And | would later tonight, | needed stto process all this. | wanted to get to know my best friends mate better. Most of all | wanted to know what their plans were.

Only now the knowledge that my friend might move in with her mate right away was settling in.

“Let's enjoy our night for a bit, and | promise I will talk to him later 18.75% < 12:04 288 Vouchers okay?” | told Jessa.

She knewbetter than anyone so she was a bit hesitant at first but finally agreed with me. When we walked back to Theo and James Silver, Gerald was deep in conversation with them. They all seemed to instantly hit it off and it madesmile.

Now Gerald focussed his attention on me, asking aboutgetting to know me. He obviously avoided the mates topic and Griffin. It made the conversation feel a bit awkward and forced but through it all, | could feel he was a good guy. One that was over the moon with having Jessa as his mate and it was all I could wish for my best friend.

“I will be traveling to your pack Ayla, | want to do things properly so I will ask Alpha Phillipe if it is okay for Jessa to move in with the Silver Moon pack,” Gerald explained.

For a moment | was confused but then it dawned on me, we had been telling everyone | would travel to the BloodMoon Pack with the Phillips.. To make sure we didn’t raise suspicion about my plans for after the ball.

Finding out that Jessa was going to move here eventually was a double- edged sword. | thought the world of her, so naturally | wanted her to have the world. Gerald could no doubt give it to her. But how awkward would it be to visit her after Griffin had rejected me? She wouldn't just be one of his packmembers. Her mate is one of his best friends and would be his Gemma.

“He is not gonna you know,” Gerald said shootinga look I could only 38.87% 12:04 009 Ayla read as pity.

288 Vouchers “Don’t tell him | said that he mindlinkednot to try and sway your mind either way. He wants you to give him a chance because you want to. Not because others have convinced you” Gerald continued smiling at 1. me.

“Thank you, | just need to go outside for a minute. | will be right back” | told the others.

Gerald saw this as the perfect moment to ask Jessa for a dance and Theo and James soon followed suit. No doubt excited to be able to share a dance too.

Not me, because | had to decide what | was going to do. | could travel back to the Blood Moon pack with Gerald and the Silver’s tell Alpha Phillip | would be staying at the castle for a few weeks before coming back here and giving him a chance. | had to stop at the White Oak pack on the way there. To tell my family what was happening, and to ask Aunt Lina about second-chance mates. She was one of Grandma's closest friends, Daniel was named after her mate. Apart from their friendship Aunt Lina’s knowledge about werewolves, our traditions, and the MoonGoddess made Grandma choose her as her Gemma. She never stopped learning new things either.

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If there would ever be anyone who could tellif you can get a second chance mate after being rejected it would be her.

Giving Griffin a chance was scary, but | know how it feels to be rejected.

57.41% < 12:04 009 Ayla 1288 Vouchers for things you cannot help. And | would never wish for someone to undergo that spain as | had. Not without giving them a chance first. The Silver's were easier to find and when | told them to switch the plane tickets to a direct flight home. Explaining | decided to give Griffin a chance.

And how | planned on doing that made them happy. Like | expected to | knew they all just wantedto be happy. Somehow they were convinced that giving Griffin a chance was the way to find that happiness.

“I saw him slink off with his parents, there is a door at the end of the room. Just go through there the King and Queen will be most happy to meet you” Gerald's words were reassuring.

Taking a deep breath | made my way toward the direction he pointed in. Sure enough, there was a door there.

Just as | put my hand on the doorknob to enter | heard voices, one | recognized as Griffin's | could only catch the last bit. He said something about fated mate.

This was it he was talking about me, it would be the right tto introduce myself to them. | second-guessed my resolve to just walk in and figured I should knock first. Just as | raised my hand another voice boomed from behind the closed door.

“No way, | will not allow it. You will need a Luna, a Queen, the Luna of all Luna’s” As | suspected the King and Queen were not accepting of a weak small werewolf as their future Queen. Who knows with BloodMoon pack 74.39% 12:04 009 Ayla 1288 Vouchers members present they might have heard srumors too. Even if | could not hear what the Queen was saying as the voices quieted down a bit | knew it wasn’t anything good. Desperate to hear more, to try and find information to prepare for my second rejection | pressed my ear against the door. It was Griffin who spoke again and what he said gavethe strength to know what | needed to do.

“Then | will choose a suitable mate and marry her.” He said, before | heard footsteps heading to the door | was currently pressed against to eavesdrop on a private royal conversation.
