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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 230
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005 Griffin For the last few days, | had been waking up achy like | have been training too hard: Mom had noticed and she was worried about me. She thought | might have been overdoing myself in preparation for the royal ball.

Probably because this was the first event | had gotten personally involved with.

| clung to the hope of finally finding her at this ball. | did more than hoping though. Just as | did the very first night after finding out that | had one final chance of meeting my second chance mate. | had been praying to the Moon Goddess every night, bringing her offerings. And | had sent every staff member available, whom I fully trust to bring the invitations personally. To both get as many she-wolves to cto the ball as possible, and to scope out the packs.

Slowly but surely | was getting sure of the fact that | would find my mate. Everyone aroundsaid | had my head in the cloud. That | was a hopeless romantic and that | needed to consider the possibility of choosing a chosen mate. | had promised my parents and | am not someone that goes back on his word. But | will wait until the clock strikes midnight | do not find my fated mate before that time. Thinking, of it, maybe I should stop thinking about her as my second chance mate. Maybe | should just refer to her as my fated mate. To not make it sound like she was second best, or a second choice.

| hated how | was reconsidering everything. It was just the pressure of finding her. Normally when you find your mate, you have the tto get to know each other before you complete the mating process. My parents wantedto complete the mating process within a month. Meaning | 0.00% 12:00 005 Griffin 288 Vouchers had to convince a girl to move in with me, leave her own pack behind, and fully acceptas her mate within a month. Cto think of it with all of the stress about this, and all the extra work | was taking on. Maybe Mom was right. Maybe | was waking up sore and achy because of all | was doing.

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It didn’t stopfrom giving my all though. | nervously looked around in my room. | was wondering whether | would just pick a different room. forand my mate to move into. Or should | move sof my personal belongings, so my mate could have her personal stuff and make it our room.

“Your room is empty enough as it is, your highness.

| turned around happy to hear Dillion’s voice again. He could readlike an open book. He just got me, just how seeing my back. He knew | was doubting my room being ready enough for my Luna, my mate. He also was the last of my messengers returning from hand delivering the invitations to my ball.

“So, how was it?” | asked him, sitting down on the bed and signalling for him to sit down next to me.

“Words had spread quickly. All Alphas confirmed that there were quite a few unmated she-wolves from their packs and they were more than happy to attend the ball.” Dillion briefed the situation to me. “The number of guests that we expect will be nerve-wracking.” “It would be all worth it if | can find my mate.” | scratched my head, 25.26% 12:00 005 Griffin laughing.

288 Vouchers “I know you are praying for a fated mate, and you know | hope you find her, Griff. | want you to have the shappiness as | have.” He stated and | knew what he was going to say.

Dillion recently found his fated mate, a guy. He had confided in being attracted to both male and female wolves before. That never stopped him from being faithful to his mate. To wait until he met them. But it had made them nervous not knowing what he needed to look out for. Until he met Collin he had the moment | was dreaming of where he instantly knew who his mate was. Luckily Collin didn’t have an issue with moving to the castle. They had completed their mating process and were as happy as could be. Now that happily mated wolf sitting on my bed. was about to tell| should not hope to find what he had and choose a random mate.

“Moon Goddess knows that | want you to find her. But if you don’t meet a girl and | wouldn't mind her being our queen. She seems right up your alley, too.” He teased me.

“By the way. | met a small yet brave she-wolf at BloodMoon. She never backed down though being attacked by five other wolves. And the royal emblem on my coat didn’t change her attitude towardsat all.” He chuckled.

“She is a little firecracker though. You need someone who helps you get your head out of your own ass sometimes.” “The girl sounds like a fun person to be around. You know how much | 46.15% 12:00 005 Griffin 1288 Vouchers hate wolves ganging up on others.” | commented. “Will she cto the ball?” “Yes, I'd given her the invitation and she seemed to be interested in being part of it.” Dillion replied.

“Good. Don’t forget to point out who she is at the ball. I'd like to meet her.” “Okay, but only at the end of the night.” Dillion continued, “And one. more thing, she has been rejected by her fated mate.” Dillion’s words surprised me. | could not help wondering the reason behind her rejection. | could not imagine someone being rejected by the person the Moon Goddess arranged for her. Being rejected by her fated. mate? She might have done something terrible.

“Imagine getting rejected, that must be the worst feeling in the world, even worse than finding out your mate has died before you've met them.” | said out loud.

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More to myself than to Dillion. It gaveanother thing to worry about..

“What if | find my fated mate at the ball but she rejects me?” | asked. Dillion, worries all over my face.

67.24% A 12.00 005 Griffin 288 Vouchers Dillion shook his head, chuckling. “Stop panicking, Griff. Everything will be fine. You could not be praying to the Moon Goddess while doubting her picks for you!” “Yes, you're right.” | tried to calm myself down. “But what should | do now?” The rest of the day, against Dillion’s advice, | cleared out more personal stuff from my room, hoping my mate will feel welcenough to put her own stuff in our room. It was the last thing | needed to settle before the ball. So now, all that was left to do was count down the last five days until the ball, praying and bringing my offers to the Moon Goddess. Selene.

ork Finally, the day arrived. It seemed that | underestimated the number of unmated she-wolves willing to cto the royal ball to be picked by me. It was a good thing though. The more she-wolves here, the bigger the chances were that | realized my dream of finding my mate amongst them.

When | entered the ballroom, | caught a wisp of one scent. A scent that was so enticing that it stoppedfrom thinking of anything else. A scent that woke my wolf up. The smell of a lilac on a summer night.

My mate was here.

Tracing the scent, | felt my heart pounding.
