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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 762
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"Mr. Wolf, let's go."

Vivienne took Percival's hand, their eyes meeting with a shared look of tenacity and resolve.

It was tto tear open the curtain of complacency with this Sadie and Julian incident. It was about tthose arrogant fools

realized that not everything in this world could be shaken by the ancient warrior lineages!

Outside the police station, Harrison's half-lit face flickered in the dim light. He touched his swollen cheek gingerly, fingers coming

away dusted in grime.

That was the mark left by Vivienne's boot when she kicked up the dirt in her haste.

"The Ellington family, the Hawthorn family... Good for them!"

At the Abernathy estate.

Early in the morning, Victoria's courtyard was abuzz with activity as people cand went, busy with their duties.

The moment Victoria stepped through the gate, a thunderous roar echoed clearly to her ears, and her emotions tumbled through

surprise before settling on bewilderment.

She grabbed a passing maid by the arm, urgently asking, "What's going on inside?"

The maid, clutching a bottle of medicine, dare not conceal the truth, "The young master has been beaten, and the patriarch is in a


Harrison was beaten?

Victoria's eyes darted around with intrigue, and though doubts lingered, her heart felt unexpectedly light.

She glanced back at Seaton, her stoic bodyguard in a sharp black suit, who shook his head indicating he was also in the dark about

the situation.

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Truth be told, Seaton was quite surprised himself.

Ever since Harrison arrived at the Abernathy estate, though he wasn't considered heir apparent by Gavin; he held a special place in

his heart.

Within the Abernathy household, likely only Madeline could rival Harrison.

Despite Harrison's lack of personal combat skills, outsiders usually showed him a modicum of respect for Gavin's sake.

And now, someone had dared to attack him?

"Miss, shall we go in and have a look?" Seaton asked.

If there was a "Hater List" for Harrison, Victoria would be at the top of it, so she wouldn't miss such an amusing opportunity for the


Victoria's lips curled into a smile at the thought of Harrison's misfortune, "Of course. How could | miss such an entertaining


As she strode towards the parlor, the noise grew louder. Gavin's furious voice, accompanied by the sounds of tables being slapped

and dishes crashing, could be heard from inside, "This is outrageous! Do the Ellingtons truly think they are the foremost power in

Veridia?! That Vivienne, to think she would dare lay a hand on a son-in-law of the Abernathy family! This is outrageous!"

Victoria paused, her face tinged with sarcasm.

"Enough, Gavin," Madeline's voice, affected and melotic, broke through, "Don't be so angry. There's no point in ruining your

health over a trivial girl like Vivienne. She doesn't have any real power; she's just caught Mr. Ellington's eye because of her looks.

Harrison isn't seriously hurt, so let's not dwell on it."

Gavin retorted, "How can | not be angry? That old Richard never respected me, choosing to cut ties with his daughter rather than

support me. And now, decades later, his grandchildren have the audacity to attack our family! It's as if they're cut from the same

cloth, that Vivienne, just as arrogant and heartless as old Richard!"

"Vivienne was the one who hit Harrison?" After standing in the yard for a while, Victoria pieced together the story, "That girl's got


Considering she'd indirectly avenged her, Victoria thought it only fair to let slide the incident where Vivienne had stood her up.

As she stood there, listening to Gavin shamelessly slander the Ellington family, any sense of relaxation on her face evaporated like


What in the world had her mother seen in Gavin?

"Miss, we're not going in?" Seaton, following behind Victoria, noticed her hesitation at the door and her expression souring before

she turned to leave.

A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes. Victoria used to relish seeing Harrison's defeats, so why not now?

With a cold expression, Victoria replied, "Why bother with Harrison? We'd be better off thinking about how to retrieve what we need

from Vivienne."

From the moment she entered the courtyard to when she walked away, all the commotion was drowned out by Gavin's roaring.

Harrison, enduring his discomfort, peered through the screen door, catching a glimpse of a familiar silhouette. His eyes flickered

with recognition, then immediately dismissed the thought.

That woman, if she knew he'd been hit, would surely be the first to rush in and gloat. Why would she just walk away?

His gaze fell, and he hid the stirrings in his heart.

As Gavin's tirade continued unabated, Harrison couldn't help but find it all so laughable.

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All this bluster, and yet, he still wouldn't speak the words about settling the score with Richard Ellington.

Kaitlyn wasn't wrong; Gavin was like a dog groveling at the Grimshaws’ feet, all bark and no bite!

Pausing, he looked up at Gavin, "Dad, don't get worked up. Our main goal right now is to get our hands on Kaitlyn's stuff. The

charm offensive is probably off the table. Those two old coots must be in the hospital by now. | say we stir up a storm with Zinnia

and the gang."

Sophie had been cowering in the corner, barely daring to move. She was terrified that Gavin would find out it was her sudden call

to Harrison that tipped off Kaitlyn to their presence.

Relieved to hear Harrison change the subject, she chimed in eagerly, "Yeah, Dad. We're running out of time. Let's just go all in and

put the media squeeze on Kaitlyn. | refuse to believe that Vivienne can keep guarding her flank forever!"

At this, Gavin's fiery temper seemed to simmer down, "We've tried the media angle before, and you've seen how it went. Back

then, Kaitlyn didn't give up the item. Now, with the help of the Ellingtons, she's even less likely to play ball."

But Harrison was undeterred, a glint of ruthlessness flashing in his clear-cut eyes, "No matter how tough Vivienne is, those two

geezers are on their last legs. If they're knocking on death's door, what can she possibly do to pull them back?"


At the hospital, Vivienne stood in front of Julian's bed and rubbed her itchy nose, her cheeks flushed with color.

Percival reached out to feel her forehead, "Are you coming down with something? Did you catch a cold from the draft last night?"





