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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186

Tranquil Estates.

Dorian and Cordelia had an uneasy night. They were worried sick since their daughter Vivienne was

out and hadn’t returned. They had made several calls. but she never answered. They only ever heard

the busy signal

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Dorian rushed to answer it and was taken aback when he saw Cecilia.

“Cecilia? Why are you here so late?”

It was already past ten. Cecilia should be sleeping Why was she visiting them at this hour?

Moreover, her eyes were red it looked like she had just cried

Cecilia tried to force a smile, trying to maintain her composure, but she couldn’t help but explain, Tsolde

has been kidnapped, and Vivienne has gone to

rescue her



Donan and Cordelia stared at Cecilia with disbelief written all over their faces

Cordelia was the first to snap out of her shock. She grabbed Cecilia’s arm and asked nervously. You

just said Vivienne went to rescue her? How could she do that? She’s just a nineteen–year–old girl! She

doesn’t know any fighting skills, how could you let her go?

Dorian also chimed in Your daughter has been kidnapped, and you let my daughter go to rescue her?

That’s not fair, is it?”

He was worried about Isolde’s kidnapping, but Vivienne was his daughter

No father would want his daughter to be in danger

Cecilia didn’t expect Dorian and his wife to question her like that She became flustered. I’m sorry, I

wasn’t thinking clearly I’ll call Vivienne and tell her not to go I’ve already called the police

After Isolde was kidnapped, she reported it to the police immediately, then called the Ellington family

But Percival’s phone was always busy

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Just then, Vivienne called, and in her anxious state, she told Vivienne everything

For some reason, when Vivienne said she would handle it, she felt a strange sense of relief but forgot

that Vivienne was only nineteen. She was a girl who knew nothing about fighting skills

If anything happened to Vivienne, not only would Dorian and his wife not forgive her, but her own son

wouldn’t forgive her either

Cecilia quickly took out her phone and dialed Vivienne’s number, but it was still busy

She didn’t dare look Donan in the eye She whispered, “I can’t get through.”

Donan was speechless for a while

Just then, his phone rang

It was his coworker He didn’t want to answer at first, but thought about it and picked up

As soon as he answered, his coworker said anxiously. “Dorian, quickly open your phone Check the live

stream app. Someone kidnapped your daughter 1 students and they want her to rescue them. The live

stream has over a million newers. You should watch it

After Vivienne’s piano performance at the Brooks family banquet went viral, Dorian had been bragging

about his daughter to his coworkers.

So, everyone knew his daughter was Vivienne

Dorian didn’t hesitate. He opened his phone immediately

The number of viewers on the golden masked mans live stream was increasing rapidly. The chat was

flooded with pleas not to harm the students.

But the man in the golden mask sat leisurely in his chair

“Friends in the chat, what do you think should do with these students if Vivienne doesn’t arrive within

the time I’ve set? Oh night, and her fancés ištie sister Shes quite cute it would be a shame to kill her

After a moment of thought, the man in the golden mask continued. “How about i send her to Fanana

islas Golden Gratto? She’ll be quite the locker when she grows up”

As soon he said this the chat filled with insults

“Madman Beast You’re worse than a pig or a dog! How could you lay a hand on such a young girt?”

Release them immediately You can’t escape the long arm of the law!

“You’re acum! How could your mother give birth to something like you? Release them now, or 11 dig ›

your ancestors graves when you die?” The man in the guiden mask completely ignored the chat “As for

the students, they are already grown up and sensibie, so they are not easy to handle how about i

dismember them?ve read a where ancient emperors purvshed criminals on this way ¦ quale ike

this puratinent Concidental, i sat

thes dismemberment method” bought a few horses I havent ridden them yet, so I might as well try

The chat filled with more insults

Cordelia watched the mans ruthless behavior on the live stream and nearly faded Dorian had to

support her so she didn’t colapse

The man continued to spout nonsense, but Cordelia couldn’t

them What do we do? We have to help her

anymore She ung to Duriants arm. Dorian Vivience will definately go to rescue

Chapter 186

She didn’t spend much time with Vivienne, but she already considered Vivienne as her own daughter

She knew Vivienne was capable and resourceful, ever since they brought her back, she had continually

surprised them.

Vivienne knew how to use medicine, even if she didn’t know fighting skills, she would use this

knowledge to rescue the students.

She knew Vivienne wouldn’t stand by and watch her students be hurt, especially by such a cruel man

Tears streamed down her face. She wanted to help Vivienne, but she was powerless

Cecilia listened to the man in the golden mask with her lips pursed

Vivienne’s students and Isolde were caught because they were targeting Vivienne They wanted

Vivienne to make a choice

Although she shouldn’t be thinking about what choice Vivienne would make at this time, she already

had a certain answer in the depths of her heart

But Dorian was staring at his phone without a word

After a long while, he looked at Cordelia and said very seriously. They’re after that thing”

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Cordelia was taken aback, and her lips began trembling You mean they

Did they discover Vivienne’s identity?

Dorian moistened his lips, taking a moment before he spoke Let’s give it back. If protecting this thing

means Vivienne losing her life. Id

Cordelia was in quick agreement Right Nothing is more important than Vivierther

She paused before saying. Try to get in touch with that man through the live stream”

Dorian nodded, opened the man’s profile, and clicked on private messages 1 have what you want

Spare Vivienne.”

He sent the message, but there was no response

Suddenly Cordelia let out a cry of alarm Vivienne

Donar quickly looked over to see Vivienne appearing alone in the live stream.

After seeing Vivienne’s lonely and proud demeanor, Dorian’s eyes narrowed, and his fingers clenched

tightly around his cell phone

After a moment, he exited the live stream and opened his contact list, dialing a number without any

notes attached to it

The call was quickly answered, and without waiting for the other party to speak, he began, “The person

who gave me this number is K

The person on the other end paused, then asked, “What do you need?”

There’s a live stream in Havenwood of students being kidnapped. I need the address of that live


Ti send it to you in five minutes.”

After hanging up. Dorian turned to Cordelia. Tim going to find Vivienne i failed to protect her once, and

even if I still can’t protect her. 1

die. I want to be with her”

Cordelia grabbed his hand I’m coming with you! We’ll bring Vivienne home together, no matter what


After the two made their decision, they turned to Cecilia “You”

to go. Even t

Before they could finish, Cecilia interjected Tm coming with you. Vivienne is my daughter–in–law, and

Isolde is my daughter if anything happens to them, I’ll die too