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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65: Theo

I had gotten to the lake house late in the afternoon. My mom said she would give Dad his

surprise soon. In the meantime, she wanted me to help set up a new yard swing they just

got. She wanted it out in the yard overlooking the lake so she and Dad could sit there in

the evenings. I wondered if this was his surprise, but she insisted it wasn’t.

Within a couple of hours, I got the base of the swing put together and was checking the

sturdiness of it when I heard a car coming up the drive. I didn’t think much of it at first.

Despite moving out here for more privacy, they still got regular visitors. They were the

Alpha and Luna. And well-loved ones at that. And they still enjoyed the company. It was

manageable this far out of the city.

My attention went back to my task. I needed to anchor the base, but it required a couple

more tools. When I went to the shed, I saw a deep red muscle car I didn’t recognize parked

out front. I couldn’t think of who it could belong to. My curiosity took over and I headed for

the back porch.

The scent hit me first.

I was frozen in the doorway as my heart raced. Kieran pushed forward, his desperation

nearly knocking me over. Then the sweet, musical sound of her voice floated through the

house, and my feet were moving on their own. I made it to the living room as my dad

released Ayla from a big bear hug. She must have sensed me. Her body tensed and that

beautiful smile wavered.

She wasn’t here to see me.

But what was she doing here?




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It didn’t matter. She was here. Standing a few short steps away. I almost couldn’t believe

it. I felt elation and hope rising in my chest. Until she looked at me and I saw it.


There was fear in her eyes.

‘She’s scared of you,’ Kieran whimpered.

She pushed it back as my mother spoke.

“Ayla, you’ve met our son, Theo,” she said.

Ayla forced a smile. “Yes, we’ve met.”

“It’s good to see you again, Ayla,” I said gently.

“You, too,” she forced out.

Seeing how she was working to maintain composure, Mom must not have told Ayla that

she knew about us. I didn’t think Ayla was expecting to see me. This was an ambush. I was

pis**d at my mother for doing it this way. But then I reminded myself that it was probably

the only way this would have happened. It still didn’t sit well with me, but I would take

whatever opportunity I could.

“Ayla has agreed to write your father’s memoir, Theo,” Mom said. “She’ll be staying with

us while she gets all the information she needs.”

“You know,” Dad said to Ayla, “when Grace suggested it to me, I thought it was a

ridiculous idea. But if it makes her happy, I won’t deny her. Besides, if anyone can make

me look good, it’s you, Ayla.”

She smiled back at my parents. A genuine smile.

“I’ll do my best to do your story justice, Alpha,” she replied.



288 Vouchers

“Well, we don’t have to get into that right now,” my mother interjected. “Theo, why don’t

you help Ayla take her luggage to the guest house? It’ s all ready for you. Once you get

settled, come back over for dinner.”

“That’s okay,” Ayla said. “I can unload myself.”

“Nonsense,” Mom insisted. “Theo, go help her.”

I offered Ayla a soft smile, indicating I would follow her out. As soon as we were outside

and away from my parents, her demeanor became stiff and closed off. She moved quickly

to the car parked in the drive and opened the trunk, immediately pulling a suitcase out

and throwing a bag over her shoulder.

She turned on me. “Look, I really can handle this myself, but thank you for the offer.’

I didn’t respond as I reached down and grabbed the suitcase. I started toward the

guesthouse, and the corner of my lips twitched as I heard her huff behind me. She was so

da*n cute. I knew I had one of the hardest challenges of my life in front of me, but every

second with her made me more determined.

I pulled the screen door of the guest house and pushed the inner door open, stepping

aside to allow Ayla to go first. She brushed against me as I held the doors open for her,

and I thought I would explode out of my skin. Kieran was going crazy in my head. He

wanted to shift. To take over so he could show her that he always wanted her.

I pushed him back. That was the worst thing we could do right now. This couldn’t be about

getting our mate back. Not yet. I needed to show Ayla how sorry I was. I needed to focus

on healing the damage İ had caused. If I could do that, I’d work on making her and Dasha

ours again. But I could only do that if she could forgive me and move on from what I had

done. I desperately hoped that was possible.


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I followed Ayla inside and set her suitcase next to the coffee table.

“Ayla …”

“I’m not here for you,” she rushed. “I’m here for Mina and for your parents. I owe your

father a lot, and being asked to do this is an honor. I wasn’t going to turn it down just

because of you.”

“Okay,” I said.

“I’ll be here most of the time,” she continued. “So, avoiding each other shouldn’t be too


I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. “You don’t know my mother that well if you

believe that.”

“I’m not going to tell them if that’s what you mean,” she snapped, dropping her bag on

the couch and crossing her arms over her chest. “There’s no reason they need to know.”

“That’s not what I meant, Ayla,” I said.

I took a step toward her and froze. There was a diamond ring on her finger. Bile rose in my

throat. There was only one reason she would be wearing that ring. She had promised to

become Kingston’s Luna.

She noticed what I was focused on and tucked her hand under her arm, looking

uncomfortable. I stepped back, clearing my throat.

“I’m glad you took the job, Ayla,” I said honestly. “Despite their son being a complete

as***le. I know it will mean a lot to my father.”

I turned to leave, stopping when Ayla spoke.

“Theo,” she said, “I’m sorry about you and Kylee.”



Chapter 65: Theo

“Don’t be,” I grunted, leaving the guest house before I lost it.