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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 199
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Chapter 49: Theo It was taking more effort than | wanted to admit to keep from taking this bastard out right there. | had been around him before when he was transferred here, but it wasn’t until now that | realized just how vile he was. It didn’t help that | could sense Ayla’s revulsion through our bond. | was worried she would be sick any moment.

Just break the command and get out of here, Ayla,‘ | linked her. ‘I can handle this.

“Where is your boss?” Ayla commanded.

A grunt escaped Lloyd as he flinched, but he didn’t reply. He brushed off her command easily. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

Something was off.

“Where is Grogan?” Ayla ordered again more forcefully.

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Again, Lloyd pushed past the command. | felt Ayla’s frustration surge through our mate bond. Her hands clenched into fists as she worked to focus. She commanded him again, putting more energy than | had felt from her before. This time, he had to fight hard against the command. It took several minutes before he was able to push past it entirely. And they were painful minutes.

But the fact that he was still fighting — that he was still able to was concerning. ™

He was still breathing heavily when he began to laugh again.

“Ya‘ think I'm stupid enough to not recognize a binding ritual?” he spat.

Kinston’s gaze shot in my direction. He knew what the command

would do. But did he know because Grogan told him or because he had seen it before? Either way, he was under the command. Ayla didn‘ t need to be here.

‘Ayla, go,’ | linked. ‘I've got this.’ She didn’t respond, but | felt a tangle of emotions coming from her. Primarily anger. She stood up slowly, taking a step closer to him.

“How can you recognize a binding ritual?” she commanded. Her voice was eerily calm.

Lloyd fought again, but it was harder this time. | thought for sure he would either give in or pass out. But he still somehow managed to withstand her. When the pain had passed, he looked up at her, taking her in as a vile grin spread across his face.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t answer,” Ayla said through gritted teeth. “I know how you know.” “| expect you do,” he replied smugly.

She looked to Kingston. “Can’t you smell it?” she snapped.

He looked between the two of us, just as confused as | was. He shook his head.

“I don’t know what you mean,” he replied.

Lloyd chuckled. “Course he don’t. You'll have to enlighten them.” Ayla’s breathing quickened as rage filled her. “He’s an Onyxcrown exile.” Kingston and | both straightened. Lloyd’s expression confirmed her words, and | knew | was standing in a powder keg. | just

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hoped 22.55% 15.50 Chapter 4 The “It’s not worth it, Theo,” she snapped. “Just end it. Now,” “It’s absolutely worth getting information to protect you,” | retorted. “He will get what he deserves, Ayla, | swear. But I’m not risking your safety out of anger.” “Fine.” She straightened and pushed past me. “Then I’m leaving. I'm not staying in the same building as that bastard.” | rushed after her. “Ayla, | know you’re upset. | understand. But just take a few minutes to calm down and think things through.” She turned, glaring at me intensely. “Take care of this, Theo. Or | will.” She stormed out of the cellar, leaving me behind to try to reconcile what just happened. | remembered leaving Kingston alone in the cell with Lloyd and immediately headed back, hoping he hadn’t done anything stupid. Thankfully, | returned to find the rogue sitting upright again. Bloody lacerations covered his face and chest, but nothing life- threatening. He would heal.

Kingston stood in front of him. His posture was stiff, and | could tell he was also struggling.

| felt for the guy, but | was glad he understood why keeping him alive for now was important.

“Kingston,” | called to him.

His attention snapped to me. | tipped my head for him to leaye theccel) With He JqokediBack dt Lidyd, his fists inide ctenching, but managed to walk away

"How is Ayla?” he asked quietly~

| pushed my fingers through my hair. “Pissed off, understandably.” 68.04% (0) 15.51 < Chapter 49. Theo 288 Vouchers He just nodded.

“I need you to do me a favor,” | said. “I want you to question this guy, Kingston. You’re going to know how to approach this better. But please don’t do it alone. | know you understand the implications if he dies before we find out what he knows about the Waar Pak’s plans. But | also get that he may push some buttons...”

“It’s fine,” he interrupted. “I agree with you.” “Thank you,” | said. “I need to check on Ayla. I'll have Will or Briggs come down.”