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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 192
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Chapter 42: Ayla

“Who ordered you?” I commanded.

Denny shook his head. “We don’t know his name,” he replied nervously. “We always just

call him Boss.”

“Okay, Denny,” I said with a small smile. “But you’ve seen him, haven‘ t you?”

“Just once,” he replied. “But it was dark. There was a big group of us. Maybe thirty or forty

rogues. They did some kind of ritual.”

“Did the ritual mention someone named Dominis?” Theo commanded.

Denny nodded. “Yes.”

“It was the command.” I stated.

“Which has now been broken,” Theo confirmed.

“How can you tell?” Kingston asked.

“Theo commanded information about the Dominis family. He wouldn’t have been able to

answer if I hadn’t been commanding him,” I explained. “Denny, do you know why they

commanded you to attack us? Why do they want to organize the rogues against the

Greytooth and Sablemane packs?”

“I… I don’t know about Sablemane, but…” He swallowed hesitantly. He was scared.

“It’s okay, Denny,” I said calmly. “We won’t hurt you. We just need your help. If you can

give it to us.”



Chapter 42: Ayla

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I could feel Theo’s and Kingston’s eyes boring into me. This isn’t how either of them had

expected this conversation to go, but I didn’t care. This man wasn’t defiant. He was

reluctant to answer me, but he wasn’t fighting my commands either. I could feel it. He was


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“Denny, were you one of the rogues that hurt people in Bonnerville?” I ordered. “Did you

kill any of our pack members?”

“No,” he rushed honestly. “I only damaged property. I avoided the people. That’s how I

was caught. I was running from the big fight, and an officer grabbed me. But I swear, I

didn’t hurt anyone.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I looked at Theo. ‘Can I talk to you outside?‘ I linked him.

He nodded and I stood, motioning for Kingston to follow. We left the cell and returned to

the investigation room.

“I want to offer him a place in the pack,” I stated once we were away from the guards.

“What?” Kingston exclaimed. Theo sighed, pinching the bridge of his


“Ayla,” Kingston said, “A wolf who has been a rogue as long as he has wouldn’t know what

to do in a pack.”

“Then we teach him,” I replied.

“You saw him in there, Theo. He’s scared, not angry.”

“He doesn’t seem like the same rogue 1 interviewed in Bonnerville, no,” Theo conceded.

“But it could just be an act, babe. He could be playing us. He’s had over a week to get his

story together, and you haven’t put much pressure on him.”



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“I know that,” I said. “That’s why I want to offer to bring him into the pack. But I want to

swear him in.”

Theo chuckled.

“That’s reckless. Ayla.” Kingston said.

“Not if she is the Blessed One,” Theo replied.

“There was a passage in Harry’s journal,” I explained. “He theorized that anyone sworn to

the Blessed One’s pack would have an unusually strong devotion to her and the pack.”

“Essentially, they would be incapable of betraying us,” Theo clarified.

“You really want to trust her safety to a theory?”

“It’s a strong theory.” I added.

“We’ve found supporting evidence. And Randy confirmed it was one of the wear Pak’s

concerns with the Blessed One’s suspected abilities.”

Kingston crossed his arms. “I still think it’s too much of a risk.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not offering him to join Sablemane,” I snapped.

Kingston backed off. I felt a little guilty for the jab, but he was babying me again.

Theo held my shoulders. “Look, Ayla, I trust you and your judgment. We can’t guarantee

him a fast or easy transition. But if you think doing this will help us, then that’s what we’ll


I took his hands. “Thank you.” I turned to Kingston. “Do you have a picture or something

of Grogan you could show him? It may help.”



Chapter 42 Ayla

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Kingston pulled out his phone. “I have a grainy capture from a surveillance camera, but it

may work.”


We returned to the cell and I sat back down in front of our prisoner.

“Okay, Denny, “I said,” I have a proposal for you.”

He looked up at me nervously.

“I would like for you to tell us everything you know about the rogue groups and this Boss,”

I continued. “If you can do that, we would be willing to make you a member of our pack.”

Denny’s widened and his mouth fell open. “But… I… I don’t… Why?”

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“We need information,” I said with a shrug. “And I’d rather not waste time trying to fight it

out you. We all understand your position here, being a rogue. They typically don’t survive

this long within pack territory.” Denny flinched. “Just a stated fact, not a threat,” I assured

him. “Either way, I’m not sure what else to offer a rogue. So, unless you have a different

request, that’s what is on the table.”

Denny looked between the three of us. “I would never be accepted.”

“If you help save and protect our Luna, you will be,” Theo told him.

“You’re a rogue because of someone else’s actions,” I said gently. “We won’t hold that

against you.”

“Do you know why they are doing all of this?” Theo asked.

“They’re looking for someone,” Denny said. “They never actually told us who, but we

started to hear stories about a Blessed One throughout the camps. It was all some

nonsense about some family taking over all



Chapter 42 Ayla

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the packs and conquering the world or something.”

I snorted.

Theo rested his hands on my shoulders from behind me. “They want her.”

“And I will swear to you right now, Denny,” I said firmly, “I have no intention of taking over

any other pack, let alone the world. So, if you are willing to tell us what you know about

these groups, including your friend in the other cell, you’ll have a place here.”

“I don’t know much,” he insisted. “What if the information is useless?”

“As long as you tell us what you do know,” I said, “then the deal stands.”

“And if I say no?”

“We still need the information,” Theo said gravely. “We still have to command you to verify

what you say is the truth. If you fight it, it won‘ t end well for you.”

Denny thought for a long while, but I was patient. I hoped he would see that this was more

than a mercy to him. We didn’t need to offer him anything. But I wanted to. Finally, he

took a deep breath.
