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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 312
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| cleared my throat, feeling a bit nervous under Andre's scrutinizing gaze. “Um, yeah, so... | want to cback and work with the company again,” | finally blurted out, hoping I didn’t sound too awkward.

Andre raised an eyebrow, still not saying a word, and | shifted uncomfortably under his intense stare. “I'm serious, Andre,” | stammered, feeling the need to defend my decision.

He finally broke his silence with a small chuckle. “Of course, | know you're serious, Ariel,” he said, his voice laced with amusement. “I was just... processing.” | couldn’t help but laugh at his response. “Processing? You looked like you were about to grillfor a second there,” | teased, feeling a wave of relief wash over me.

He shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know; maybe | thought you found sother company better than mine,” he joked, and there was a playful glint right in his eyes.

| shook my head, still chuckling. “No way, Andre. You know that I'll always work with Vitality Group. You helpedout years ago, and I'll never forget that.” Andre’s smile widened at my words. “I'm glad to hear that, Ariel,” he replied sincerely, his eyes reflecting genuine gratitude.

“So, am | hired?” | asked, slowly widening my mouth.

He chuckled, tapping s desk lightly. “Welcback to the team.” “Thanks, Andre,” | told him with a smile. It’s good to be back.” “So, Ariel, | need to ask you something.” | gave him a curious face. “Go ahead.” “I know we've talked about this before, but I just have to make things clear around here.” “Hmm, okay, so what is it?” | queried.

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Andre sighed before he finally decided to speak up. Do you still plan to take revenge on Mason? “Oh, | see. Now | understand this whole conversation from the very beginning.” Andre chuckled. “I'm sure you do. So, Ariel, aren't you going to givean answer to my question?” | took a deep breath. “Yes, Andre. My decision about Mason hasn't changed. And it’s not going to change. | thought we made this clear at the hospital.

“I know, but I just want to see if | can still change your mind.” “Well, you can’t. | think you've seen enough now.” “Ariel, you can’t do this. You can’t decide to kill him.” “I have to, André. Mason must pay for what he did to my son.

“But you do know there are other ways to seek justice. Killing him won't bring your son back.” “I've thought about it, André. This is the only way.

Andre exhaled deeply and leaned his back against his chair. “I know you won't change your mind, but | had to try.” “Thank you for understanding, André. But Mason needs to pay.

“I know, Ariel. | won't stress it further. Let's focus on your return to the company.” | sat on the weathered bench in the heart of the park, a sanctuary amidst the bustling city. The rhythmic chirping of birds provided a soothing backdrop, a symphony of nature in contrast to the cacophony of urban life. | took a deep breath, relishing the momentary respite from the demands of work.

| was drawn to the vibrant tapestry of life unfolding before me. Children of all ages danced and played, their laughter echoing like music. Each one seemed to possess irrepressible energy, an infectious joy that enlivened the surroundings.

Nearby, a group of toddlers chased after a colorful ball, their tiny legs pumping with determination. Their laughter bubbled with pure delight, filling the air with a heartwarming and nostalgic innocence. | couldn’t help but smile at their antics, reminded of simpler times when life was measured in moments of unbridled happiness.

Further along the path, a pair of siblings swung hand in hand, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves overhead. The older sister pushed her brother higher and higher, his squeals of excitement reaching new heights with each arc. Their bond was palpable, a testament to the unbreakable ties of family and friendship.

Watching these little children, a smile popped on my face, transportingback to my childhood days spent in this park. | remembered the thrill of racing down the winding paths and the exhilaration of conquering the playground’s towering structures. Back then, the world was a vast playground, filled with endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered.

| yearned for those carefree, free of obligations-and expectations days with a pang of longing tugging at my heart. But amidst the wistfulness, there was also gratitude - for the memories forged in this very park, for the moments of joy and laughter that had shapedinto the person | am today. Yes, my grandfather used to takehere, as wdidmy parents. | can still remember every scene | spent with them around this location. Oh, the sweet memories.

A sudden burst of laughter drew my attention to a group of older children engaged in a gof tag. They darted and dodged with practiced agility, their movements fluid. and effortless. A timeless custom passed down through the generations, shouts of ecstasy and the occasional burst of playful taunting accompanied each chase.

| couldnt help but marvel at youth's resilience and creativity and ability to find joy in the Simples of moments

In a world fraught with complexities and uncertainties, they remained beacons of hope, reminders of the enduring power of laughter and friendship.

This was justsometimes, thinking too much. | get lots of pleasure in that, observing the better things, and thinking about how the individuals enjoying relishing such times are doing.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lost in contemplation, | barely noticed the passage of tuntil the distant tolling of a bell stirredfrom my reverie. Reluctantly, | rose from the bench, a sense of peace settling overlike a comforting blanket.

As | sat there, immersed in my thoughts, my phone suddenly rang, joltingback to the present moment. With a sigh, | fished it out of my pocket and saw Jack’s n flashing on the screen.

“Hey, Jack,” | answered, trying to sound composed despite the interruption to my peaceful interlude.

“Luke, sorry to disturb you, but there are speople at the company who really want to see you .They're insisting on a meeting today.” Jack's voice cthrough, urgent yet respectful.

| glanced at the lively scene around me, torn between the parks serenity and work demands Alright tell them I'll be there,” | replied, resigning myself to the inevitable return to reality.

After ending the call, | stuffed my phone back into my pocket, preparing to leave the park’s sanctuary. But before | could stand, | felt a tap on my shoulder, causingto slowly turn around, curious as to who had interrupted my departure from this peaceful oasis.

“Harriet?” My eyes widened in shock the moment | noticed she was the one who had tapped me-the one standing behind me.

She had a smirk on her face. “What's the problem, Luke? Are you shocked to see me?