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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 614
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Chapter 614

Ellinor was aerously regretting this route choice now, she was all wound up

She was feeling like a wet map right now and the last thing she wanted was a rendezvous with that guy

If she was in a crowded place, she might have been able to pretend she dull see Then and just beat it

But on this deserted path, it was just the two of them

One in front, one behind there was no way she could thick out

The gap between the two of them was getting smaller and sinaller

Theo’s hands were in his packets and his pace was steady His handsome face was as expressionless as a stone, but his eyes were locked on the woman up ahead

Face to face, there was no way Ellinor could play dumb. She just gave him a cirnoty glance, nodded politely, cracked a smile, and then hightailed it around him.

“Hold it”

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Theo’s voice was deep and steady, with no ups and downs, but it carried a sort of pressure that was hard to shake off.

Ellinor grudgingly stopped in her tracks, but she didn’t turn around to look at him. “Need something, Mr. Blanchet?”

“Turn around!”

Theo’s command rubbed Ellinor the wrong way. She didn’t play along. “Sorry, Mr. Blanchet, I’m headed towards the gate, there’s no time to turn around” Seeing her resistance, Theo’s brows furrowed slightly, but he didn’t say anything. He just stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

Ellinors line of sight was now filled with his body, with nothing else in view.

She didn’t want to make eye contact, so she didn’t look up at him. She just said, “Spit it out, Mr. Blanchet

Theo stared at Ellinor with a serious face

After a few seconds, Theo looked at Ellinor’s soaked hair and dirtied clothes. “What happened?”

Ellinor answered casually, “I accidentally spilled some coffee on myself earlier. I’m going home to change.”

Theo squinted. “You can spill coffee on your own head?”

Clearly, her explanation didn’t hold water with this mature man

Ellinor laughed at herself, “Yes! I’m clumsy, I can’t help it! Thanks for the concern, Mr. Blanchet. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be off. Bye!

As she spoke, she tried to sidestep him, but he stepped in front of her again

“Ellinor, I’ll ask you again, how did you get like this?”

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Theo’s tone became more serious, and he seemed a little impatient

Ellinor was also getting impatient. She didn’t get why Theo was grilling her. Why did he have to know the whole story?

He was a tough nut to crack. If she didn’t spill the beans, she wouldn’t be able to leave.

After a moment of thought, Ellinor lifted her head and looked at him with a vague and displeased gaze. She said frankly, “I upset Ms. Howard earlier. Mr. Howard fired me on the spot when he got angry”

Theo’s gaze deepened, “And then, Mr. Howard spilled coffee on you?”

Ellinor nodded, “Yes, that’s right.”

Theo insisted on digging for the truth. Did he want her to spell out the embarrassing incident so he could laugh at her?

Well, who cared? Let him laugh!

“Mr. Blanchet, I’ve told you the truth. Can I go now?”

Balfour had already dumped a cup of coffee on her. He had avenged Patricia. Even if Theo wanted to protect his fiancée, he shouldn’t be looking for trouble with her anymore, right?

“You may”
