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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82

Haylan gently wiped Yelena’s tears. “There’s nothing wrong with being kind, but it depends on different


‘Different people?”

“You’ve heard of the story of the farmer and the snake, right? Some people are demons and cold-

blooded animals. Even if you hold them in your arms, you won’t be able to warm them up. So, there’s

no need to be kind to such people.”

Yelena’s expression changed as she listened. She was deep in thought.

“There’s a Buddhist saying that eliminating evil is good! Eliminating bad people is doing a good deed”

Haylan’s expression was calm as he said, “So when you’re doing good in the future, you have to be

clear about whether you’re helping a good person or a bad person. If it’s a bad person, you have to

stand by and do nothing. That’s the best good thing!”

“If you’re overly kind and save bad people, bad people will do bad things. That’s equivalent to you

doing bad things.” “Overly kind’ I saved bad people, which is equivalent to doing bad things?” Yelena’s

eyes flickered. Clearly. Yelena’s worldview had been touched by Haylan’s words, and it was changing.

Yelena fell into deep thought.

Haylan did not disturb Yelena and let her think alone,

Yelena didn’t seem to understand this matter completely. She thought about it until she got off work.

Haylan looked at the department’s schedule and saw that Yelena was resting tomorrow. Haylan

immediately brought Yelena downstairs and prepared to go home for dinner.

As they walked to the parking lot, Yelena seemed to have thought of something and asked, “Haylan,

how about the Buddhist saying that there is great merit in saving one’s life? Can’t bad people have a

chance to clean up their acts?”

Haylan sneered and said. “You believe in Buddhism? Since ancient times, how many bad people have

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you seen clean up their acts?*

“Besides, even if the bad guy has cleaned up his acts, he has to bear the responsibility for all the sins

he has committed in the past and accept the punishment of the law!”

“If the law can’t punish him, the heavens will punish him as well!”

“Those who deserve to be sentenced should be sentenced. Those who deserve to die should be dead!”

“This world doesn’t need too many evil people who have done many evil deeds before cleaning up their


“But, isn’t there a Buddhist saying that a butcher who lays down his knife at once becomes a Buddha?

He might do a lot of good things after turning over a new leaf” Yelena said.

“A butcher who lays down his knife at once becomes a Buddha. This is a joke! Can a murderer who

has killed someone resurrect the victim, even if he does good deeds in the future? Haylan asked.

Yelena was speechless.

“Why does a murderer get to avoid death just because he cleans up his act, and the victim never sees

the sun again? What kind of logic is this?” Haylan’s gaze was cold

Once upon a time. Haylan was as kind as Yelena and always wanted to save people..

Later, Haylan unknowingly saved an enemy. In the end, Haylan harmed his teammates, causing 5

teammates to be killed by the person he saved.

Haylan’s teammate’s blood splattered on Haylan’s face.

Since then, Haylan had completely changed, and he’d become cold and heartless.

As long as it was an enemy, not only did Haylan not save them, he even learned how to deal with the

finishing blow and make the enemy completely dead.

To be kind to your enemies was to be cruel to yourself.

Haylan hoped that his sister could learn this and try to be cold-hearted.

When Yelena heard this, she became even more silent. Yelena carefully took note of what Haylan had


At this moment, Haylan came to the BMW 8 Series and said, “By the way, where do you live? Mom and

Dad bought you a few sets of clothes and skincare products. I’ll put them in your room first.”

Yelena was the doctor here and had an exclusive residence.

Yelena didn’t answer. Yelena just widened her eyes and looked at the BMW in front of her. Yelena said

with a trembling voice, “Haylan, did you buy this?”

BMW 8 Series, a luxury car worth more than 200 thousand dollars!

“I didn’t waste the past 8 years. I made some money,” said Haylan with a smile.

With that. Haylan opened the trunk and took out all the clothes, bags, cosmetics, watches, perfume,

and skincare products.

“Chanel, YSL. Cosmetics, Hermes Backpack…”

Yelena was dazzled by the packaging and was dumbfounded.

There were so many branded clothes, bags, cosmetics, and skincare products. Any one of them was

worth hundreds or more.

Especially those few sets of clothes. They were even more expensive, easily costing thousands.

“Haylan, how much money did you make?” Yelena asked in a trembling voice.

“Millions of dollars. I didn’t calculate it carefully,” Haylan said calmly.

When Yelena heard this data, she dropped her jaw. Yelena was so shocked that she could not say a


Millions of dollars!

She quickly calculated her salary in her mind and finally concluded that even if she worked without

eating or drinking for 30 years, she would not be able to earn so much money.

“Don’t just stand there. With me around, don’t worry about your finances. Let’s go. Take me to your

place.’ Haylan smiled.

Yelena was dumbfounded. She brought Haylan to her residence and put everything away. Even when

Yelena got into the BMW 8 Series, she was still dumbfounded.

Yelena had always lived a very poor life. When she found out that her brother, who had been missing

for 8 years, was a rich man with millions, Yelena had a hard time accepting the fact.

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“I suddenly need to pee. Yelena, wait for me.”

Haylan started the car and turned on the air conditioner. Then, he found an excuse and ran back to the


Haylan was as fast as lightning and quickly arrived at the Obstetrics Department. He went straight to

the department director’s office and closed the door.

At this moment, in the office, a man was stuffing a big sum of money into Kelly’s hands.

When Kelly and the other men saw Haylan walk in, their expressions changed drastically.

However, before they could react, Haylan had already taken out his phone and taken a photo of the


“Who are you? What are you doing here? Get out!” Kelly glared at Haylan

At this moment, Kelly finally recognized Haylan. He was Yelena’s eldest brother, Kelly’s expression

became even darker. “Haylan, what are you trying to do?”

She wanted to frame Yelena. She had investigated Yelena’s family before and knew that Yelena’s

eldest Haylan was Haylan.

“I’m here to give you a warning.”

Haylan closed the door, stared at Kelly coldly, and walked over.


In the end, Haylan slapped Kelly so hard that she spat out blood and fell to the ground in a sorry state.

“You, you dare to hit me?” Kelly was stunned. She covered her face and looked at Haylan in disbelief.

“Bastard, what are you doing to Director Font?” The man was furious and wanted to stop Haylan.

However, before the man could make a move, Haylan had already pushed him aside.

“This has nothing to do with you. You’d better stay out of it.”

Haylan glanced coldly at the man and then at Kelly, who was lying on the ground. Haylan said coldly,

“Kelly, as the director, you didn’t take the responsibility for what you did. Instead, you framed Yelena

and maliciously slandered her. This has a huge impact on her reputation.

“This slap is for Yelena! It’s also a warning for you!”

“Next time, if you dare to hurt Yelena again, I’ll kill you!”