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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 441
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Chapter 441

Xander possessed unparalleled strength, fearlessly facing every foe that crossed his path.

But now was not the moment to show off his strength.

The Sovereign of Shadows had entrusted him with safeguarding Sybil and Reign. However, if he were to leave their side in the presence of gun- wielding mercenaries, he couldn’t guarantee the women’s well-being.

“With such a formidable group of general-class experts, these mercenaries must have an impressive reputation. But why haven’t I ever heard of them?” Xander pondered, his gaze fixed on the mercenaries, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He immediately recognized the formidable strength of the four sword-wielding general-class experts stationed at the main entrances, north, south, east, and west, each boasting a minimum four-star power level.

They would be like mighty warlords at that level of expertise, even in the vast expanse of the extraterritorial battlefield. As fate would have it, these four extraordinary experts had come together, bound by loyalty to a single mercenary group.

The origins of a mercenary group like this were intriguing, leaving one to ponder deeply.

Sybil couldn’t contain her excitement as she looked at the multitude of mercenaries before her.

Was this what they called a kidnapping?

The air was thick with tension!

The frontier was a land of gripping duels and righteous retribution, where justice prevailed, and swords clashed!

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However, as she witnessed the countless lives being extinguished, her face grew pale with terror: She clutched Xander’s hand tightly, her eyes wide with fear, and she dared not even draw a breath.

As a princess who grew up in the royal palace, she had never faced the storms of life or endured any wounds. She was so tender-hearted that she couldn’t harm even the tiniest creature, like an ant.

Now, faced with the gruesome sight of countless lives being taken, she was overcome with sheer terror, her essence shaken to the core.

“Xander, what’s our next move: Sybil’s voice quivered with fear.

“Don’t worry. We’re here for you. Nothing’s going to harm you,” Xander reassured her.

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“We?” Sybil raised an eyebrow, her confusion evident.

Xander nodded, choosing not to elaborate.

With only himself to rely on, he could confidently lead Reign and Sybil to break free from the encirclement, even if it meant braving the open sea.

However, the Sovereign of Shadows still lurks aboard this vessel.

This mercenary group was a minor obstacle to him, especially with the Sovereign by his side.

Though a bit scared, Reign showed more composure after enduring the trials of foreign conflicts. She spoke steadily, “Mr. Zoran, we need to find a way to reach out to Haylan.”

“We’ll be safe if we have Haylan by our side.”

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“Ms. Labenz, do you have a close relationship with Haylan?” Xander inquired with curiosity.

“He’s the chief of our security team at the company, and he’s come to my rescue in the past,” Reign nodded.

“Is he your man?” Sybil raised her head with curiosity.

“Ms. Labenz, are you… Are you in a relationship with Haylan?” Xander’s eyes widened in astonishment.

This was Reign!

Reign blushed and chose not to answer that question. Instead, she shifted the conversation, saying. “This is not the moment to dwell on that. Our priority should be finding a way to get out of here.”

As she spoke, frustration welled inside her, and she couldn’t help but wonder, “With everything that has happened, could Haylan still be out there, having a date with Christine?”

“We’re trapped for the moment. Let’s keep a watchful eye and assess the situation before taking any action,” Xander said composedly.

Reign’s brow furrowed slightly as she cast a glance in that direction.

Inside the casino, a gathering of over thirty billionaires was taking place.

Josef, Sharvin, and the others were held captive in the center, heavily guarded, and separated from the rest of the wealthy elite. The division between them was stark and unmistakable

At this moment, the casino was swarmed with over two hundred heavily armed mercenaries, their ranks tightly packed and their aura of menace permeating the air.

Facing this formidable assembly, even the most seasoned billionaires quivered in fear.

A contingent of mercenaries heavily guarded each of the four entrances.

In that instant, the four general-class experts strode in, emanating a chilling and formidable aura that brought everyone to their knees, quivering in terror.

“Kill them!”

In the blink of an eye, a middle-aged man emerged from the crowd near the eastern entrance, swiftly charging toward the door like a speeding arrow.

His strength was extraordinary, and with a single strike, his battle spirit surged. His sword beams cut through the air, reducing the mercenaries guarding the entrance into mere fragments.

“How dare you!”

The sword-wielding General at the East gate was filled with fury as he witnessed the scene. Without hesitation, he dashed forward

The middle-aged man was prepared for such a situation and swiftly drew his two handguns. Aiming at the sword-wielding General, he squeezed the triggers, unleashing a rapid barrage of ten shots that forced the General to retreat.

“No one can ever hold Cole Maverick, not even a sliver of a chance!”

With everything done, the middle-aged man erupted into hearty laughter before charging outside and dashing toward the vast expanse of the sea.


“Is it true that General Cole of Flensburg is present?”

“He’s a General who grew up along the shores, mastering the art of swimming. Once he ventures into the open sea, he becomes one with the water, effortlessly navigating its vast expanse like a true aquatic predator”

As the middle-aged man broke free and fled, many envious, jealous, and resentful looks swept across the crowded casino.

These merciless mercenaries, with hearts as cold as ice, ruthlessly eliminated every single guard of the Zabel family upon seizing the casino. The floor ran red with blood as lifeless bodies lay scattered in a grim tableau of death.

Trapped in the hands of these ruthless mercenaries, their fate would be a living nightmare, far worse than death itself.

With Cole’s triumphant escape, he would be like a fish leaping in the vast ocean and a bird soaring freely in the boundless sky.


As the crowd admired Cole, a sudden and astonishing event unfolded. The waters split in two, revealing Petes rising from the depths like a sea god, wielding a trident. With a swift and merciless motion, he pierced Cole’s chest, the sound of impact. echoing through the air, leaving a gaping hole.

Without hesitation, Fletcher swooped down like an eagle in flight. With a swift and precise motion, he swung his blade, severing Cole’s head from his shoulders in a decisive strike.

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It was a quick and decisive kill!

Fletcher’s gaze turned icy as he callously delivered a forceful kick, sending Cole’s lifeless body tumbling into the depths of the sea. “Can’t hold you down, huh? Haha! Just a worthless piece of trash!”

“Oh my…

As they witnessed this scene, a wave of whiteness washed over the faces of Josef, Sharvin, and the others in the casino.

Xander’s eyes, too, held a profound intensity.

The four sword-wielding Generals strode in, only to be taken aback by the presence of skilled experts, hidden both outside the doorway and beneath the sea’s surface!

In other words, it became clear that there was no safety to be found, even within the depths of the sea, unless one managed to escape from great heights.

And aboard this vessel, there was no provision for a helicopter getaway!

In impler terms, this was a no-win scenario with a complete dead end!

After this realization, a noticeable shift came over the faces of numerous individuals in the casino.

The Zabel family’s guards lay dead, leaving even billionaires with bodyguards of general-class experts utterly outmatched.

The preceding circumstances were unquestionably a plight of utmost despair!

No matter how fervently they cried out to the heavens above or how desperately they implored the earth beneath, their pleas fell on deaf ears and went unanswered.

Amidst the bustling crowd, the countenances of Sharvin and Eden underwent a startling transformation.

Sharvin’s countenance shifted as he saw Eden slipping a hand into his pocket. Acting swiftly, Sharvin grasped Eden’s hand and whispered hushedly. “Refrain from any hasty actions.”

“I possess a method to vanquish three sword-wielding Generals and make our escape,” Eden murmured in a hushed tone.

“But that won’t cut it. No matter how skilled we are in martial arts, we’d be defenseless against firearms, RPGs, or even armed helicopters. How can we escape while stranded in the vast expanse of the open sea?” Sharvin’s voice dropped as he voiced his concerns.

Eden’s brow furrowed in a slight frown, yet he hesitantly revealed his hand. His eyes, however, remained keenly alert, their sharpness piercing the surroundings.

“My heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your tireless efforts.”

At that moment, Mr. Payne, clad in a finely tailored suit, walked in through the main entrance. His hair was flawlessly combed, and a warm smile graced his face. There was an air of approachability and simplicity about him, reminiscent of a friendly elder enjoying the shade beneath a tree at the crossroads of a rural town.

“Greetings, Mr. Payne!”

The four sword-wielding Generals, along with Fletcher, and a gathering of over two hundred mercenaries, all dropped to one knee in unison. A resounding chorus of voices accompanied their display of profound deference.