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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 202
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Sophia was at home, swamped with work when she got the message.

The new firm had just landed a gig for an architectural design, a whole real estate project. She was deep-diving into the client's

needs at home.

When Sophia saw Kent's message pop up, she did a double-take, puzzled as to why he'd suddenly hit her up for Susan's WhatsApp.

She shot him a text back real quick, [What's up? You need Susan's Whatfor something?]

"It's no biggie." Kent seemed a bit shy asking for a girl's contact - maybe it was his first time, [Isn't Susan in Skyrim City? I'm just

here with Mr. Crawley on a biz trip, and figured since I'm in town, why not catch up for a meal and settle the tab of dinners | owe


Sophia's heart skipped a beat, [So, you're on a business trip in there?]

She was clueless that they had jetted off, especially to somewhere as far as Skyrim City.

Ever since Brandon declared they'd keep out of each other's hair last night, she hadn't caught sight of him. She didn't bump into

him at the cafeteria today either. Sophia figured he must have grabbed a bite outside or dodged the lunch rush, not that he had

taken off on a business trip.

Kent, oblivious to Sophia's thoughts, texted back pronto, [Yup, got smerger talks and a new mall opening, so we'll be hanging

around here for a bit. Perfect chance to invite Susan out.]

Sophia read his reply, her emotions all over the place, unable to quite pin down the taste.

[Mind if | check with her first? She's not too keen on keeping ties with folks here, doesn't want any unnecessary .] She texted

back to Kent.

Kent, recalling the scoop he got about Susan's family , nodded understandingly, [Cool, run it by her first.]

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After replying to Kent, Sophia pinged Susan with a message, [Kent's in there with Brandon on a work thing, and asked for your

Whatto grab a meal with you.]

Susan hit back with a string of [7772777] and immediately made a video call.

"What's he want invitingout to eat for?"

Susan was totally befuddled on the other side of the call.

"He said he owes you a couple of meals from way back." Sophia explained, looking at her, "Still hung up over sancient

dinners; you two?"


Susan cut Sophia's speculation short, "There's nothing between us, no connection. | bet he's just running errands for his boss."

Frowning, Susan added, "Don't tellBrandon put him up to this."

"I don’t think so."

Sophia had entertained the thought but dismissed it in a flash. With Brandon's nature, his word to steer clear meant just that; he

wouldn't go out of his way to arrange a meet-up with Susan.

They barely knew each other, after all.

Unaware of last night's incident, Susan furrowed her brows, "How can you be so sure?"

Sophia chuckled and shook her head, "Just a hunch."

Susan saw the strain behind her smile, "What's going on with you and Brandon?"

"Nah, sold."

Knowing Sophia didn't want to talk further, Susan didn't pry but cautioned her, "Something smells fishy, though."

"Kent's never asked to addon Whatbefore, and the moment Mr. Crawley needs me, suddenly it's lunch dates. It's as clear

as day - he’s probably usingto score brownie points with his boss."

With a hint of concern, Susan urged Sophia, "Don't bother with him; just tell him | said no."

Sophia frowned slightly, "You don't need to worry about me. | just don't want you to miss out on a good match; Kent's a decent guy.

And if it really is Brandon pulling the strings, you did promise to take him out for a meal in Skyrim City, remember? Now he's

actually there, and you're dodging him. With his sharp wits, he'll probably guess you're not even in the city."

Then it dawned on him that Susan had cto help with the kid. That was part of why Sophia told Kent she'd have to check with

Susan first.

She doubted Brandon was behind the invite, but didn't want to get it wrong. She could never fully read Brandon's depth and


Susan's face tensed up, remembering the probing from her last video call with Brandon.

"Just tell him | barely know him, and I'd rather not share my contact." Susan decided after a moment's thought, "If he insists it's his

boss asking, then, | guess, give it to him."

"That's kinda awkward."

Sophia figured Kent wouldn't take it well.

"No worries. It's totally normal not to give my details to someone I'm not close with."

Seeing Susan's firm stance, Sophia could only nod, "Alright, then."

After hanging up, Sophia texted Kent, [Susan says it's not really convenient.]

Kent, phone in hand, waiting for a reply, frowned at the message. He hadn't forgotten that special request from Brandon to connect

with Susan.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Even though he ended up talking to Sophia instead, and she looked like she might bolt any second, Kent feared one day Brandon

might relapse and task him with tracking Sophia down again, so having Susan's contact was crucial.

[Actually, Mr. Crawley's the one who wants to invite her out.]

Reluctantly, Kent played the Brandon card.

He remembered how wary Susan was of Brandon, especially after the incident where she was forced to disclose Sophia's

whereabouts before they would proceed with signing a contract.

Reading Brandon's intent in Kent's message, Sophia's heart sank. After hesitating and with Susan's reluctant approval, she

reluctantly forwarded Susan's Whatto Kent.

Kent immediately shot Susan a friend request, which was quickly accepted. Without missing a beat, he messaged her, [Director

Cooper, where are you hanging out these days? How about we catch up over a meal?]

Susan shot back a message real quick, [Is this just you asking or is your Mr. Crawley tagging along too?]

[Justfor now.]

[Then it's a no-go.]





