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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 314
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Chapter 314

Jonas hopped off from Magnus lap and began pacing around the room with determination Daddy,” he

said, “Mommy told me that if you keep moving forward,

all your bad feelings behind”

Magnus watched his tiny son with a warmth spreading across his heart. He forced a small smile on his

face, suppressing his overwhelming sorrow “Jonas, let’s go somewhere,” he proposed

paused, tilting his head curiously at Magnus Where to?”

“You’ll see when we get there First, we need to buy some flowers Magnus then instructed May to

purchase some fresh flowers for a visit to his fathers grave

May was efficient as always, and quickly accomplished the task at hand She sent Magnus off in the car

providing the driver with the location of the family burial ground before joining them in the backseat

As the car made its way to the Andersen family gravesite, Magnus felt his strength slowly returning.

When they arrived, he decided he no longer needed the wheelchair With James and Dr Frankie absent,

he got up, holding the daisies May had bought, and walked into the cemetery

Upon reaching his grandfather’s tombstone Magnus carefully placed the flowers and bowed Jonas

followed suit, copying his father’s actions.

After three bows. Magnus lifted his head to look at Morgan’s picture on the tombstone Overwhelmed

with grief, Magnus burst into tears.

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Who said men didn’t cry? They just hadn’t been hurt enough. His cries were heartrending, filled with

sorrow for not being able to see Morgan one last time and fear of potentially losing Natalia

Jonas quietly knelt beside Magnus, watching his father cry. He glanced at Morgan’s picture on the

tombstone, his eyes welling up with tears. For the first time in many years. Jonas saw his father cry

“Father, don’t be sad Jonas said softly, reaching over to comfort Magnus If Great–grandpa knew how

sad you were, he would be upset too.”

After a good cry, Magnus felt much better. He looked down at Jonas, his face full of concern, and

patted his head. “Good boy, Jonas. I’m just sad because I didn’t get to say goodbye to my grandpa

That’s why I’m crying”

Hearing Jonas soft voice, Magnus felt a renewed strength “Alright, I’m done crying Let’s go Magnus

stood up, carrying Jonas back to the car. There was no time for sorrow now, there were many things

that needed his attention.

Back in the car. Magnus gave a stern command. “Back to the officeTM

As the car left the cemetery Magnus closed his eyes ‘Rest in peace, Grandpa,” he thought to himself.

His thoughts turned to Lucius, who had been given numerous chances but never seemed to learn This

time, there was no room for forgiveness

Upon arriving at the office, Magnus stepped out of the car and strode into the busy lobby. The high–end

office was bustling with employees, all busy with their morning tasks However as Magnus entered, they

all stopped in their tracks, staring in disbelief

They had all heard the rumors from Lucius about Magnus‘ drug addiction, but the way Magnus looked

like now, he looked nothing like an addict

“Good morning Mr Andersen

“Hello Mr Andersen

Without hesitation, the employees greeted Magnus In their minds, the charismatic Magnus had always

been the true CEO of Andersen Corporation.

“Mm Magnus responded with a noncommittal hum, stepping into the CEO’s private elevator

Meanwhile, in the spacious conference room, Lucius was angrily slamming recent reports onto the

table, berating the executives and shareholders, “Are you all mad? The stock prices have been

plummeting! I’ve given you ample time, but you’ve done nothing to save the situation. What on earth

are you doing?”

The conference room was filled with long–time shareholders of Andersen Corporation. None of them

had ever been yelled at by Magnus, let alone Morgan. Now, being scolded by Lucius, they were far

from pleased

“The stock price drop is clearly due to the recent scandals involving Andersen Corporation, which have

nothing to do with us

“Exactly it was Lucius disregard for the company’s image and the public reporting of Magnus drug

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scandal that caused this. And with Morgan’s death, the instability in Andersen Corporation is obviously

making investors uneasy!”

“As the new president, he couldn’t save the situation, and even pushes the responsibility to us I’ve had


“That’s right Although Magnus was a bit arrogant during his tenure, he handled everything in an orderly

manner How could such a situation occur under his

All at once, the conference room erupted into heated discussions The major shareholders were

extremely dissatisfied with Lucius recent performance and regretted their decision to let him take over

Andersen Corporation

Lucius, already seething with frustration, slammed his fist onto his desk in a fit of fury “Enough” He

roared, his voice echoing menacingly in gripe in my face, I can only imagine what you’re saying behind

my back if you’re not happy, there’s the door!”

You sit here and

The shareholders, in a huff, rose to their feet Fine, we’re done One spat out You really think Andersen

Corporation is still the same powerhouse at once wi plummeting stocks and decreasing market value

day by day, we need to pull our investments and cash out before you run us completely!

“Yeah” Another chimed in “You’re nothing but a complete waste of space and you have the audacity to

blame us You’re impulsive, reckless, and shortsighted. There’s no way we’re putting our money in the

hands of someone like you!”

“Let’s go! A third shareholder declared, his voice filled with disdain “We’ll offload our shares I’ll be

damned if I take this kind of abuse”