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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126

When Lexi returned, Natalia was nowhere to be found.

Lexi collapsed on the floor, so panic–stricken she’d forgotten to call the police

What happened? She had a bad feeling when they went out to play this morning. No wonder they

always felt like someone was following them. It wasn’t a misperception. It must have been a

premeditated setup

Suddenly, Lexi recalled that it wasn’t by chance that she wanted to see Natalia, but because she

received a strange text message early in the morning it said Natalia really missed her, and she thought

Natalia was playing a prank, perhaps confined by Magnus and hinting at wanting to go out and play

Now she suddenly got it. Her mind immediately went to Magnus. But she picked up the phone and

didn’t know his number Frantic, Lexi didn’t have time to think further and ran directly to Andersen


I’m sorry, non–employees are not allowed to enter Please leave The security guard in front of her

blocked her way

“Please, I really need to see Mr. Andersen. Something happened to his wife.” Lexi cried pitifully, tears

streaming down her face.

“Alright, I’ll help you convey the message”

“Knock knock knock

“Come in Magnus didn’t look up. His mood was already messed up by work.

“Sir, a young woman, around twenty years old, has just barged into the company. She says your wife is

in danger His secretary anxiously informed him.

Upon hearing this, Magnus suddenly looked up.

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“What? Take me to see her Without a second thought, Magnus wheeled himself out as quickly as


When he arrived at the lobby, he saw a tearful young woman, sobbing heartbrokenly. Magnus cold

demeanor immediately overshadowed her urgent concerns, and Lexi stared at the man on the


“What happened? Where’s Nat?” Magnus gaze was as sharp as a sword, pointed directly at the tearful


I don’t know. This morning when we went out, we felt like someone was following us. But we didn’t pay

attention. At the coffee shop, she took one sip of her coffee and fainted. I was frightened too. I went out

to get help, but when I came back, she was gone.” Lexi was clearly terrified, her speech disjointed and


A flash of ferocity crossed Magnus eyes. “I see.” Magnus immediately thought of the desperate Lucius

Lucius could mess with him, but dare to touch his woman, he’d make them all pay the price. Nat had

better be okay, if she was even slightly hurt, he’d make them all pay

He picked up the phone.

“Hello? Magnus, why are you calling us today? Feeling lonely? Natalia not satisfying you?” James


“Cut the crap, my wife is missing, I suspect it’s Lucius doing Go check on him. I’m going to kill him.”

Natalia was his bottom line, anyone who touched her wouldn’t be spared

Upon hearing this, James instantly became serious. He pushed away the woman in his arms.

“Missing? Alright. I’ll check now” This was no small matter.

As James used his phone to track the location, he dialed Chase’s number.

“Start phone tracking

A tall man in a black trench coat soon appeared at the entrance of the entertainment city, striding in


“Oh my god, you’re not pretending anymore?” Chase and James looked at the man who strode in, their

jaws dropping in shock

“I don’t have time for that now. Nat’s missing. I need to find her immediately She’s in danger with


“Calm down, we’ve found her. According to Natalia’s phone location, she’s indeed with Lucius. And her

sister, Kendra, is with her.”

“Damn it” He didn’t expect the two of them to conspire and abduct his wife. They were really bold.

Magnus kicked the sofa in resentment. At the same time, his phone rang. It was a message. When he

opened it, it was a video

“Magnus, you must be panicking now. Your beloved woman is in my hands in the video, Lucius irritating

face appeared. Tm telling you. Give up your position as CEO of Andersen Corporation, or else I’ll bring

someone to rape her then throw her into the sea I’m only giving you thirty minutes, come alone with the

transfer of shares This is your last chance”

Magnus angrily threw his phone to the ground

“James, help me find their location Magnus‘ eyes were bloodshot, like an enraged leopard.

No one dared to speak.

In a short while, James located them

“Found it. They’re in the old car factory on West Street”

Magnus bolted out of the room and rushed to the old car factory. He had never felt so anxious before.

“Nat, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

In no time, he arrived at the dilapidated factory. He wheeled himself to the front gate. Lucius! Come

out!” Magnus at this moment was like a frenzied beast. No one could stop him. No one dared to

“Oh, oh, oh, Magnus, you came so quickly. Seems like I’ve underestimated your friends.” Lucius

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despicable face was so annoying it made one want to slap it


Enough talk. Where’s my wife? What have you done to her?” All he wanted was to see Natalia right


“Don’t rush. Hand over your position as CEO. Then I’ll return her to you. Otherwise, you may never see

her again in your life. Lucius glared at him fiercely.

It was finally his turn to make Magnus kneel and beg him. He would make him sign the transfer of


“Lucius, you better be sure about this. Magnus wanted to kill him with his cold glare, but his wife was in

his hands, he couldn’t be reckless. “I’ll give you the company. But I want to see Natalia safe first. If

you’ve hurt even a single hair on her head, I’ll make sure you die a miserable death.” The company

would be useless in Lucius‘ hands. But rescuing his wife was the priority.

“So, the tables have finally turned. Ha! She’s in there, alright. You just need to hand over the deed to

your shares and she will be safe.” Lucius looked so smug at the moment that anyone who looked at

him would want to throw him into the sea and feed him to the fishes.

Upon learning about Natalia’s whereabouts, Magnus pressed the button he had prepared earlier, and a

group of well–trained men in black suits swiftly surrounded Lucius, restraining him.

Ten minutes earlier.

“Magnus, are you really going to hand over the CEO’s seat to him?” James, who was busily searching

for Natalia, asked with concern.

“No way, Magnus simply said.

“What about the Natalia? Arent you going to save her?”

‘Of course, I am. Natalia is my life. Lucius is desperate now. I believe that no one would want to help

him. The only one who might stand by his side is
