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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

The door was quietly opened as two black–clad men quietly stepped inside, their eyes

narrowed amid

the dim environment.


There was a thunderous crash as Frank suddenly appeared and kicked one of the black–

clad men!

The man felt as if he was hit by a truck and instantly felt his spine snap as he passed out!

“Fuck!” the other black–clad man cursed and whipped out his steel knife, swinging it at

the source of

the sound.

He moved so quickly he left a gust as he moved, but Frank could judge from the air

movement to determine where he was coming from.

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He stepped to the side, allowing the keen edge of the blade to brush just past his hair.

Then, he clenched his knuckle and punched with the force of a missile.


The second black–clad man was hence sent flying and slammed violently against the wall,


blood as his chest was left sunken.

“W–What are you…” He leaned against the wall as he panted heavily, caught in disbelief

by Frank’s


He could not even see Frank, but he could only feel the terrible killing intent closing in on


“The one you’re looking for,” Frank said, slowly walking up to him.

As the black–clad man finally saw Frank’s face, he felt another pang of disbelief.

He was so young that he might even be younger than Finn!

“Where is Helen?” Frank asked icily just then.

“I won’t talk even if you kill me.” The black–clad man laughed.

After all, he knew he was going to die either way, and that gave him even less reason to


Frank, however, remained silent as he nonchalantly went to the bedroom and brought up

a stool to detect the fluorescent lamp on the ceiling.

He then returned to the black–clad man, who was left confused as to what he was up to,

“What are you doing?”

Frank said nonchalantly, “I’ll shove this lamp down your gullet and kick you so that it

breaks inside your chest. At that point, you’ll truly understand what it means to die by a

thousand cuts.”

His words left the black–clad man’s pupils dilated–what person could come up with such a

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torture method?!

“Y–You’re a monster…” he growled defiantly.

“I have a thousand ways to torture you, all while ensuring that you stay alive. I just don’t

know how many of those you’d survive. Now, open wide…”

Frank simply grabbed his jaw, forcing it open–the man was still in his diapers when he

started his interrogation!

The black–clad man struggled violently as he tried to free himself from Frank’s grasp, but

his strength was futile against absolute strength!

And after forcing his mouth open, Frank started to slide the fluorescent lamp down the

man’s mouth

The black–clad man was trembling even as he shrieked, “Stahp–Ah’ll take! Ah’ll take! Jut

keel mee afta!”

Frank paused right then, staying silent as he waited.

The black–clad was still trembling as he growled, “She’s at The Dynasty. I’ll admit that

you’re strong, but you’re still going to die if you go there-”

Frank wordlessly ended his life with just a little squeeze.