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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 1644
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Chapter 1644

The lawyer maintained his professional demeanor, looking at Margot, whose face had turned sour. He said in the

same professional tone, “Miss Margot, the contract left to me by the Old Mrs. Garrett is indeed all there is.

You’ve already reviewed the contract, if there’s no problem with it, please sign.”

Margot pursed her lips, her eyes firmly fixed on the lines of text in the contract. After a while, she seerned to have

thought of something, “Did you also deliver a property donation contract to someone else?”

The lawyer smiled, “Miss Margot, that involves my professional confidentiality. I’m sorry, but I can’t answer your


Margot gritted her teeth, “Hmph, you don’t need to say, I can guess. Did you also deliver a donation contract to

Nikita? Is the stuff in her donation contract more than mine?”

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“Did she really give the company to Nikita?”

“Is she crazy? I’m her only daughter, how could she treat me like this!”

With a face ashen as death, Margot slammed the contract to the ground.

Watching her outburst, the lawyer frowned slightly.

But after thinking about it, he could understand Margot’s current mood.

After all, Margot was indeed Old Mrs. Garrett’s only biological daughter. Under normal circumstances, she should

have received the most property, and Old Mrs. Garrett’s company should have been handed over to her.

But the reality was that Old Mrs. Garrett had given the company to Nikita, and the property Margot, her biological

daughter, received was less than one percent.

Margot didn’t sign the donation contract. As soon as the lawyer left, she immediately called Old Mrs. Garrett.

What came from the phone was an endless busy tone.

Margot’s face turned as black as the bottom of a pot. Unable to reach Old Mrs. Garrett’s phone, she called Old Mrs.

Garrett’s personal assistant.

This time, the call went through.

As soon as the call was picked up, Margot angrily demanded, “This is Margot, why can’t I reach my mom’s phone?

Where is she now? I have important things to discuss with her, if you’re with her, give her the phone, I need to talk

to her.’

“Miss Margot, Old Mrs. Garrett is not feeling well and she’s cut off all contact during her rest period. If you have any

issues, you can talk to me directly.”

Upon hearing this, Margot got even more pissed off, “I just want to talk to my mom, that won’t affect her health,

will it?”

“Miss Margot, Old Mrs. Garrett won’t take your call. You’re calling about the property distribution, aren’t you?”

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Margot was stunned, “How do you…”

The assistant seemed to laugh, “Old Mrs. Garrett knew you would call to ask about this, so she has already given

instructions. If you are not satisfied with her arrangement, she can refuse the donation contract.’

“But whether you refuse or accept, what she can get is only that part of the donation”

“Regardless of whether you’re satisfied or not, she will not make any changes.’

Margot clenched her phone, veins popping out on the back of her hand, “What about the company? Who did mom

give the company to? Did she give it to Nikita?”

“Miss Margot, let me say this one last time, the company is Old Mrs. Garrett’s, who she wants to give it to and who

she finally gives it to, she doesn’t need to explain to you. Miss Margot, you don’t need to call again,

everything that needs to be said has been told to the lawyer, whether you accept it is up to you.”

“Old Mrs. Garrett never makes a wrong decision, her current arrangement is the best arrangement. Miss Margot,

forgive me for saying this, but I suggest you accept the donation contract, so you won’t end up with nothing in the

end, that would be a total loss.”