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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 75
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‘Master Clarke?’ Wesley was stunned. What a joke! ‘Master Clarke? This f*cking asshole?’ Then, Philip stood forward. “That

would be me. I’m Philip Clarke.” With that, he pointed a finger at Wesley and demanded, “From today onwards, this man is to be

removed from Arc de Triumph. I don’t want to see him in any branch at all. Can that be done?” Zayn Yeager tensed. Glancing at

Wesley from the corner of his eyes, he said, “I’m afraid not, Master Clarke.” He knew Wesley must have had a conflict with Philip

Clarke. Yet to fire Wesley with just a word, that was something Zayn Yeager could not do. Even after disregarding the fact that

doing so was against the rules of the hotel, Wesley Warren’s father was one of the hotel’s shareholders. That was a person worth

a few hundred million! That itself was enough reason to stop him from firing Wesley. However, Philip’s next sentence shook

everyone to their bones. “You might not know, but I’ve already purchased the entirety of Arc de Triumph. I am now the biggest

shareholder of Arc de Triumph, holding 100 percent of all the stocks.”

Hearing him, Wesley doubled over in laughter. “You bought the entire Arc de Triumph? And you hold 100 percent of the stocks?

Please, who are you kidding? I don’t think you know, but my father is one of Arc de Triumph’s shareholders, okay!” Zayn Yeager

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frowned as well. “Master Clarke, while I am aware of your relationship with Mr. Thomas, I would not advise that you make such

jokes in the future. As far as I am concerned, there has yet to be any changes in Arc de Triumph’s shareholders.” His expression


Had it not been on behalf of the fact that this was Mr. Thomas’ Master Clarke, he would have thrown this arrogant little sh*t out

already. However, the expression Philip wore was too genuine and calm. It did not seem like he was joking. That was something

Zayn Yeager could not seem to understand. There was no Mr. Clarke among the list of Arc de Triumph’s shareholders. “Oh,

yeah. I just bought it, so I suppose the share transfer form will arrive in a bit.” Philip Clarke clarified calmly. “Holy f*ck, Philip

Clarke! If you’re going to lie, at least make it reasonable! My dad owns two percent of Arc de Triumph’s stocks. It may not seem

much, but that’s still 300 to 400 million! Do you get it now, you poor f*ck!” Wesley sneered.

Ding dong! Right at that moment, Philip’s cell phone pinged to signify the arrival of mail. Clicking on the

notification, he showed Zayn Yeager the mail. Zayn was dazed when he read the contents of the mail.

Right before him was Arc de Triumph Group’s document of proof for the highest authority shareholder.

Written on the document was the name of the newly appointed largest shareholder. With only one

name present, Philip Clarke owned 100% of all Arc de Triumph Group’s shares. Moreover, the

document was stamped with Arc de Triumph Group’s seal! There was no mistaking its legitimacy. After

all, forgery of legal documents was a felony and a risk not worth taking for the sake of play-pretend.

“Forgive me, Master Clarke. But I still have to clarify.” Zayn was a shrewd man. Taking out his phone,

he walked off to the side. It was simple. All he had to do was ask the shareholders of the company, and

Wesley’s father was the most convenient option of all. After all, Wesley’s father owned two percent of

the shares. If the transfer of shares was true, Master Clarke would then be the one man he could never

offend. In fact, he would have to treat him like one would a Buddha! “Mr. Warren, something has

occurred over here that I would like to verify with you if that’s okay? Well, uh, we have a Mr. Clarke

here who claims that he has purchased all of Arc de Triumph’s shares. And there might have been

some sort of conflict between him and your son…” From the other end of the line drifted in a panting

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baritone accompanied by the soft cries of a charming lady. “What the hell? What Mr. Clarke? Bullsh*t!

The entirety of Arc de Triumph amounts up to 20 billion. Who in the world has the money to buy it all in

one go?! Throw the f*cker out and leave me alone!” Slam! The call ended. Zayn’s expression shifted at

the unexpected turn of events. Back where Wesley stood, he continued to glare at Philip.

With a frosty gaze, he scoffed. “Hah. I’ve got to give it to you though, you just had to lie and be cool

didn’t you? Don’t you know my father’s also Arc de Triumph’s shareholder?” Philip shook his head and

simply claimed,

“Nope. Though I suppose as a small shareholder, the transfer of shares shouldn’t have much to do with

him either.” “Haha, bullsh*t! My father’s shares in Arc de Triumph are worth around 300 to 400 million!

300 to 400 million! Do you have any idea how much that is?! You might not even earn that much your

entire life. Perhaps the farthest you’ll go is by lying like this.

So sad.” Wesley shook his head, his expression that of mocking pity.

Brushing off the comment, Philip Clarke stated, “That’s fine. Both you and your father will be thrown out of Arc de Triumph in a

moment anyway. So if anything, you should feel sad for yourself.”