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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 727
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Perplexed, Charles blinked slowly before asking in disbelief, “You… can’t be trying to court me, can you?”

Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, the man broke out into a huge grin as color rushed to his ears.

It was obvious that the man had gotten his eyes on Charles.

Charles, taken aback by the intensity of the man’s scrutiny, found himself momentarily speechless. How did I

manage to bump into an idiot while cross-dressing?

As Charles’ expression turned serious, he abandoned his previous demeanor and spoke with a low, commanding

voice. Through gritted teeth, he issued a threatening warning to the man, “It seems you’re seeking trouble and

have grown tired of living. Get lost. Now! Immediately!”

Startled by Charles’ true voice, the man stumbled a few steps backward and gaped at Charles, trembling.

Was I mistaken? Is this not a woman?

“P-Pardon me…”

The man darted off as though he had seen a ghost.

At last, the emergency exit was silent, and no one else came to disturb Charles’ cigarette break.

Holding a lit cigarette between his fingers, he sat down with his legs apart, allowing a glimpse of what lay

underneath his short dress. His face displayed a combination of disdain and contempt.

As he exhaled a cloud of smoke, Charles grumbled under his breath, “I’m at least a head taller than him, and yet he

has the audacity to try and court me. What a despicable and lustful scoundrel.”

Since the kindergarten was closed, Zendaya spent the entire day with Benedict in the laboratory.

Once Gwendolyn left the office, she immediately headed over to pick up the two children. After cleaning the

restrooms, Charles turned to leave, unbothered by the whole incident.

Getting into his car, he drove straight to the Newton residence.

Following Nico’s strict orders, Charles made his way back to the villa, his body exhausted and sore from the day’s

events. He still wore the maid costume, as instructed.

At the entrance, the bodyguard stepped forward to stop Charles in his path, unable to see his face hidden behind

the wig’s bangs. “Miss, this is the Newton private residence. No one is allowed to enter without permission.”

Charles fell silent as he halted in his tracks.

Raising his gaze slowly, he shot the bodyguard an icy look.

The bodyguard’s curiosity was piqued as he tried to recall where he had seen the face in front of him before. It felt

strangely familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it.

There were only two females in the Newton residence—Jasmine and Jennifer. After the latter had gotten engaged,

she moved out to live with her fiancé.

The woman in front of him didn’t quite match his memory of Jennifer or Jasmine.

Moreover, her aura was terrifying.

“You are?”

Charles composed himself and spoke calmly. “Take a good look. Who am I?”

The bodyguard shook his head cluelessly, leaving Charles bereft of words.

Just then, Manuel walked over, oblivious about what was going on. From afar, he had noticed a tall, muscular,

woman dressed in a maid uniform at the entrance.

It was only when he walked closer and caught a clear glimpse of Charles’ unique blue eyes that recognition dawned

upon him.

“Mr. Newton? Why are you dressed up like this?”

He was fine this morning when he left. Why would he be dressed like a woman now?

Manuel gave Charles a once-over. Hmm, his legs are long and straight.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Upon hearing Manuel addressing the woman as Charles, the bodyguard was taken aback and quickly stepped aside,

allowing them to pass.

After the busy day Charles had, he brushed off Manuel’s confusion and proceeded toward the villa, with Manuel

trailing behind him. Parplaxad, Charlas blinkad slowly bafora asking in disbaliaf, “You… can’t ba trying to court ma,

can you?”

Rubbing tha back of his nack shaapishly, tha man broka out into a huga grin as color rushad to his aars.

It was obvious that tha man had gottan his ayas on Charlas.

Charlas, takan aback by tha intansity of tha man’s scrutiny, found himsalf momantarily spaachlass. How did I

managa to bump into an idiot whila cross-drassing?

As Charlas’ axprassion turnad sarious, ha abandonad his pravious damaanor and spoka with a low, commanding

voica. Through grittad taath, ha issuad a thraataning warning to tha man, “It saams you’ra saaking troubla and

hava grown tirad of living. Gat lost. Now! Immadiataly!”

Startlad by Charlas’ trua voica, tha man stumblad a faw staps backward and gapad at Charlas, trambling.

Was I mistakan? Is this not a woman?

“P-Pardon ma…”

Tha man dartad off as though ha had saan a ghost.

At last, tha amargancy axit was silant, and no ona alsa cama to disturb Charlas’ cigaratta braak.

Holding a lit cigaratta batwaan his fingars, ha sat down with his lags apart, allowing a glimpsa of what lay

undarnaath his short drass. His faca displayad a combination of disdain and contampt.

As ha axhalad a cloud of smoka, Charlas grumblad undar his braath, “I’m at laast a haad tallar than him, and yat ha

has tha audacity to try and court ma. What a daspicabla and lustful scoundral.”

Sinca tha kindargartan was closad, Zandaya spant tha antira day with Banadict in tha laboratory.

Onca Gwandolyn laft tha offica, sha immadiataly haadad ovar to pick up tha two childran. Aftar claaning tha

rastrooms, Charlas turnad to laava, unbotharad by tha whola incidant.

Gatting into his car, ha drova straight to tha Nawton rasidanca.

Following Nico’s strict ordars, Charlas mada his way back to tha villa, his body axhaustad and sora from tha day’s

avants. Ha still wora tha maid costuma, as instructad.

At tha antranca, tha bodyguard stappad forward to stop Charlas in his path, unabla to saa his faca hiddan bahind

tha wig’s bangs. “Miss, this is tha Nawton privata rasidanca. No ona is allowad to antar without parmission.”

Charlas fall silant as ha haltad in his tracks.

Raising his gaza slowly, ha shot tha bodyguard an icy look.

Tha bodyguard’s curiosity was piquad as ha triad to racall whara ha had saan tha faca in front of him bafora. It falt

strangaly familiar, but ha couldn’t quita placa it.

Thara wara only two famalas in tha Nawton rasidanca—Jasmina and Jannifar. Aftar tha lattar had gottan angagad,

sha movad out to liva with har fiancé.

Tha woman in front of him didn’t quita match his mamory of Jannifar or Jasmina.

Moraovar, har aura was tarrifying.

“You ara?”

Charlas composad himsalf and spoka calmly. “Taka a good look. Who am I?”

Tha bodyguard shook his haad clualassly, laaving Charlas baraft of words.

Just than, Manual walkad ovar, oblivious about what was going on. From afar, ha had noticad a tall, muscular,

woman drassad in a maid uniform at tha antranca.

It was only whan ha walkad closar and caught a claar glimpsa of Charlas’ uniqua blua ayas that racognition dawnad

upon him.

“Mr. Nawton? Why ara you drassad up lika this?”

Ha was fina this morning whan ha laft. Why would ha ba drassad lika a woman now?

Manual gava Charlas a onca-ovar. Hmm, his lags ara long and straight.

Upon haaring Manual addrassing tha woman as Charlas, tha bodyguard was takan aback and quickly stappad asida,

allowing tham to pass.

Aftar tha busy day Charlas had, ha brushad off Manual’s confusion and procaadad toward tha villa, with Manual

trailing bahind him.

“How’s everything at home today?” Charles asked casually.

“Everything’s fine.”

As they walked, Charles’ mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Whitney. He had made a promise to reveal her as

his wife to the Newton family. With that thought in mind, he queried, “How’s the relationship between Jasmine and

Whitney? Do they get along well?”

From time to time, Manuel couldn’t help but sneak glances at Charles’ disguise. The deep, manly voice seemed

incongruous with the sweet and feminine appearance the man was currently sporting.

“Ms. Jasmine has taken a liking to the housekeeper. She often brings her to Rose Corridor to play on the swing. Rose

Corridor is a special place for Ms. Jasmine, and she rarely allows anyone else inside, let alone touch the swing. It’s

clear that she has developed a fondness for Whitney,” Manuel explained.

Whitney’s kind and gentle personality made it easy for Jasmine to develop a liking for her. It wasn’t surprising

considering the former’s harmless and amiable nature.

Charles did not react to the statement. Instead, he instructed, “When Lucas gets back from work, ask him to wait in

the living room. Also, gather Jasmine and Whitney to join us in an hour. I have a significant announcement to


An announcement?

Manuel caught up to Charles at the steps of the villa. “I heard that Whitney is currently sweeping the backyard, but

I’m not sure if she has finished yet,” the former informed.

Just as Charles was about to ascend the staircase, he suddenly froze in his tracks and turned around to face

Manuel, his expression one of disbelief. “She is my personal maid, tasked with taking care of my room, and yet you

have her sweeping the backyard?”

Manuel quickly waved his hand to dismiss any misunderstanding. “No, no, it wasn’t my decision. I’ve been away for

most of the afternoon and only returned half an hour ago. The head of the housekeepers informed me that

Whitney was feeling bored and volunteered to sweep the backyard. She specifically asked me not to bother you

with it, but since Whitney is your personal maid, I felt it was necessary to inform you.”

Charles frowned, his displeasure evident on his face.

Not to bother me with it? Something’s amiss.

“What’s the name of the head of the housekeepers?”

“Haisley. She recently assumed the position and was highly recommended by Mr. Carlos, so we have great respect

for her.”

Charles’ countenance grew somber, and without uttering a word, he swiftly turned on his heel and made his way

toward the backyard.

Upon seeing Charles’ reaction, Manuel quickly caught up to him. “Shouldn’t you change out of your disguise, Mr.

Newton? Your current appearance…”

All of a sudden, Charles abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing Manuel to nearly collide with him.

“What’s wrong with my appearance?” Charles glared at Manuel.

The latter flashed an awkward smile in response. “You look too pretty, Mr. Newton.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Charles could not be bothered to respond. He turned away and strode into the backyard, where fallen leaves were

scattered all over the yard, a sign that autumn was approaching.

Due to the expansive size of the yard, it took Whitney a considerable amount of time to sweep and gather the fallen

leaves, creating several small piles in the process.

Her lower back began to ache from the repetitive sweeping motion. Seeking relief, she took a momentary break on

a nearby bench, gently massaging her waist to ease the discomfort.

At that moment, Haisley and Laura approached Whitney once again, their presence interrupting her brief respite.

Throwing the peanut shells onto the ground as she ate, Laura taunted, “Hey, how can you be so lazy after doing

such a simple task? You don’t deserve to take a break. Look at yourself, just a girl from some unknown village.”

Whitney remained silent, her expression serious as she glanced at the discarded peanut shells.

Haisley interjected, her tone laced with disdain. “I’ve had my reservations about you for quite some time. How

audacious of you to cling to Mr. Newton so shamelessly, especially after his injury. If one didn’t know any better,

they would mistake you for Mrs. Newton.”

“I am Mr. Newton’s personal maid, and it is my duty to take care of him when he’s unwell. It is only natural for me

to fulfill my responsibilities. As for you, don’t you worry that Mr. Newton will find out about your abuse of power,

forcing me to work beyond my duties?” Whitney responded calmly.

Haisley responded dismissively, “I’m responsible for assigning tasks to all the housekeepers here. Since you’re also

a housekeeper, there’s no reason why I can’t ask you to work.”

With a gleeful expression, she approached a pile of dried leaves, crossing her arms. “Besides, you can’t even

handle something as simple as sweeping the backyard. When Mr. Newton returns, I’ll make sure to inform him that

you’re incapable of handling strenuous tasks. That should be enough reason for him to dismiss you.”

Raising her leg, Haisley kicked the pile of leaves, causing them to scatter and disperse across the ground.

“Oops! I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was walking. Looks like you’ll have to start from scratch again,” Haisley

said with a sneer, then cast a glance at Laura.

As if on cue, Laura tossed all the untouched peanuts in her hand into the air, causing them to scatter in every

direction. The small nuts rained down, making Whitney’s task even more challenging and frustrating.

Once she did so, Laura glanced at her phone to check the time. “It’s already seven-fifteen. The yard needs to be

spotless by seven-thirty!”

Seeing the mess all around her, Whitney felt her anger rising in her chest. “Didn’t I warn you not to provoke me?”

she said, her voice filled with frustration.

Upon hearing Whitney’s threat, Haisley scoffed in disdain. “I’m the head of the housekeepers. My position is higher

than yours, and I earn more than you. What can you do to me? If you can’t handle this, then quit and leave.”

Whitney narrowed her eyes. “As a matter of fact, I can’t handle this.”

The moment she finished talking, Whitney’s anger reached its peak, and she swung the broom forcefully at Haisley,

aiming to strike her with full force.

As the broom collided with Haisley’s back, she let out a sharp cry of pain, quickly moving away to avoid another

strike from Whitney.

“You’re the one who attacked me first. I haven’t touched you until now. Laura can vouch for me. And don’t forget,

there are surveillance cameras in this backyard. When Mr. Newton returns, I’ll make sure to report your behavior.

Just you wait and see! Get ready to be fired— Ow!”

The final cry of pain was genuine, but it wasn’t caused by Whitney’s blow to her back. Someone had kicked her

from behind, adding to her misery.

The sudden force on her back caused Haisley to lose her balance and sprawl onto the ground.

“Who did that? How dare you kick me!”

Whitney and Laura immediately turned their gaze toward the source of the force, only to find Manuel standing

behind Haisley.

Charles was there too, dressed as a woman?