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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 632
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Chapter 632 Choose Me

Cedrick and Kieran exchanged gazes, despair evident in their expressions. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a choice.

Real men should not go back on their words.

Cedrick took a deep breath, pursed his thin lips, and resumed doing push-ups, using the power of his waist and

abdomen to lower his center of gravity.

His abdomen almost touched the ground, and the water balloon was flattened under him.

The first water balloon underneath Cedrick finally exploded with a bang, bringing about a cooling sensation when

the water sprayed everywhere.

Cedrick’s arms trembled slightly as he struggled to adjust his breathing. The sheer effort of bursting a single water

balloon was enough to drain a considerable amount of his stamina.

Dreadfully, he wondered how long would it take to crush all one hundred water balloons.

He was still looking forward to spending quality time with Gwendolyn back at the hotel at night. How can I do that if

I spend all my energy here? I’ll probably wake up aching all over the next morning.

Cedrick softened his voice and sounded almost like he was begging for mercy. “Darling, I don’t want to spend the

night in the pool. I want to return to the hotel and cuddle with you.”

It went without saying that Gwendolyn knew he wanted more than just cuddling.

Lifting her hand, she slapped his muscular buttock somewhat flirtatiously and said, “You can’t go back on your

words. Do the second push-up.”

Gwendolyn took another water balloon out of the pail and put it on the floor in front of Cedrick.

He sighed, realizing that he had shot himself in the foot when he suggested making a wager. Why did I make a lose-

lose bet? Winning against my wife isn’t exactly a glorious victory, and losing the match only brings me


He continued to plead in a whiny voice, “Gwenny, my body will be sore all over if this goes on…”

Gwendolyn had never planned to make them pop all one hundred water balloons. She merely wanted to mess with

them and make them give up.

After all, popping one hundred water balloons was too challenging and tormenting.

However, she got upset when Cedrick began pleading for mercy when he had just popped one water balloon.

Slapping his buttocks twice in an affectionate manner, she said, “Stop talking and pop a few

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Her words indicated that there might be a chance she would relent, so Cedrick obediently lowered his body and

continued battling with the water balloons.

Meanwhile, it was quiet on Kieran’s side.

His muscular arms remained in the starting position for a push-up, but he kept a watchful eye on Cedrick and

Gwendolyn from the corner of his vision.

Seeing Cedrick pop the first water balloon, Kieran didn’t want to fall behind. He followed suit and tried for the nth


The children of the Harris family started learning martial arts from a young age. All four siblings, including Kieran

himself, possessed exceptional skills, and their stamina was equally impressive.

However, they were lackluster compared to Cedrick, who had undergone rigorous military training since

a young age.

When Inez witnessed Kieran’s determined attempts to pop the resilient water balloon in vain, she let out a silent

sigh and discreetly used her long manicured nails to puncture it.

The water balloon exploded with a bang.

Kieran, who had no idea what was going on, felt a sense of achievement, proud of his strong core strength.

He turned his head and said, “Inez, I succeeded.”

Inez did not reveal the truth and praised him, “Keep it up! You can do this. Hurry and pop the next one.”

Kieran’s competitive spirit ignited, and he was determined to showcase his abilities to impress his future wife.

While the two men engaged in the challenging task of popping water balloons with their abdominal strength,

Gwendolyn and Inez exchanged glances of helplessness. Their eyes met, and they shared a smile, as if silently

agreeing on something.

The task of popping the water balloons became more manageable with Gwendolyn and Inez discreetly lending a

hand. This method allowed them to avoid hurting the men’s pride in their stamina and also give them an easier way


As the men began to find the push-ups less challenging, they thought they had discovered the technique and pace

to do it.

After they popped thirty water balloons and felt the strain in their cores, Gwendolyn sensibly decided to call it quits

and spared them further exertion.

She suggested, “That’s enough. Leave the rest to be continued the next time we come to the swimming pool. I’m

feeling hungry. Let’s change our clothes and explore Turlen’s bustling night market. We can grab some beer, too.

What do you think?”

Inez added. “I’m on board with that. I’m also famished and in need of some good food.”

The ladies climbed off both men’s backs and went to the changing room while chatting merrily, blatantly ignoring

the guys who remained frozen in the push-up posture.

Kieran glanced backward in confusion and asked Cedrick, “Are they… letting us off the hook?”

Cedrick stood up and said, “Do you really want to do one hundred push-ups? Did you not realize that they were

going easy on us?”

Initially, the challenge of popping the first water balloon was daunting, but as they progressed, it slowly became

easier. It couldn’t be more obvious. Women, despite their sharp tongues, always had a soft spot in their hearts.

Kieran also got up and massaged his sore waist. He did not respond.

Cedrick added, “If we finish all one hundred push-ups, we won’t be able to have fun tonight before going to bed. It’s

the first night of our trip abroad, Kieran. Don’t you want to make it a memorable one?”

“That makes sense,” Kieran finally understood the underlying meaning behind the other man’s words. He skillfully

massaged his sore spots to relieve the discomfort.

Then, the two men entered the changing room as well.

After ten minutes, they emerged dressed in elegant attire, restoring their usual air of distinction and aloofness.

Once again, Gwendolyn and Inez took the lead, with Cedrick and Kieran following closely behind, dutifully carrying

their partners’ bags.

Turlen’s night market was very lively and sold a variety of delicacies.

Gwendolyn and Inez ordered many street foods and half a bucket of beer.

Despite being descendants of affluent families in Chanaea, they remained down-to-earth, sitting in an alley under

the street lamps to enjoy skewers.

Kieran looked at the luxurious feast on the table and asked Inez softly, “Inez, I thought you were going on a diet?

You’ve ordered so many high-fat foods. You might-Mmph!”

Before Kieran could finish his nagging, Gwendolyn quickly stuffed a piece of tasty curry chicken into his mouth.

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She said, “Try this, Kieran! It’s absolutely delicious. Since we’re here, let’s forget about counting calories and just

enjoy ourselves.”

Kieran wisely kept his silence and savored the tender bite of chicken.

Meanwhile, Cedrick skillfully removed the fish bones and delicately offered the meat to Gwendolyn’s lips. With a

loving smile, he said, “Darling, indulge in whatever you want. It doesn’t matter if you gain a little weight; it won’t

diminish your beauty. I adore you just the way you are.”

Gwendolyn glanced at Kieran’s dark expression and stifled her laughter, obediently letting Cedrick f


Meanwhile, Inez was fuming.

She realized she should never have compared Kieran to Cedrick. From the moment they boarded the plane until

now, Kieran either remained silent or made remarks that lacked emotional intelligence. Correct and emotionally

intelligent statements were few and far between for him.

Inez furiously piled more meat onto Kieran’s plate. “Eat up. Since I’m on a diet, you can help me finish this fatty

meat. Besides, you’re thin, so you don’t have to worry about gaining weight from overeating.”

Kieran did not dare to respond. He obediently ate what Inez stuffed into his plate.

Even at ten minutes past midnight, the night market remained vibrant. In fact, more and more people flocked to

indulge in late-night snacks.

Gwendolyn and the group had finished most of their food and all their beers.

Kieran had a low alcohol tolerance, so he was afraid of overdrinking for fear of humiliating himself in front of

Gwendolyn and Cedrick. Therefore, he only drank one bottle.

adding to their charm.

The four of them reserved two deluxe rooms right next to each other.

Before entering the room, Inez embraced Gwendolyn and expressed in a slightly intoxicated manner, “Gwendolyn,

you are incredibly beautiful and remarkable. If I were a man, I would surely fall in love with you too,”

Cedrick reminded Kieran gloomily, “Your fiancée is drunk. Take her back to your room and get some rest.”

Kieran was about to step forward, but Inez held onto Gwendolyn tightly, refusing to let go. She protested, “I don’t

want to stay with you. I want to sleep with Gwendolyn. Ms. Harris, please choose me….. Let me be the lucky one


Kieran and Cedrick were at a loss for words.