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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 485
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Chapter 485 Eliminating Cedrick

“Who?” Craig questioned, confused.

“It’s our Mr. Charles! He’s… He’s right at the entrance. He’s alive!”

The more Craig listened, the deeper his frown became.

Hence, he propped himself up to stand.

However, the soreness of his arms and thighs forced him back on the chair. Pushing away the thoughts of his pain,

he said, “Let him in.”

When everyone in the dining room saw Charles, they paled as if they had seen a ghost.

Out of everyone, Jasmine was the most agitated. Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried out, “Charles, is that

really you? You survived?”

Charles’ eyes crinkled. “I was lucky to have survived.”

As his gaze drifted toward Craig and Lucas, he greeted, “Craig, Lucas.”

Lucas nodded numbly.

Craig was the one with the least expression and the most composed.

When he stirred his soup, the spoon and the bowl made a crystalline clanking sound. He somberly asked, “If you

were alive, why didn’t you send us a message? Does the Newton family not mean anything to you anymore?”

Charles lowered his head and meekly answered, “I’m sorry. I had to go into hiding in order to survive. I know I’ve

done wrong to worry you all.”

Hearing that made Craig feel better. “Forget it. I’m glad you’re back. Have you had your dinner?”


Craig glimpsed at the housekeeper beside them and said, “Set the table for Charles.”

“No, it’s fine,” Charles said.

His blue eyes were fixed on Craig.

“Craig, I have something I wish to talk to you in private. Is that okay?”

When Craig looked at his brother, he noticed that there was something different in Charles’ eyes.

However, Craig was sore all over for the past two days. He could not stand.

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After a moment of rumination, he turned to look at the sorrowful Jasmine and Lucas, who seemed to have no

appetite for food.

“What kind of expressions are those on your faces? Are you not hungry? If you’re not, go back to your

rooms and stop hovering in my line of sight.”

“Of course,” both answered in unison before hurrying out of the dining room, not wanting to spend another extra

second in there.

After that, Craig dismissed the housekeepers and butler too.

In less than a minute, the only ones left in the spacious dining room were Charles and Craig.

Charles then walked across the long dining table to the empty seat beside Craig, but he did not sit down. Instead, he

remained standing.

Craig was glad to see that his brother was still sensible, so his gloomy expression softened. “Tell me. What

happened earlier?”

The look on his face was apathetic, and he spoke slowly in a flat tone.

“A year ago, Cedrick came after me with an international arrest warrant and kicked up a fuss on the day of my

wedding with Gwen. He forced Gwendolyn to shoot me.”

Craig impatiently tapped the surface of the table and urged, “I know about this. What I want to know is how you

escaped from Cedrick.”

“Gwen could not bring herself to kill me. Her bullet went sideways instead of hitting my heart, but Cedrick didn’t

know about it. Thinking that I’m dead, he threw my body at a nearby mountain. He didn’t even bother burying me,

hoping that the wolves would feed on my body instead.”

Craig snorted. “That sounds like something Cedrick would do.”

He then lowered his gaze.

Charles continued, “Maybe luck was on my side, as a hunter who happened to be on the mountain saved me.

Mother wanted the international court to sanction Gwen later on, and Cedrick tried to send his men to look for my

body on the mountain. I fled to Erihal that night, and I’ve been living in countries with low literacy rates, hiding my

identity since then. I did teaching to earn a living.”

Craig was contented after quietly listening to Charles’ story. Then, he sighed, seemingly wistful.

“What a pity. You, my brother, have good looks, brains, and combat skills, but Cedrick has ruined you. My heart

aches for you.”

A bitter smile grew on Charles’ face. “I risked getting detected by Cedrick in making this trip, but it’s worth it to hear

that you’re concerned about me.”

Craig then pointed at the seat beside him, motioning for Charles to sit down.

Craig was joyous to hear that Charles had suffered much under Cedrick’s hands, so he was subconsciously gentler

with Charles.

“Thank you, Craig.” Charles took the seat.

Craig then asked, “What plans do you have this time? Cedrick is the reason for your downfall, but he’s thriving in all

ways right now-love life, career, and family. Are you happy with that?”

“Of course not!” Charles hissed, tightening his fists as the murderous look in his eyes became visible.

“Craig, I’ve come back in hopes for one thing-1 wish to seek your help. Cedrick has stolen my woman from me and

made me lose everything. I had to suffer because of him, and I can’t even come home. despite having one. If I

don’t kill him, I’ll live in hatred forever. As long as you help me, Craig. I’ll do everything you ask me to even if it

means giving up my life!“

Craig’s interest was piqued. He stirred his soup for a while and mulled over Charles’ words. Then, a stumped look

crossed his face.

“Charles, I really want to help you, but Cedrick has suspended my work at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I can

only stay at home and wait for more news from the bureau. Therefore, I have to say that there’s nothing I can do.”

“What? Cedrick’s even messing with you?”

Charles snarled, the fury in his eyes was clear.

“Craig, you’ve been the deputy director for a long time. Do you not want to be the director one day and have

Cedrick submit to you instead? Don’t you want to take back the right that belongs to you?”

Craig was silent.

Of course, he did. He yearned for a day like that until he was close to losing his mind. In fact, he wished he could

trample on Cedrick.

But all he did was stare at his half-brother and narrow his eyes, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

Charles went on, “Craig, I’m your brother. Now that I have nothing, I can only come to you and try to rely on you. I’ll

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definitely help you with this. I’m going to risk my life and get you the role of the director of the Federal Bureau of


They shared a common enemy.

An extra person on the team meant a higher chance of winning.

Smiling, Craig stretched out his hand toward Charles, who intelligently moved his head closer to let the former pat

his cheek.

“It looks like you’ve grown more mature over the year. I’m glad to see this.”

Charles meekly lowered his unperturbed gaze.

“I promise you that I’ll think of a way to deal with Cedrick.”

“Thank you, Craig!”

“Mhm. You must be tired, so rest in the guest room for now. I’ll get the housekeeper to tidy up your old


“Okay. Thank you so much, Craig, for allowing me to still have the Newton residence as my home.”

A kind smile manifested on Craig’s lips. “We were in a conflict during the succession fight, and I even punished you,

but Charles, you’re still my brother.”

Charles’ face looked more haggard, and when he curled his lips, he seemed more mature than a year.


“I was rather immature back then. I’m glad that you’re not holding me accountable for what I did anymore,” he

muttered without any trace of anger in his eyes.

Craig inclined his head in satisfaction. “Go and rest.”

“Enjoy your meal, Craig. I’ll be taking my leave now.”


With that, Charles stood up and went toward the stairwell.

The second he turned around, he dropped the smile on his face. There was nothing but frigid apathy in his


Craig was the only one eating in the dining room, and it seemed quiet.

However, Craig was unbothered as he continued digging in.

A few minutes later, he summoned the bodyguard and whispered, “Check where Charles has been before returning

to the house. Find out if he has met Cedrick before this.”xo.com fast update