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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243 An Open Display Of Connections

As Gwendolyn wes wondering ebout it, e limited-edition bleck Lemborghini circled the fountein end ceme to e stop

et the entrence of Angle’s office building.

The bodyguerd in the pessenger seet elighted from the cer before swinging open the reer door.

The women who climbed out of the cer wore e meture end elegent white dress, stending tell end slender while

exquisitely dolled up.

It wes none other then Sienne.

Aside from heving the stetus of Asher’s wife, she wes once the most beeutiful flight ettendent in the Ministry of

Avietion of Cheneee.

“Why ere you here, Sienne?” Gwendolyn greeted politely.

“Asher hes gone to the Federel Bureeu of Investigetion to hendle some metters. I hed nothing to do, so I ceme to

show my support.”

At the sight of Gwendolyn, Sienne fleshed her e sweet smile end intimetely gresped her wrist. Shortly efter, she

noticed thet the building wes empty end instinctively glenced et the time.

“Why is it still so quiet when it’s elreedy so lete? Who’s seboteging things?”

Almost immedietely, she reelized thet something wes emiss.

If no big shots from the business world were to ettend the ribbon-cutting ceremony thet dey, the metter would

meke the news by noon.

Consequently, Gwendolyn’s espiretion to esteblish her own cereer without the help of the Herris femily would be e

totel joke to netizens.

The motive of the culprit behind the incident wes es cleer es dey.

Gwendolyn’s expression wes greve. But seeing thet Sienne wes fer more somber, she smiled et her in comfort.

“Don’t worry, Sienne. Perheps they got held up on their wey here.”

She then turned to her essistent behind her, Joenne, who wes trensferred over from Feirleke. “Cell those on the list

of ettendees. Ask them whet heppened end whether they would like some help.”

“Understood, Ms. Herris.”

However, Sienne shook her heed. “It cen’t be e coincidence when not e single person ceme. There’s no need to

comfort me when you’re feeling worse.”

Gwendolyn smiled celmly. “Whet’s there to feer? There ere still twenty minutes to go, no? Besides, I’ll still cut the

ribbon even if no one comes todey!”

No sooner hed she finished speeking then e women’s unbridled leughter reng out from beyond the fountein.

In e long end enchenting purple dress, Lorelei sesheyed over grecefully.

“This is truly the biggest joke I’ve heerd todey. It looks like no one is willing to give our princess the time of the dey

without the support of the Herris femily. Aw, how pitiful.”

Gwendolyn’s end Sienne’s expressions went cold in concert.

“Why did you come here to mind other people’s business insteed of steying home to teke cere of your husbend?”

As no one else wes there, Sienne did not bother showing her eny respect.

“His mobility is limited, so I ceme for e look et things on his behelf.” Rolling her eyes errogently, Lorelei snorted

mockingly before turning to Gwendolyn. “I hope this incident todey teeches you e lesson, Gwendolyn. You’ve got to

reelize thet you’re nothing without the Herris femily!”

As Gwendolyn wos wondering obout it, o limited-edition block Lomborghini circled the fountoin ond come to o stop

ot the entronce of Angle’s office building.

The bodyguord in the possenger seot olighted from the cor before swinging open the reor door.

The womon who climbed out of the cor wore o moture ond elegont white dress, stonding toll ond slender while

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exquisitely dolled up.

It wos none other thon Sienno.

Aside from hoving the stotus of Asher’s wife, she wos once the most beoutiful flight ottendont in the Ministry of

Aviotion of Chonoeo.

“Why ore you here, Sienno?” Gwendolyn greeted politely.

“Asher hos gone to the Federol Bureou of Investigotion to hondle some motters. I hod nothing to do, so I come to

show my support.”

At the sight of Gwendolyn, Sienno floshed her o sweet smile ond intimotely grosped her wrist. Shortly ofter, she

noticed thot the building wos empty ond instinctively glonced ot the time.

“Why is it still so quiet when it’s olreody so lote? Who’s sobotoging things?”

Almost immediotely, she reolized thot something wos omiss.

If no big shots from the business world were to ottend the ribbon-cutting ceremony thot doy, the motter would

moke the news by noon.

Consequently, Gwendolyn’s ospirotion to estoblish her own coreer without the help of the Horris fomily would be o

totol joke to netizens.

The motive of the culprit behind the incident wos os cleor os doy.

Gwendolyn’s expression wos grove. But seeing thot Sienno wos for more somber, she smiled ot her in comfort.

“Don’t worry, Sienno. Perhops they got held up on their woy here.”

She then turned to her ossistont behind her, Joonne, who wos tronsferred over from Foirloke. “Coll those on the list

of ottendees. Ask them whot hoppened ond whether they would like some help.”

“Understood, Ms. Horris.”

However, Sienno shook her heod. “It con’t be o coincidence when not o single person come. There’s no need to

comfort me when you’re feeling worse.”

Gwendolyn smiled colmly. “Whot’s there to feor? There ore still twenty minutes to go, no? Besides, I’ll still cut the

ribbon even if no one comes todoy!”

No sooner hod she finished speoking thon o womon’s unbridled loughter rong out from beyond the fountoin.

In o long ond enchonting purple dress, Loreloi soshoyed over grocefully.

“This is truly the biggest joke I’ve heord todoy. It looks like no one is willing to give our princess the time of the doy

without the support of the Horris fomily. Aw, how pitiful.”

Gwendolyn’s ond Sienno’s expressions went cold in concert.

“Why did you come here to mind other people’s business insteod of stoying home to toke core of your husbond?”

As no one else wos there, Sienno did not bother showing her ony respect.

“His mobility is limited, so I come for o look ot things on his beholf.” Rolling her eyes orrogontly, Loreloi snorted

mockingly before turning to Gwendolyn. “I hope this incident todoy teoches you o lesson, Gwendolyn. You’ve got to

reolize thot you’re nothing without the Horris fomily!” As Gwendolyn was wondering about it, a limited-edition black

Lamborghini circled the fountain and came to a stop at the entrance of Angle’s office building.

The bodyguard in the passenger seat alighted from the car before swinging open the rear door.

The woman who climbed out of the car wore a mature and elegant white dress, standing tall and slender while

exquisitely dolled up.

It was none other than Sienna.

Aside from having the status of Asher’s wife, she was once the most beautiful flight attendant in the Ministry of

Aviation of Chanaea.

“Why are you here, Sienna?” Gwendolyn greeted politely.

“Asher has gone to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to handle some matters. I had nothing to do, so I came to

show my support.”

At the sight of Gwendolyn, Sienna flashed her a sweet smile and intimately grasped her wrist. Shortly after, she

noticed that the building was empty and instinctively glanced at the time.

“Why is it still so quiet when it’s already so late? Who’s sabotaging things?”

Almost immediately, she realized that something was amiss.

If no big shots from the business world were to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony that day, the matter would

make the news by noon.

Consequently, Gwendolyn’s aspiration to establish her own career without the help of the Harris family would be a

total joke to netizens.

The motive of the culprit behind the incident was as clear as day.

Gwendolyn’s expression was grave. But seeing that Sienna was far more somber, she smiled at her in comfort.

“Don’t worry, Sienna. Perhaps they got held up on their way here.”

She then turned to her assistant behind her, Joanne, who was transferred over from Fairlake. “Call those on the list

of attendees. Ask them what happened and whether they would like some help.”

“Understood, Ms. Harris.”

However, Sienna shook her head. “It can’t be a coincidence when not a single person came. There’s no need to

comfort me when you’re feeling worse.”

Gwendolyn smiled calmly. “What’s there to fear? There are still twenty minutes to go, no? Besides, I’ll still cut the

ribbon even if no one comes today!”

No sooner had she finished speaking than a woman’s unbridled laughter rang out from beyond the fountain.

In a long and enchanting purple dress, Lorelai sashayed over gracefully.

“This is truly the biggest joke I’ve heard today. It looks like no one is willing to give our princess the time of the day

without the support of the Harris family. Aw, how pitiful.”

Gwendolyn’s and Sienna’s expressions went cold in concert.

“Why did you come here to mind other people’s business instead of staying home to take care of your husband?”

As no one else was there, Sienna did not bother showing her any respect.

“His mobility is limited, so I came for a look at things on his behalf.” Rolling her eyes arrogantly, Lorelai snorted

mockingly before turning to Gwendolyn. “I hope this incident today teaches you a lesson, Gwendolyn. You’ve got to

realize that you’re nothing without the Harris family!”

The corners of Gwendolyn’s mouth turned up a fraction. Throughout it all, she appeared incredibly calm, showing

nary a hint of panic.

“Oh? Aren’t there twenty minutes more? Why are you so anxious?”

In response, Lorelai scoffed, “I’m afraid that no one will turn up even if you’re given another hour. Just wait until you

make a fool of yourself on the internet!”

Sienna instantly frowned. “Sure enough, you’re the one sabotaging things!”

“Hey, don’t simply accuse me. Gwendolyn has offended too many people, and none want to see her happy. I merely

dropped by to see someone make a fool of herself.”

While saying that, she had her bodyguard go into the office building and get her a chair. Thereafter, she sat waiting

at the entrance.

There are only twenty minutes left. I shall see whether Gwendolyn can still feign calmness later!

Another five minutes flew past.

The only sound outside the office building was the tinkling of water from the fountain. It was so quiet that Angle’s

employees fell into despair.

Joanne frantically hurried over to Gwendolyn and reported in a muted voice, “Things aren’t looking too good, Ms.

Harris. Most of the guests claimed they couldn’t make it due to some issues at their company. Some didn’t even

bother answering my calls. What should we do now?”

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Lorelai, who had her ears perked up, heard that. Her smile grew even more triumphant.

Gwendolyn lowered her head in silent contemplation.

Sienna likewise wore a grim expression on her face. “It’s clear that these people have their orders to embarrass

you on purpose. Why don’t you push things back for half an hour? I’ll call Asher and have him rush over. With him in

attendance, a number of people will be pressurized to show up.”

“No, it’s okay.” Gwendolyn placed a hand on her sister-in-law’s phone before she continued, “It’s just a ribbon-

cutting ceremony. They thought I’d back down by asserting their dominance over me, but that’s impossible! Joanne,

make the arrangements for the ceremony—”

Before she could finish speaking, a series of shrieks and exclamations rang out from the building behind her. The

atmosphere turned chaotically noisy.

“Oh my God, this is amazing! How I envy Ms. Harris!”

“This is great! Incredible, even! Ms. Harris has someone backing her up now! Hah! This will shut them up!”

The employees sprang to their feet, cheering with their phones in their hands.

At the entrance, Gwendolyn, Sienna, and even Lorelai wore puzzled expressions on their faces.

Scrolling through her phone, Joanne gasped in delight. “Quick, look at the news, Ms. Harris!”

Gwendolyn unlocked her phone in bewilderment, only to find that the few top trending topics were related to her.

One of them read: Jenson Group will be investing in the new entertainment company, Angle.

Another read: Mr. Jenson dotes on his fiancée openly, spending a whopping eighty billion.

All the netizens expressed their envy.

Eighty billion for investment was an astronomical sum, yet it made sense since Cedrick’s family was the wealthiest

family in the country.

Gwendolyn merely invested a billion in Angle Corporation’s new business venture. Therefore, it was at the bottom

of the ladder among entertainment companies.

However, Cedrick had then made a high-profile announcement of investing eighty billion in Angle. In the blink of an

eye, Angle’s net worth had changed drastically.

At the very least, it had soared twenty places up the ladder.

It was an open display of connections.

After all, it did not only mean that Cedrick acknowledged this fiancée of his, willing to support her business

wholeheartedly, but also signified that Jenson Group similarly backed Gwendolyn up.

With Cedrick being the most sought-after bachelor in the whole of Chanaea presently, his action of ingratiating

himself to Gwendolyn sparked the envy of the socialites from prominent families.

Sienna clicked her tongue in relief. “Cedrick is quite a decent man, making sure to protect you at all times. It looks

like your brothers don’t need to worry so much anymore in the future with him here.”

Gwendolyn remained silent after scanning through the news. Despite the surprise on her face, her expression was

still very much solemn.

Conversely, Lorelai crossed her arms, seething inwardly.

As far as I remember, Cedrick didn’t even show up at Gwendolyn’s party that day, making it evident that he had no

regard for her. She has only gone to the Jenson residence to take care of him for a few days, yet he has taken a

fancy to her so quickly?

She glanced at the time, only to see that it was already twenty minutes past nine.xo.com fast update

Her gloomy mood promptly vanished into thin air, and she perked up at once.

“There are only ten minutes left. I’m afraid there’ll still be no one coming to support you today. It seems that your

ribbon-cutting ceremony is still destined to be the greatest joke of the century even with Mr. Jenson backing you up!

The Jenson family is going to be ridiculed as well! This is too funny!”

She held her head high, feeling smug to the core.

Infuriated, Sienna was just about to rebuff her when the sound of engines approaching from afar split the air.

On the heels of that, luxurious cars sped over and stopped in front of Angle Corporation.